Title The title of our story is The Four Brothers. It is a part of a collection of world stories from a book titled South and North, East and West.
Characters Ram Lal: He is the father of the kids named Roop, Veer,Yash, Dheer. Sham Lal: He is the brother of Ram Lal. Dheer: He is one of the youngest brothers. Yash: He is one of the youngest brothers Veer: He is one of the oldest brothers. Roop: He is one of the oldest brothers. The wives: Mean to the youngest brothers.
Problem The problem is that the four brothers and their wives want to split up the farm so they don’t have to live together. They are fighting because the wives of the older brothers think the younger brothers are not doing their fair share.
Solution The solution is the brothers and their wives realize that keeping the farm together is more important than splitting the farm up.
Here is a little more information about India…
How people in India go to school
Pictures of gods
Pictures of INDIA
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