ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3209 Supply & Demand
SUPPLY AND DEMAND Supply is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to supply at a specific price. Demand is the amount of a good or service that people are willing and able to buy at a specified price.
LAWS OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND Law of Demand: The economic principle that demand goes up when prices go down and demand comes down when prices go up. Law of Supply: The economic principle that supply goes up when prices go up; and supply goes down when prices go down.
ELASTICITY If the quantity demanded changes a lot when prices change a little, the product is elastic. When there is a small change in demand when prices change a lot, the product is inelastic. Elastic – products that we might not buy if the price goes up too high (e.g. Cars, furniture, lottery tickets) Inelastic – products that are necessities, so we will buy them regardless of price (e.g. medication, basic food items)
ELASTICITY Even goods with an inelastic demand can become elastic over time. People learn to live without things (e.g. gasoline prices)
FACTORS THE INCREASE/DECREASE DEMAND Changing customer income (more $ they make, more they buy) Changing consumer tastes (fads/trends) Changing expectations for the future (if consumers think prices will increase soon, they will buy more) Changes in population Availability of substitute products of services (other products might be available at better price)
FACTORS TO INCREASE/DECREASE SUPPLY Changes in numbers of producers (increase in producers will increase supply) Changes in price (if price falls, people may stop producing – e.g. fish) Changes in technology (reduce Changing expectations for the future (predictions of future trends) Changing production costs (increase or decrease of supplies)
INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEMAND, SUPPLY AND PRICE If demand is high while supply is low, prices tend to be high If demand is low while supply is high, prices tend to be low Equilibrium price = when the quantity of goods producers are willing to supply at a certain price matches the quantity of goods consumers are willing to buy at that price. (SUPPLY = DEMAND)
Overproduction – when supply exceeds demand Shortage – when demand exceeds supply
DEMAND CURVES Inelastic Demand Curve: Positive Relationship Positive Slope Elastic Demand Curve Negative Relationship Negative Slope
PORTFOLIO Business in the News: Collect and analyze 10 news stories during the course of the year. First one is due end of September Must be recent articles (within last 2 years) Possible Topics: The role technology has played in the evolution of a company or product The connection between supply, demand and price of a product or service Changes or challenges facing a sector of the economy Innovation that resulted from meeting consumer demand Challenges, risks and strategies used by a new local business Challenges, risks and strategies used by a long established business Unethical behaviour of a business A business demonstrating social responsibility A successful entrepreneur
PORTFOLIO The articles in the portfolio should include the followingL A copy of the article Source and the date of publication Analysis (get sheets from Ms. Winsor or msbeckywinsor.weebly.com The portfolio should be submitted as a binder, scrapbook, or blog. It should include a Table of Contents.