Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol National Uniform Committee Report to the National Conference August 2013 Citizens Serving Communities
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Background – Familiarize membership about NUC process Comprehensive Review – Three Phase Process Open Action Items Status of NUC Progress Citizens Serving Communities 2
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Background – Familiarize membership about NUC process Comprehensive Review – Three Phase Process Open Action Items Status of NUC Progress Citizens Serving Communities 3
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Winter 2010 NB Meeting – Directed that a National Uniform Committee (NUC) be established reporting to the National Chief of Staff and set committee membership, and required all uniform issues be vetted through the new committee, and Directed how FUTURE UNIFORMS CHANGES WOULD BE PROCESSED Citizens Serving Communities 4
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Assigned a 2-year Moratorium on major uniform item changes Directed that a comprehensive review of CAP uniforms be performed Assigned Agenda Items for review by the new NUC Citizens Serving Communities 5
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Old Committee Composition One sitting wing commander from each region, selected by the RGN/CC to represent membership Individuals with substantive knowledge of uniforms, either from US military or CAP background to provide subject matter support to committee: Members-at-Large Ex officio support to committee Citizens Serving Communities 6
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Membership: Col Dan LeClair, representing NER Col “Ziggy” Bernfeld, representing MER Col Erica Williams, representing NCR Col Richard Griffith, representing GLR Col Lewis Alexander, representing SWR Col Earl Sherwin, representing RMR Col David Lehman, representing PCR Vacant, SER Citizens Serving Communities 7
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Membership – members-at-large: Col Steve Miller Lt Col Karen Cooper Lt Col Jean duBois Lt Col Edward (Ned) Lee Maj Mike Kieloch Citizens Serving Communities 8
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Membership - ex-officio members: CAP Command Chief Master Sergeant, CMSGT Lou Walpus CAP Chair - Cadet Advisory Council, C/Colonel Adam W. Wachholz Membership - advisors to the committee: Ms Susie Parker, CAP HQ/DP Col Jay Updegraff, CAP-USAF/CV Lt Col Timothy Corrigan, NLO staff 1stLt Frank Blazich, Chief Historian Col Len Blascovich, Past Natl. Historian Citizens Serving Communities 9
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol CHANGES Recommendations for changes to the uniform are submitted through the chain of command to HQ/DP Can be disapproved at local, wing, or region level Can be returned for clarifying information Change request reaches NUC Chair can return for clarifying information Chair sends to committee for review and comment Chair adjudicates comments Chair requests committee vote Citizens Serving Communities 10
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol CHANGES (Cont’d) Chair prepares recommendation for CAP/CC through CAP/CS and CAP-USAF Recommendations are staffed through NUC members Chair makes final recommendation to CAP/CC CAP/CC approves, disapproves, or sends back to the committee for further action Chair forwards to HQ/DP for implementation Citizens Serving Communities 11
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol COMMITTEE OFFICIALLY STOOD-UP 21 July 2010 With Full Membership Had a timeline of 18 months (Mar 2010 – Aug 2011) to complete the review Gathered information on current uniform issues Determined immensity of task, and that committee couldn’t meet timeline window-extended Nov 2010 CAP/CC authorized a 3-phase approach to performing the review Citizens Serving Communities 12
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Phase I – Review of CAP Distinctive Uniforms Reported out at Summer 2011 NB meeting Summer 2011 NB approved the NUC developed CAP Distinctive Uniform Standard NUC developed a comparison document – the new vs. the old-approved document in your packet – many changes administrative in nature Citizens Serving Communities 13
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Former “Blazer combination” now Principal Corporate Uniform Combination – clarified blazer, aviator shirt, trousers/slacks and skirt materials and color and addressed footwear. Eliminated floppy bow tie as option for female uniforms. Increased to four the number of badges authorized on the aviator shirt and clarified wear of service badges, nameplates, lapel pins and chaplain occupational badge Citizens Serving Communities 14
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Clarified aviation shirt (long/short sleeves), headgear, ties and tie tack and tie bar wear, belts, under and outer garments. CAP corporate working uniform dark blue shirt/trousers BDU style w/black boots w/out safety toe, headgear required (baseball cap or dark blue BDU cap may be worn) All of these and other changes, approved by the NB in August 2011 Citizens Serving Communities 15
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Phase II – Review of CAP AF-style Uniforms ABU still major issue pending Confirmed phase-out of double breasted jacket Addressed cadet grade insignia NUC recommended no changes to the AF style uniform combinations Recommendations were approved by the Winter 2012 NB Citizens Serving Communities 16
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Specialty cadet activity uniforms for National Flight Academies, National Emergency Services Academies, the Advanced Technology Academy and Hawk Mountain were reviewed. Approved each year as an exception to CAPM 39-1. NB recommends cadet special activities uniforms be permanently incorporated in CAPM 39-1. Citizens Serving Communities 17
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Citizens Serving Communities 18
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Citizens Serving Communities 19
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol Citizens Serving Communities 20
Citizens Serving Communities Civil Air Patrol QUESTIONS? Citizens Serving Communities 22
Citizens Serving Communities Uniforms Be the role model – enforce the rules Don’t allow members to “design their own uniform” We do have standards Make sure that cadets and seniors turn in their uniform when they leave CAP it may be a long time before we receive any approval to change from the BDU Be passionate about safety!!! Citizens Serving Communities 23
conference survey online for a chance Please complete the 2013 conference survey online for a chance to win a FREE registration to the 2014 conference in Las Vegas 24