F.1C Class Teacher: Ms Lai Mei Kiu Teacher : Ms Ching Lai Ting F.1 Orientation Day F.1C Class Teacher: Ms Lai Mei Kiu Teacher : Ms Ching Lai Ting
Parents & School Parents Teachers
Rundown 1. Briefing on general work 2. Adaption of F.1 school life 3. Assessment and promotion criteria 4. ePayment 5. Q & A
1. Briefing on general work Student Registration Card (return on 2 Sept 2015) Parents’ company Parents’ signatures
1. Briefing on general work Personalized Octopus Cards with student status (12 years old before 31 Dec 2015) Obtain the application forms from MTR Customer Service Centres and General Office Complete the application forms Return the application forms to General Office, get the school chop Return the application forms in person to any MTR Customer Service Centres (HK$90) Our Supply Section accepts Octopus payment only!
1. Briefing on general work Prepare at least 12 recent photos (photos taken must be in proper uniform with school badge) Pay attention to the “Message from the Principal” (1 Sept 2015) (Amount and Payment Method) P.E. Uniform /House sweater P.E. lessons, Athletics Meet and Swimming Gala Wear House T-shirt or school uniform to school (on non- school days)
1. Briefing on general work School Uniform
1. Briefing on general work School Uniform – Refer to Student and Parent Handbook
1. Briefing on general work Style and length of hair
1. Briefing on general work Shoes and Spectacle
1. Briefing on general work PE Uniform, Tracksuit & House T-shirt Students are required to buy the PE Uniform, tracksuit and House T-shirt (Love, Tak, Chi, Tai, Kwan, May) for various activities. Price details : House T-shirt $80 PE vest (boys) $50 PE T-shirt (girls) $55 PE Jacket $105 PE Track pants $95 Collect the tracksuit at school. (Bring the bill.)
1. Briefing on general work PE Uniform, Tracksuit & House T-shirt Students not ordering the track suits in school can purchase them on their own. Retail Shop : CharryGarment Co.(卓麗) Address : Units 16-17, 10/F, Golden Era Plaza 金雞廣場, 39 Sai Yee Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. Tel. No : 2388 1128
1. Briefing on general work Swim Wear ( 游泳服裝 ) Swim wear selling day and price are as follow: Selling day : The first PE lesson Price details : Swimming Cap $13.50
1. Briefing on general work 1 Sept 2015 Report to the class teacher at 9:00a.m. Opening Ceremony starts at 10:00a.m. and ends at around 11:00a.m. No classes in the afternoon 2 Sept 2015 Report to the class teacher at 7:55a.m. No classes in the afternoon and ends at 12:40p.m. Newcomers Lunch Gathering: 12:40-3:00p.m. 4 Sept 2015 and onwards Normal school days
1. Briefing on general work Time table and Co-curricular activity schedule School hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12:40 p.m., 1:50 p.m.- 3:20 p.m. Co-curricular Activities are held after school, but students must leave school before 5:15 pm. If supervised by a tutor, they may leave school after 5:15 pm. The school library opens until 6 pm. Students may revise their lessons in the school library.
2. Adaption of F.1 school life Home Room: D40_ (F.1_) Student and Parent Handbook 2015-16 Parents/School Correspondence You may also find out the contact of other teachers in Student and Parent Must Read!!!
2. Adaption of F.1 school life Application of leave Sick leave Parents / Guardians must call the General Office at/ before 8:30a.m. at 3655 3327 or 3655 3326. Letter of absence next school day Medical Certificate is required if the leave exceeds 1 day Casual Leave Application letter to the class teacher (at least 2 days in advance)
2. Adaption of F.1 school life Students present their student cards 7:25 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. 1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Reading Period 8:15a.m. to 8:30a.m. Bring their own books
2. Adaption of F.1 school life School Hours (6-day cycle) 8:00a.m. -12:40p.m., 1:50p.m. - 3:20p.m. School library opens until 6:00p.m. Co-curricular activities At least one and at most three Cannot withdraw Apply for being absent! They are held after school (leave school after 5:15pm unless under the supervision of teacher or tutor)
3. Assessment and promotion criteria Subject Full mark Assessment Method English Language 300 D, E Chinese Language Mathematics Liberal Studies 100 Group A Integrated Science Geography History Chinese History Group B B.K. / Music / Putonghua /Visual Arts / ICT / H.E. / P.E. 25 D D – Daily, E – Examination
3. Assessment and promotion criteria Subject with exam. (except Chi., Eng., Maths. And LBS) Subject without exam. No make-up exam arrangement (Medical certificate is required) (Daily scores--C grade will be the highest grade given) If students are absent for more than one-third of the school days, they will not be allowed to sit for exam. First Term (T1) Second Term (T2) Year Result Daily mark Form Test Exam 25-30% 10-15% 60% 10-15 % T1 (50%) + T2 (50%) First Term (T1) Second Term (T2) Year Result Daily Scores Daily scores 100% T1 (50%) + T2 (50%)
3. Assessment and promotion criteria Students NOT eligible to be promoted to the next class level: Fail in the Year Grand Average; OR Fail in any one of the following subjects: English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics or Liberal Studies; OR Fail in more than ONE Group A subject (IS, Geog., Hist., Chi Hist.); OR Fail in more than TWO Group B subjects (BK, Mus, PTH, HE, ICT, VA, PE); OR Non-submission of assignments exceeding 50 times throughout the year; OR Grade D or below in ALL the following aspects: (i) Diligence (ii) Discipline (iii) Manner (iv) Sociability.
4. ePayment and PPS Target for F1 and F2 only (2015-2016) Include All payment made payable to “The Incorporated Management Committee of Munsang College” previously. Except: Fee for Stationery, Printing Voucher and Service / Study Tour An amount of HK$3,000 is to be deposited by the first issue of the “Message from the Principal”. Depositing of funds into students account, you may use either PPS(繳費靈), select “Munsang College” (PPS Code: 6340) Bank in to the account 285-120754-003 (Hang Seng Bank - Bank Code: 024 ). Also, reply slip should be submitted to the General Office Checking account balance and transaction records by using the eClass. At the end of an academic year, any unused balanced will be tallied and carried forward to the next academic year. Upon graduation, any remaining balance will be returned to students via a cheque.
Good habits Record the homework in the handbook Hand in homework (no homework -1/4 black marks ) Body Temperature record Revision for quizzes, Dictations and Tests Use of mobile phone, computer Hand in reply slip (parent’s signature) on the next day
Question & Answer
Please return ‘Parents Attendance Sheet’ ‘Parents Survey’ (with class name: F.1_)
p.1-6 Registration Card, Octopus Card, 12 photos p.7-10 School uniform (regulation) p.11-13 P.E./Tracksuit/House T-shirt----price, place for purchase, buy swim wear in the first P.E. lesson(e.g. swimming cap) p.14-15 1/9-4/9 and normal school days time arrangement p.20-22 Promotion Criteria p.23 PPS (First Message From Principal)Epayment p.24 Good Habit