SAOA Basketball All Officials Clinic Monday, October 13, 2014 “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” - Coach John Wooden
Operations and Business Model Communication OR OR Call Cell: (910)
Operations and Business Model Communication Preferred mode of contact is – but calls are welcome; Deadlines are VERY IMPORTANT! If you have to cancel an assignment within 48 hours, you MUST call and speak to Brad; If there is a major incident in your game, call/text or as soon as possible! Remember reporting requirements for DQ/Ejection per NCHSAA (now with password).
Operations and Business Model – The Arbiter and Assignments It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the Arbiter is updated: All contact info, SSN, closeout dates/times; Assignments will be made and published approximately every two weeks, beginning before November 1; If you decline an assignment, provide reason; Payments now made via RefPay, on-site, Supervisor; Failure to respond within 48 hours will result in games being re-assigned.
We Need Officials That Are ABLE! ReliABLE DependABLE AvailABLE KnowledgABLE TeachABLE CapABLE ApproachABLE
In order to receive credit for a local clinic, an official must attend the full meeting. Officials arriving fifteen (15) minutes or more late or leaving fifteen (15) minutes or more early WILL NOT quality for clinic credit; Officials are welcome to attend any clinic area of their choice and may “make up” clinics in any area; HOWEVER, each clinic will follow the same content outline during the year. An official WILL NOT receive credit for more than one local clinic in the same content week.
As notified, we need you on November 8 th, 11 th and 15 th !! Some start times will be EARLY; Middle School Jamboree TBA; All scrimmage assignments will come from the Regional Supervisor; Officials need to work three (3) scrimmages to receive maximum credit;
Scrimmages Adding scrimmage(s) for non-credit is acceptable; Work the scrimmage like you would work a game!
Game Day Protocols
Referee will coordinate arrival at game site with crew at least 48 hours in advance (Arrival is minimum 30 minutes prior to game – Referee sets time); Business casual attire is the minimum standard for arrival at school – no jeans, shorts, warm-up suits, etc.; For a Varsity assignment, DO NOT wear uniform to game site;
Game Day Protocols Uniform may be worn to game site for Sub-Varsity assignments, but should NOT be worn in the stands following the game; Notify home team management upon arrival; Referee will implement effective pre-game conference with other officials; KEEP YOUR UNIFORM IN YOUR CAR!
Gray Shirt (Including Approved Side Panel Shirt) – All Dressed Alike; Flag is Optional for Each Official; Jacket – Black w/NCHSAA logo – All Alike; Shoes = Predominantly Black; Socks = Entirely Black; Smitty or Lanyard – All Alike; Reminder on Facial Hair.
Officiating in the Public Eye Observation program; Video review; Communicating in = ; cell phone; text messaging; social media; We must all be willing to learn from our mistakes!
Our Web Site ( and
Points of Emphasis/Changes
Mechanics Points of Emphasis/Changes Free Throw Mechanics* Use of Clear, Effective Mechanics* Officiating in Coverage Areas* Using the 28-Foot Mark* Sportsmanship Hand-Checking Pre-Game and Post-Game Meetings
Information From You