INTEGRAL1INTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb2011 INTEGRAL – the Movies II Hans Akkermans WP10 Dissemination
Video #1 Intended for general audience Triptych : three clips that belong together but can also be viewed independently –Why are smart energy networks important? (Policy and societal issues) –Helicopter view on field research ongoing in Europe (What researchers do about it) with emphasis on the role of and impact on the end customers / households –How does decentralized communication and control actually work (Animation of what a smart grid does) Total length 7.5 min (3* 2.5) INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20112
Video #2 Intended for R&D / more technical audience, smart grids community Focus on the three INTEGRAL field tests –Explained by researchers themselves Total length 7.5 min INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20113
Further features: language versions Additional languages –Voice-over in French, Spanish, in addition to English –Subtitling in Greek, Dutch, Catalan, Swedish Meanwhile done for video #1 INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20114
Finalization actions: videos Translations of video #2 to be made –Partners: get final spoken text in English ed –Videomakers finalize 6 language versions (asap) Invoices will be sent to all partners Final details & refinements for both videos –Various small things, comments welcome Everything will be for download on a server and sent around on data-DVD to all partners –Both videos –In all languages –Various formats (wmv, mov, …) INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20115
Finalization actions: full-colour final results reporting Each partner contributes what they see as their own key results highlights/successes – words max + –2-3 pictures (hres!) + –logo (hres!) EnS/WP10 will design each contribution –as 1-2 page chapter –according to INTEGRAL flyer style Collection (in logical WP order) constitutes the final INTEGRAL results brochure –And useful for partners as own flyer or poster INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20116
After INTEGRAL Videos will be on several websites –Vimeo –Network institute –Amsterdam municipality –A.o. Plans for large-scale follow-up field experiment in Amsterdam –Amsterdam metropole region Econ Dev Board –Science Park Adam (Alliander, IBM, ECN, VU, UvA, …) INTEGRALINTEGRAL final plenary Grenoble 18Feb20117