Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 Friday 4 th September 2015 Newsletter PTO for more info and diary dates… A Message from Acting Headteacher Miss Watson: Welcome Back! “What a fabulous start to the new term. It was great to see everyone so happy and positive on the first day back - Sacred Heart is indeed a wonderful school and I’m delighted to be part of this very special community. A huge thanks to all the staff for getting school up and running with such an excited buzz for the children's return. Congratulations to all of you for ensuring such a smart turn-out! INVITATION to meet me and share our celebration assembly NEXT FRIDAY at 2.30pm. Refreshments from 1.45pm. We hope to make this a weekly opportunity for families to drop in and talk to us and be part of our weekly celebration. As we move forward this new school year I want you all to know that your children are at the heart of everything we do and that we will work in close partnership with all of you. Our Catholic school Mission is not about conversion but cohesion. We will continue to build on the school’s strengths and faith values which underpin all major faiths and we will work together to ensure the very best education and care for our children. I look forward to meeting you all very soon. “ Fliss Contact information Please ensure school has up to date information for your child. If there are any changes to contact numbers or addresses, please inform the school office straight away. Thank you. Jewellery Jewellery is not part of the school uniform and should not be worn during the school day. Please ensure all jewellery is removed before your child comes to school. Thank you PE Kits Please make sure your child's PE kit is labelled and in school for Monday 7th September. Children should have: Red polo shirt Navy shorts Black/navy jogging bottoms Pumps or trainers Thank you
Diary dates W/c Monday 7 th September New Reception children starting Wednesday 16 th September‘Wizard of Oz’ Pantomime in school Wednesday 23 rd September to Friday 25 th September School closed Monday 28 th SeptemberSchool re-opens at 8:50am Friday 30 th October to Sunday 1 st November Year 6 residential Friday 23 rd October School closes at 3:05pm for half term Monday 26 th October to Friday 30 th October School closed for half term and 3:05pm Monday 2 nd NovemberSchool re-opens at 8:50am Medicine If your child requires an asthma pump or any creams for eczema, please ensure they are in school clearly labelled with your child's name and year group. All pumps need to be in a clear plastic container with your child's name on it. Any medicine your child has in school must have a school medical form completed. This is to ensure that the medicine is administered correctly when required. With the start of a new academic year, new forms must be completed for your child’s medicine. Please complete one at the office as soon as possible. Please note - if your child has been prescribed any other medicine, i.e., antibiotics, paracetamol, etc, these can not be administered by the child or staff in school. You will need to come into school and give the required dosage to you child. Thank you. Milk money is due in for the Autumn term if your child drinks milk in key stage one. This is £4 for the term. Please send this into school with your child in an envelope with their name and class on it. Thank you. Dinner money Under the Governments ‘Universal Free School Meal’ scheme, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. School dinners taken by children in Year 3 to Year 6 is charged at £2 per day. School dinners for the week is £10 and this must be paid for on the Monday morning of the week your child is having a school dinner. Please ensure there is consistency with your child’s choice of dinner throughout the week. If you decide to change your child’s lunchtime option, please give the school office a weeks notice. Thank you. Fantastic Friday—Friday 11 th September Children who are on packed lunch or home dinners during the week have the option of having a school dinner on a Friday. This is at a cost of £2. The menu next week is: Spicy cheese pizza with chips, jacket potato, baked beans, and ice fruit smoothie.. Week 2 menu will be served next week. If you have any questions, queries or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school