John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director Andrea Boxill, MA Deputy Director 1.


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Presentation transcript:

John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director Andrea Boxill, MA Deputy Director 1

National Drug Abuse : In 2013, 681,000 Americans 12 and older used heroin The number of people addicted to heroin rose from 214,000 in 2002 to 517,000 in

National Drug Abuse and Overdose Data: In 2013, 8,257 people died in the U.S. of a heroin overdose. Every day, 44 people in the U.S. die from an overdose of prescription painkillers. 3

Ohio Drug Overdose Data: There was a 440% increase of unintentional drug overdose deaths from Per 100,000, the number of deaths went from 5 unintentional overdose deaths each year in 2001 to 14 unintentional overdose Deaths per 100,000 in

Ohio Drug Overdose Data: Unintentional drug overdoses caused 1,914 deaths in Ohio in Which means in 2012, five Ohioans died everyday in Ohio or one person died every five hours. 5

The Governor’s Cabinet Opiate Action Team, GCOAT, is a collaborative group of professional prevention, treatment, and health care providers, licensing boards, associations, law enforcement, researchers and other key stakeholders focused on the further education, intervention, treatment and recovery from opiates. Our goal is to help reduce and eliminate the misuse, abuse and deaths as a result of opioid drugs in Ohio. 6

Legislative HB57 HB170 Prescribing Protocols Emergency Room 80 MED Acute Care Interdiction Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System Prevention, Treatment, Recovery 7

Medicated-Assisted Treatment, MAT, is used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Research shows that when treating substance-use disorders, a combination of medication and behavioral therapies is most successful. MAT is utilized in the ATPP and MOMS. 8

Specialty-docket drug courts in six counties are included in the ATP: Crawford, Franklin, Hardin, Mercer, Allen and Hocking. These counties are conducting drug court programs certified by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Treatment of eligible adult offenders will be provided by a community addiction services provider certified by OhioMHAS. This will improve potential adoption in Drug Courts statewide.. 9

The M.O.M.S. Project is designed to improve health outcomes and reduce costs associated with extended hospital stays by neutralizing the impact of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) for the infant and mother.. 10

Naloxone (also known as Narcan) is a medication that can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug (heroin or prescription pain medications). When administered during an overdose, naloxone blocks the effects of opioids on the brain and quickly restores breathing. Naloxone has been used safely by emergency medical professionals for more than 40 years and has only this one critical function: to reverse the effects of opioids in order to prevent overdose death. Naloxone has no potential for abuse. 11

Project DAWN is a community-based overdose education and naloxone distribution program. Project DAWN participants receive training on: Recognizing the signs and symptoms of overdose Distinguishing between different types of overdose Performing rescue breathing Calling emergency medical services Administering intranasal Naloxone 12

Andrea Boxill