It’s interesting! A three-toed sloth can rotate its head nearly 90 degrees or more, and its mouth is shaped in a way that makes the animal appear as if it's always smiling. Its scientific name, Bradypus, is Greek for "slow feet," which makes sense since it is the world's slowest animal.
All lynx are skilled hunters that make use of great hearing (the tufts on their ears are a hearing aid) and eyesight so strong that a lynx can spot a mouse 250 feet (75 meters) away.
A polar bear’s stomach can hold 150 lbs. (68 kg) of meat. Unlike many mammals, bears can see in color. Bears can see almost as well as humans, and they can hear a little better. But they can smell much better. In fact, a bear’s sense of smell is around 100 times greater than a human’s.
Gorillas are extremely large animals and they can be aggressive when they feel that they or their families are in danger. The males are much larger than the females.
Contrary to popular misconception, camels do not store water in their humps. The humps are actually reservoirs for fatty tissue. Camels can drink up to seven litres of water in a day.
After a successful hunt, all the lions in the pride share the meal. But there is a pecking order, with the adult males taking first claim, followed by the lionesses, and finally, the cubs.
Swans are grumpy, especially when they’re protecting their eggs or babies. They attack other birds that enter their territory. They’ve even attacked dogs or kids that came too close.
The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world, with even new-born babies being taller than most humans. Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour and after only 10 hours can actually run alongside their family. Giraffes spend most of their lives standing up; they even sleep and give birth standing up
Chickens have a great memory. They can distinguish between over 100 different faces of people or animals. 2. Chickens have full-color vision. 3.They actually dream dreams when they sleep. 4. Chickens can feel pain or distress. 5. Over 452 million hens are used a year for eggs.
Every zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes. There are a number of different theories which attempt to explain zebra’s unique stripes with most relating to camouflage. Wild zebras live in Africa. Common plain zebras have tails around half a metre in length (18 inches).
Cattle are sacred in India. There are an estimated 300 million cattle in India. Young cattle are generally known as calves. Adult females are generally called cows. Adult males that are not castrated are generally called bulls. Cattle are red/green color blind.
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