Online Predators Georgia vs. Florida United States vs. Mexico Elijah Jones, Jaycee Lott, Madison Raley, Yeasha Williams
What is an online Predator Online Predator Elijjah Jones
Internet Predators in Georgia Laws Registry- sex-offender-registry sex-offender-registry Statistics Arrests Yeasha Williams
Internet Predator in Florida Laws Registry Statistics Recent Arrests Yeasha Williams
Conclusion More then ½ million pedophiles online Florida: 2 nd victim Complaints Georgia: 12 th Victim Complaints Laws made in both GA and FL Parent Awareness Madison Raley
Internet Predators in the USA Statistics HSI Punishments Jaycee Lott
Internet Predators In Mexico Arrests Immigrants contribute to US numbers Jaycee Lott
Conclusion Very Different statistics U.S.:1 st Victim Complaints Mexico: 9 th Victim Complaint Many laws made in U.S. Mexico: Not many online users or predators Madison Raley
Presentation Conclusion GA vs. FL U.S. vs. Mexico Ways to prevent online predators Elijah Jones
References country-profile country-profile offender-registry offender-registry