Goals Business Personal Career Team
Goals Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve the result you desire. It is a two part process –Decide what you want to do –You have to work to accomplish the goal For many people it is the second part that is problematic. –Goals with out action plans are just words
Goals One way to get over the hurdle is to use a goal setting formula: –Specific –Measurable –Attainable –Relevant –Time-Bound –Engaging
Goals Fail Because Organizations often fail to achieve goals and targets that are set top down. –Lack crucial information –Lack being in touch with staff challenges –Lack considering resources and capabilities –Executed poorly –Unrealistic –Set for the wrong reasons
Goal Setting Is not just an exercise that you can finish in five minutes Goal setting is a process, a route to achievement.
Goal Setting Tips Choose goals that are worthwhile –Goal setting is to move us forward and spur positive change Choose goals that are achievable stretches –Goals need to stretch you and be engaging Make your goals specific –Have a built in action plan Commit to your goals –Dedicate to accomplish or achieve the goal Make your goals public –Knowing that others will be monitoring your results ensures commitment to the goal
Goal Planning Template Essilor Laboratory of America Goal Planning Template Reference the handout Can be customized for your practice
Goals should always be S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable R – Realistic T – Time Bound E - Engaging Goal/Objective. Briefly describe each goal/objective and when the goal/objective should be met or accomplished. Measurement. How will the goal/objective be evaluated? (Use quantitative measures such as % or dollar increase in revenue or market share and/or use qualitative measures which are descriptive of criteria.) Importance. Rank the goal as Essential, Important, or Desirable as follows: –Essential – required for job performance Important – helpful for job performance Desirable – asset for job performance
Goal/Objective Description: Measurement: Importance: Essential Important Desirable
Summary/Discussion Examples you brought Questions Discussion
Achieve your goals Your next steps Our discussion