I’ve introduced my 5 people … now I can sit back and go Diamond BEING A LEADER I’ve introduced my 5 people … now I can sit back and go Diamond
Talking about how to get the best out of your team… by improving YOU and your leadership skills
Why is this your objective? What is your objective? To help create as many WELL TRAINED LEADERS in your business as you can Why is this your objective? Without great, well trained, leaders in your team, you will not truly benefit from the power of leveraged residual income You will always be on call, always afraid of having a holiday, always running all over the country to support team members … doing everything yourself You might as well be in direct selling … and work for the rest of your life!
YOU must be an INSPIRATION to your team so that they want to COPY you First … YOU must become a great, well-trained Leader YOU must be an INSPIRATION to your team so that they want to WORK with you YOU must be an INSPIRATION to your team so that they want to COPY you
Who wants to be sponsored by a wimp? Who wants to be introduced by a lazy sponsor? Who wants to be sponsored by someone that never answers the phone – and never calls back? Who wants to be sponsored by someone who never trains you and never forwards important information to you? Who wants to be sponsored by someone who is doing 1 or 2 other networks and is not totally focussed and dedicated to his/her FM team needs?
Who wants to be in the team of … the most dynamic the most successful, and the most supportive leader in FM?
Your team members also want to be in the team of … the most dynamic the most successful, and the most supportive leader in FM THEY WANT IT TO BE YOU!
How do you become this person?
by being PROFESSIONAL in your attitude
Treat your FM business as if you had invested £1 million into it as a franchise Behave in a professional manner Take responsibility for the training and support of your team
by being THE EXAMPLE For others to follow
Do not include bad habits in your business Treat people with the respect they are due Be available to anyone in your team that asks for, or needs, your support Always be positive
by being A GREAT COACH To your team
A GREAT MANAGER OR COACH In a great team, there are many great players Each had his or her own particular skills But what makes them a LEGEND of a team? Alf Ramsey A GREAT MANAGER OR COACH The 1966 English football team had Alf Ramsey to lead them to success Did Alf Ramsey ever play in a World Cup winning team? NO … but he knew how to make a winning team
Mohammed Ali was a great boxer What made him a LEGEND of a boxer? The knowledge, support, advice and dedication of his corner man / coach Angelo Dundee Did Angelo Dundee ever become the World Heavyweight Champion? NO … but he knew how to make a world champion
What made Alf Ramsey & Angelo Dundee so special? What made them a cut above other managers? What differentiated them from the run of the mill trainers? <><><> They knew all they needed to know about their people They knew all their strengths and all their weaknesses They knew how to get the best from them They ALWAYS let their people know that they were behind, and alongside, them all of the time
Manager Stephen Bourne Who could fail with a winning team like this?
Be in control of your business Every successful businessman or businesswoman in the world has reached the top by being in control of their businesses - Bill Gates of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic, Anita Roddick of Body Shop, etc You need to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your business You need to identify and understand your business weaknesses and find the best way to deal with them
Be in control of your business 1. You need to be able to look at the growth of your business and understand what is happening Example: Do you look at your Genealogy every day and understand what the information there is actually telling you? 2. If your business is not growing you need to be able to see why … identify the problem and find the solution Example: I discovered that a member of my team was using our FM shop and genealogy lists as a means of recruiting for another business
Be in control of your business 2. (continued) Solution: I warned her that this was against FM rules … she continued … I reported her and she has now been terminated from FM You and your team work hard to change your lives so you must protect your business and that of your downline in the same way as you would protect your family Do not let people with no principles walk all over you as they will destroy the dreams of you and your team very quickly
Be in control of your business 3. You need to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your business 4. You need to identify and understand your business weaknesses and find the best way to deal with them
Identify your strengths – and how to best utilise them Business Strengths Identify your strengths – and how to best utilise them Look at ALL the things you do successfully and enjoyably in your business : Is it `sponsoring’? Is it `follow up’? Is it `closure’? Is it `training’? Is it `support’?
Identify your strengths – and how to best utilise them Business Strengths Identify your strengths – and how to best utilise them Ask yourself: Can I improve in any of these areas? If, `Yes’ find out how to do so and commit to working on you strengths
Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Business Weaknesses Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Look at ALL the things you do not like doing or feel you cannot do: Are these weaknesses holding you back? Are these weaknesses affecting the performance of your downline because you are holding back on training information?
Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Business Weaknesses Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Do you want to work on these areas? If so, do you want to work on them now … or later? If you want to work on them now, find out how to work on these weaknesses If you want to work on these later … find a solution for now!
Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Business Weaknesses Identify your weaknesses – decide how you want to deal with them Example: My weakness Perfume Parties – I had never been to a Perfume Party before so did not know what to do Immediate Solution? Roy Strong – my sponsor. Roy held the first two for me
Concentrate on your strengths Get help and support with your weaknesses
BE SEEN – YOU NEED TO BE VISIBLE Why? Team members want to be able to say with pride, “I am part of [your name]’s team” Your success story is the story your team will use before they have a success story of their own Be seen to be the EXAMPLE that your team want to follow By the Power of Attraction, the more high profile you are the more people will be attracted to you
BE SEEN – YOU NEED TO BE VISIBLE How? Attend every meeting that you can Hold Business Opportunity meetings Be at every National Conference Hold training meetings so that your downline can meet their successful upline – telephone conferencing, online webinars or in person Be invited to other people’s training days Email info to your team on a regular basis Email info to other team leaders on a regular basis
As your business grows … so must you!
Now that we have sorted you out … we now need to look at the rest of your team
Help your TEAM MEMBERS to concentrate on their strengths, and to get help and support for their weaknesses, too
divides the task and multiplies the success Teamwork… divides the task and multiplies the success
You are not allowing people to grow I bend backwards to help my team … I do everything for them … There’s the main reason you are not getting the FULL potential from your team You are not allowing people to grow
The more you do for someone … the less they will do for themselves Give them things to do … give them action steps and target dates Don't chase people (sifting) Give them hurdles (work on their weaknesses – give them rewards)
Some have skills of management … others don’t Don’t push people into areas they do not want to go … because you will lose them Let them grow with their businesses … and with your support and training see where they end up Be a boss for some … or be a team player for others
So how do you help people to grow?
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime Chinese proverb
The 1st step on the ladder of success COMPLETE A 90 DAY PLAN The 1st step on the ladder of success
What is a 90 Day Plan? It sets out an initial plan for where you want to be 3 months from NOW NOW can be any time you want You can do 90 Day Plans every month if you believe your last one needs changing
What is a 90 Day Plan? It is a simple SHORT TERM goal-setting programme to help you stay focussed on what you want, and what you are prepared to do to achieve it Everyone should have a 90-day plan You should also be aware of the 90-day plan of all of those you have sponsored
How Does it Work? 1. They complete the FM Application Form 2. They select their Sample Kit 3. They complete their 90 Day Plan Make sure the new distributor PERSONALLY fills in the Application Form and 90 Day Plan – it is psychologically part of their commitment to their new business and to their 90 Day Plan
Monitor Your Team’s Growth Track your total team’s growth and the growth of your various leaders’ teams Show them how to do the same Acknowledge their successes Help them identify their weaknesses
Daily Turnover Sheet This monitors your business growth day by day by comparing it with the months before
Daily Habit Targets Monitor your daily habits and check whether you are on track with your 90-Day plan … if not, this sheet could show you why. List … cold calls, business cards, follow-ups, parties, information packs, catalogue drops, etc
This monitors the success and growth of your team members Team Promotion Record This monitors the success and growth of your team members Acknowledge their successes
This monitors the way your team are sponsoring Monthly Team Sponsoring Record This monitors the way your team are sponsoring Use this to incentivise people individually – set individual challenges to increase results
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly and one day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.
Then it seemed to stop making any progress Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further. So the man decided to help the butterfly… he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.
The butterfly then emerged easily The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shrivelled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.
Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shrivelled wings - it never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening …
… was nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggling is exactly what we need in our life. If nature allows us to go through life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could be.
I found a lot of real and deep wisdom in this story. It taught me two things:
That I must develop and grow through adversity and pressure, and 2. That in my FM business I must allow my downline members to develop and evolve in the same way that I have.
I cannot do the work for them. If they are going to grow into beautiful butterflies, they must do it themselves through adversity and pressure (guided by their Support Team members).
What you are learning today MUST be passed downline to your leaders … or it will be wasted!
changes to perfection A diamond is created… over the course of time… from a lump of coal which … changes to perfection under pressure