Delta Agricultural Science and Leadership Department
FFA Colors National Blue Corn Gold NOT –Blue & Gold –Blue & Yellow
FFA Mission Statement FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. (PiLes of PiGs in CarS)
FFA Degrees Discovery*GreenhandChapterStateAmerican
The FFA Creed
DO YOU KNOW … E.M. Tiffany wrote the Creed Adopted at the 3 rd National Convention in 1930 Revised at the 38 th and 63 rd National Conventions
The FFA Creed DO YOU KNOW … The number of paragraphs in the Creed? The number of sentences in the Creed? The number of words in the Creed?
The FFA Creed Paragraph #1 I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds-- achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years. What is the main point of the first paragraph? The past, present, & future of agriculture Also … Better days through better ways.
The FFA Creed Paragraph #2 I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. What is the main point of the second paragraph? The joys & discomforts of agricultural life Also … A good farm, other agricultural pursuits. What are those associations?
The FFA Creed Paragraph #3 I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil. What is the main point of the third paragraph? Developing Leadership & Respect Also … Working, thinking, knowledge, serving, producing, marketing. What is a progressive agriculturalist?
The FFA Creed Paragraph #4 I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so--for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me. What is the main point of the fourth paragraph? A financially secure farm Also … The place of charity, playing square. Whose happiness depends upon you?
The FFA Creed Paragraph #5 I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task. What is the main point of the fifth paragraph? That inspiring task And … The best traditions, our national life, influence, my part?
FFA Creed 6 th Paragraph If you were asked to write another paragraph for the Creed what important theme would you want to convey?
The FFA Creed Smile, stand still, Don’t dance, yell, You can’t speak too slowly Say the creed correctly at least once every day –Check yourself for accuracy
Pass Creed off by September 21st Each week you should focus on one paragraph First student to pass off the whole creed receives a new FFA Jacket.
Memorization Strategies
The FFA Emblem
The cross section of an ear of corn … … represents our common interest in agriculture.
The eagle... …is symbolic of the national scope of the FFA.
The rising sun... … represents progress in agriculture.
The plow......symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil.
The owl... … represents knowledge and wisdom.
The words Agricultural Education surrounding FFA......tell us that FFA is an important part... … of an agricultural education program.
This is our FFA emblem...
… wear it with pride!
FFA Motto Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
FFA History 1917 – Smith Hughes Act – The federal government allocated money to start vocational agriculture classes 1928 – Future Farmers of America was established 1939 – FFA purchased 28½ acres of George Washington’s estate
Review When did it happen? FFA Established Washington’s Estate Smith-Hughes
1944 – The FFA foundation was Founded – P.L –The Federal government recognized that FFA is integral to agricultural education. (Now PL ) FFA History
Review When did it happen? FFA Established Washington’s Estate Smith-Hughes FFA Foundation 25 th Anniversary PL
1965 – NFA joins with the FFA 1969 – Females were admitted as members 1971 – The FFA Alumni was established FFA History
1988 – “Future Farmers of America” became “The National FFA Organization” 2012 FFA Celebrates 85 th Anniversary FFA History
Review When did it happen? FFA Established 85 th Anniversary Smith-Hughes FFA Foundation 25 th Anniversary PL Convention moved
It is NOT about memorizing “dates” You now realize … You are a member of an organization that has been around for 85 years Agricultural businesses donate $Millions each year because they believe in YOU! You are a part of a tradition shared by Presidents and Founding Fathers The Government of the United States of America has made it Federal Law that agriculture students be part of the FFA FFA History
Code of Ethics As an FFA member I pledge to: As an FFA member I pledge to: 1. Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. 2. Make a positive difference in the lives of others. 3. Dress nearly and appropriately for the occasion. 4. Respect the rights of others and their property. 5. Be courteous, honest and fair with others.
6. Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner. 7. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat. 8. Make myself aware of FFA programs and activities and be an active participant. 9. Conduct and value a supervised agricultural experience program. 10. Strive to establish and enhance my skills through agricultural education in order to enter a successful career. 11. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization.
The jacket
Who should wear the jacket? Members who are representing FFA in a good manner.
Where and when should it be worn? To all FFA occasions Where FFA is represented To school Not to be worn in places not appropriate for members to visit.
How should it be worn and taken care of? It should be kept clean and neat
FFA Official Dress
Official dress for males Black slacks, White shirt FFA tie Black shoes Black socks FFA jacket -- zipped to the top.
Official dress for females Black skirt White blouse FFA blue scarf Black shoes Black Nylon Hosiery FFA jacket -- zipped to the top.
What things should be worn on the jacket? A large FFA emblem on the back Small emblem on the front State association and chapter names on back
What things should be worn on the jacket? Name of the individual and one office No school letters, etc. Three award medals -- highest office, highest degree, highest award
FFA Salute The Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” NOTE: There is no comma after “nation” … “one nation under God”