CIVILIZATION Complex Urban Specialists Socio/cultural Mesopotamia
EPIC OF GILGAMESH Poems Heroism Good vs. Evil
CODE OF HAMMURABI 300 laws Adultery, slavery, prostitution Punishment
What protections did women have in Babylonian law? Why is it clear that this was a patriarchal society? What kind of economy did Babylonia have? How were economic disputes settled? Are these laws similar to laws in our modern societies?
SCIENCES Math Astronomy
BEER Not before 10,000 bce Widespread: 4,000 bce Wheat/barley Fermentation Flavors Trial and errors
EPIC OF GILGAMESH “They placed food in front of him, they placed beer in front of him; Enkidu knew nothing about eating bread for food, and of drinking beer he had not been taught. The young woman spoke to Enkidu saying: Drink the beer, as is the custom of the land. He drank the beer-seven jugs!- and became expansive and sang with joy.”
BEER Religious Supernatural forces Today? Drink to: good health, happy marriage, etc. Healthy? Boiled water Protein, Vitamin B
BEER Settled, orderly life vs. pre-agricultural times Payment Laborers, officials, bride price Friendly, unpretentious social interaction Throughout history?
HEBREWS 1800 bce to Palestine Religion Old Testament Yahweh Impact?
Hebrews Trade with Egypt, Mesopotamia Egypt: architecture, math, writing Mesopotamia: political traditions The Mediterranean Region