NCLB Program Improvement Status Report for Chipman Middle School Presentation to the Board of Education October 23, 2007
About School Intervention Assistance Team (SAIT)… Chipmans efforts pays off! School made Academic Performance Index (API) growth targets two years in a row No longer state monitored school CONGRATULATIONS TO CHIPMAN!
Federal Accountability NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Program Improvement is determined by not meeting AYP two consecutive years in ELA and/or Math or the same indicator like API with any subgroup. Meeting AYP is determined using 4 indicators: Percent proficient or above in English Language Arts and Mathematics – Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Participation Rate API (CSTs, CAPA, and CAHSEE) Graduation rate-only for high schools
Identified Program Improvement Schools in California As of : 5,887 Title I Schools in California 2,208 schools are in Program Improvement (38% of Title I schools) 427 in Year in Year in Year in Year in Year 5 To exit PI, school must meet AYP two years in a row
Chipman Middle School Program Improvement (PI) Year 2 Of the 4 areas, Chipman did not meet AYP two years in a row in the same content areas of ELA and Math AMO-ELA for African American subgroup AMO-Math for African American & Latino subgroups
Program Improvement Requirements Year 2 Parent notification of the option of school choice to a non-program improvement school District will provide transportation costs Parent notification of supplemental educational services (SES) by state approved tutorial services Set aside Title I funds (up to 20% of total allocation) for choice, SES, & transportation costs Revise single school plan to NCLB requirements
Program Improvement Year 1 School Improvement Year 2 School Improvement Year 3 Corrective Action Year 4 Restructuring Year 5 Restructuring School Choice Transportation Set aside Title I funds Revise SSP Same as Year 1 Supplemental Services Same as Year 1 & 2 Select one of the following: Replace school staff New curriculum Appoint outside expert Extend school year/school day Restructure organizational structure of school Parents & Public informed of corrective action & allows comment Same as Year 1-3 Plan for restructuring governance of school Examples: Close school & reopen as charter Replace all or most of staff Contract with private management to operate school Other major reform State takeover Same as Year 1-4 Implement plan for restructuring governance of school
Collaborative work to meet requirements… Parent notification sent early September for school choice Worked with all middle schools to strategize enrollment possibilities Designed SES contract Met with state approved SES providers; of the 55 approved providers, 12 signed a contract with AUSD Parent letter & brochure being finalized & translated Parent notification will be sent November 1 st for SES Set aside District Title I 20% Eligibility of SES is based on low income & FBB/BB priority order Each student would receive up to $1,000 worth of SES, which equates to approximately 16 one hour sessions Offer services after Thanksgiving through April
Status of School Choice Requests Wood Middle School was determined to be in the best situation to accept new students As of October 12 th, there were 7 requests Only 5 students chose choice As required, the choice option is a part of the enrollment packet, so new students will have choice
School Choice Transfers to Wood Middle School GradeGenderEthnicityProgramBus PassInter- district 6 th MaleAfrican American YesNo 6 th *Enrolled 10/10/07 FemaleWhiteYesNo 7 th Female Vietnamese ELNo 7 th FemaleWhiteYesNo 8 th MaleFilipinoYesNo
Continuous Improvement for Chipman Middle School Implementing the Nine Essential Components for Effective schools… Ongoing benchmark assessments Appropriate reading placement: intensive, strategic, benchmark & advanced Appropriate math placement: intervention, benchmark and advanced Literacy and Math coaches to support teaching Focused teacher collaboration on student work SIM content enhancement routines implementation Literacy Workshop-Fusion for strategic readers After school tutoring everyday After school homework assistance everyday Before school math computer lab will begin Research focus group support for African American/Latino students; staff development for teachers
Looking ahead… Secondary educational options task force work will also focus on future options for Chipman