AgentSheets ® Thought Amplifier The Programmed Expression of Ideas Alexander Repenning CS Prof. University of Colorado CEO AgentSheets Inc.
Overview Part 1: End-User Programming u Kids expressing and communicating ideas u Kids and Robots u Robots and Artists Part 2: The Connected Agent u Agents on the Web u Talk to your agent
End-User Programming Who needs it? and… Why?
Build simulations Be able to express and communicate complex ideas Education u History u Math u Music u Geology u Logic u Programming u Art
Anti Vision “I don’t need to go to France, I have the CD”
Thought Amplification Process Externalize ideas Create & tweak artifacts Visualize consequences Illustrate causality
AgentSheets is an authoring tool allowing end-users to build their own interactive simulations and publish them on the Web
Tactile Programming Beyond visual programming: From increased readability To increased experiencability
AgentSheets History AgentSheets started at University of Colorado, Boulder 1989 First prototype on Connection Machine Collaboration with Apple Company founded in 1996 AgentSheets, Inc. supported by NSF
Demo: Bridge Builder
The Grape Boycott
EcoWorlds Elementary school kids design their own animals, share them through the web and explore the sustainability of the resulting EcoWorlds “I will eat you” “If I lower my reproduction rate this world will become more stable”
AgentSheets in India When the Jiva-Java Project started, its 20 secondary students had never used a mouse or seen the Web. Three weeks later, they had created applets (using Agentsheets authorware) and linked them to their own Web pages –Ed Gaible at the Jiva Institute Faridabad, Haryana, India
LEGOSheets in Action
Out of this World (very distance education) NASA used AgentSheets to simulate an “E.coli in microgravity” experiment aboard the space shuttle Discovery with John Glenn
Video Agents
Render Static Data: USGS Map of Boulder, CO, rendered in 3D as simulation background
Integrate Data with Simulation: Mudslide
Program the Web The Connected Agent
Use End-User Programmable Agents to Bridge the Gap between Existing and Relevant Information on the Web
What happens when we enable agents to access Web pages and merge the notions of browsers and simulations?
The Syntactic Web The Semantic Web The Pragmatic Web
Boulder Live The browserless agent-based Web
Why? Make information accessible to disabled, e.g., blind or motor skill challenged Have agents access information user controlled, e.g. voice commands, or autonomously Have agents synthesize new information Create information processing ecologies: make agents sharable goods ( , Web). Access information on small wireless devices including PDAs and cell phones
Bridge… Modalities: e.g., text speech Time: get information only WHEN it is relevant Nomenclature: e.g., Fahrenheit Celsius Languages: English, Spanish, German, …
Agents… Extract information from existing Web pages
AgentSheets ® Amplify your Thoughts
Some credentials NAS: Exemplary Information Technology for Education WWW5: “Most Creative Educational Application of the World Wide Web” – Major of Paris NSF: ~$8 million funding ACM1: “Best of the Best Innovator” European Commission: advisor to new End-User Computing initiative