Action Plan Educator Academy May 2009 Bangladesh
2 High Level Goals: The sixth sense Long Term Goals National Platform –Promoting & nurturing science & scientific research among young innovators –Utilize our own resources by the means of our own engineering International Platform –Arrange institutional funding, scholarship & internship opportunities for deserving students –Create a platform to transfer technology
…continued Short Term Goals National Platform –To organize a spontaneous annual national science fair –Create a platform to interact with the industry International Platform –Participate & compete in Intel ISEF –Interact with other international student, teacher, organization & scientists
4 Objectives: The day after tomorrow The primary objective is to recognize & reward the outstanding & innovative projects in the field of science, engineering & technology. At the same time to provide the young innovators a platform to interact with the industry & get international recognition. The thing we want to achieve –Science curriculum in place –Publicize science fair manuals –Identify mentors to support student –Identify resource person for the workshop –Increase student participation year by year –Increase quality of projects
5 Action Plan: Transformers ActionSuccess MeasurementResponsibilityTimeline Writing down the findings of the Educator Academy Reporting to education teamSaidurJune 09 Evaluating tools & resources supporting science education Reporting to education teamSaidurJune 09 Adapting the content for Bangladesh Reviewing the content by experts SaidurJuly 09 Placing the science curriculumReviewing the content by educators Intel (required support), MOE, Saidur July 09 Preparing content for interactive website Gathering all the required information SaidurJuly 09 1 st Tier
…continued ActionSuccess MeasurementResponsibilityTimeline Preparing manual for Students, SRC & Judges Content in handIntel (required support), Saidur July 09 Preparing guideline for Research based project Content in handIntel (required support), Saidur July 09 Communicating with SchoolSchool accepting invitationSaidurAugust 09 Gain high level commitment from sponsor, government & other agencies Communicate government & others in proper channel SaidurSeptember 09 Institutionalize the fairCommitment from research institutes & universities SaidurSeptember 09
…continued ActionSuccess MeasurementResponsibilityTimeline Gain Media FocusPress InsertionSaidurSeptember 09 Organize Workshop for students, SRC & Judges Recruit both local & international resource person Intel (required support), Saidur October 09 Improve the quality of projectFollowing the guideline of ISEF Intel (required support), Saidur December 09 Activating National Science Fair Roadmap to National Science fair Intel (required support), Saidur January 09 Training Camp for ISEFRecruit mentorsSaidurFebruary 09
…continued ActionSuccess MeasurementResponsibilityTimeline Introducing Student as Scientist ProgramCollaboration with Intel SAS program Intel (required support), MOE, Saidur July 10 Introducing Intel Design & Discovery ProgramCollaboration with Intel Ireland Intel Ireland (in collaboration with), Saidur December 10 Introducing hands on Science ClassesCollaboration with KOFACKOFAC (in collaboration with), Saidur March 10 2 nd Tier
9 Reflection: Twilight Key Learning Education & personal integrity can never be taken All Questions cannot be researched Science can be easy & fun Student motivation & reflective discussion is must Have to present things in different way to make kids interested Need to institutionalize the science fair program Need to identify target audience & forward appropriate message
…continued Beneficial Shop Talk May 11: Student as Scientists by NathaileValencia, Costarica Intel tools & resources supporting science education by Shelly Shot, Oregon Informal Forum by Craig Barrett, Chairman of the Board, Intel Corporation May 12: Working with social & local media to garner interest in your local science fair by Gail Dundas May 13: Korea’s “hands on science classes” & its impact on job creation by Eun Ju Kim Collaboration between government & industry to advance science education by Javier Firpo
…continued My Suggestion on Shop Talk Shop Talk on how to collaborate with Government & other agencies in South Asia (for example how ISEF fair in India is collaborating with Government).
12 This is Me: I am a legend MD. SAIDUR RAHMAN BANGLADESH
THANK YOU See you all at Award Ceremony Intel ISEF 2010, San Jose