IEFT 64, November Improve communication between Mobile Nodes draft-yuchi-mip6-mntomn- improve-00.txt Yuzhi Ma
IEFT 64, November Communication Mode According to the procedure defined for mobile node and correspondent node, the communication between two mobile nodes MN1 and MN2 can be described as follows: Mode1: Both MN1 and MN2 are at home. Mode2: One is at home and one is away from home. Mode3: Both MN1 and NM2 are away from home, and communicate with each other using bidirectional tunneling mode. Mode4: MN1 is away from home first and finishes home registration, it then initiates a correspondent registration for MN2 which acts as correspondent node now. MN2 moves to foreign link subsequently and finishes home registration, then it may initiate a correspondent registration for MN1. Finally, MN1 and MN2 can communicate using route optimization.
IEFT 64, November Problem A mobile node has dual nature when it communicates with another mobile node. Sometimes its role is mobile node, and sometimes its role is correspondent node. For this reason, communication between mobile nodes has additional complexity when using the fourth mode.
IEFT 64, November Solution -1 Mobile Correspondent Node In order to differentiate between the two mobile nodes, the new concept is introduced. Binding Refresh Request (BRR) Message The BRR message is extended to inform the mobile node of a correspondent node's address when the address of a mobile correspondent node has changed or will change. Correspondent Address Option A new option called "Correspondent Address Option" is defined for the BRR message. This option is used to carry the correspondent address
IEFT 64, November Solution - 2 Usage of Correspondent Address Option Due to movement, reconfiguration, or other reason, a correspondent node's address may change. As a result, the mobile correspondent node SHOULD send a BRR message to the mobile node. If a correspondent node sends BRR message after its address has changed, this option contains its previous address; otherwise this option contains its prospective address.
IEFT 64, November Comments Comments from Brian Haley 1. Q: If the new concept called “ mobile correspondent node is introduced ? A: I think it should be introduced 2. Q:To extend the definition of the Alternate Care-of Address option already defined in 3775, so it can be used for multiple purposes A: If it dosn't bring additional confusion. This is a good idea. 3. Q: Mobile Node Operations should be considered in more detail A: Yes, This will be considered in future.
IEFT 64, November Other Comments? What is the next step?
IEFT 64, November Appendix Format of Correspondent Address Option | Type = TBD | Length = 16 | | | + + | | + Correspondent Address + | | + + | |