Principals Professional Development Update Presentation to the Board of Education March 27, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Principals Professional Development Update Presentation to the Board of Education March 27, 2007

Purpose Educational Services develops professional development for teachers and principals aligned to the District goals Professional development for principals is essential because… Provides principals current research-based knowledge, strategies, & essential learnings to lead & support the work at their schools Develops and deepens skills needed to lead a school towards high student achievement

Professional Development Criteria Grounded in research & clinical knowledge of teaching and learning Focused on student learning in a particular context Models good practice throughout the program Provides active learning opportunities for practitioners (practice, feedback, & reflection) Transparent about the limitations of the evidence supporting the desired practice Intensive: includes follow-up on and on-site support for practitioners Sustained over time Allows practitioners to integrate new knowledge & strategies into their practice Utilizes expertise of practitioners, cultivates leaders, & involves practitioners in planning Provides structures to facilitate collaboration among practitioners both within and across schools Respects practitioners as professional, adult learners (Cohen & Hill 2001; Corcoran, 1995; Desimone et al, 2002, Lieberman & Wood, 2003; Loucks-Horsley et al., 2003; National Research Coluncil, 1996; National Staff Development Council, 2001; Supovitz, 2003)

Participation List Morning Session Carol Barton Suzanne Bryant Mike Cooper Rosalind Davenport Joy Dean Dave Dierking Jan Goodman Michael Hans Margaret Harris Mike Janvier Jud Kempson Jeff Knoth Jane Lee Kathy Love Mary McCain Brian McGarry Sean McPhetridge Niel Tam Debbie Wong Afternoon Session Alysee Castro Shirley Clem Angela Ehrlich Judy Goodwin Lynda Hornada Barbara Lee Katie Lyons Peggy McCarthy Mary McGuiness Laurie McLachlan-Fry Gerald Rawlins Gail Rossiter Bill Sonneman Leni von Blanckensee Dorothy Wiggins Marcheta Williams Ardella Dailey

Improving Student Achievement through Teacher Observation & Feedback Year 1: In principals spent the year deepening their knowledge on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and practicing their knowledge of quick classroom visits focused on teaching standards (Santa Cruz New Teacher Center) Year 2: This year, , the sessions have been focused to follow-up and extend last years PD on examining good teaching, rigor, equity, and developing our observation skills in quick classroom walkthroughs (Ed Porter)

Overview of Sessions Session 1 (9/26/06): Inquiry into Good Teaching: What is it? Session 2 (10/24/06): Understanding the six areas of teaching practice Session 3 (1/23/07): What does rigor look like? Session 4 (2/20/07): Practicum: Classroom Walkthrough at Chipman MS Session 5 (3/27/07): Developing and supporting rigor & good teaching Session 6 (4/24/07): Practicum: Classroom Walkthrough TBD Session 7 (5/15/07): Balancing equity & excellence, cultural transformation, managing change

Good Teaching Supervising That Supports Rigor & Good Teaching Rigor All Students Performing at or above Standard Equity & Excellence We will explore each of these four areas of focus!

Why focus on classroom walkthroughs? It is a tool of short 3-5 minute informal, frequent observations of classrooms using a focused protocol to help principals focus on a specific area(s) Build a school-wide and district-wide climate for coaching support from principals and reflection on teaching practice One critical way to gather important data related to curricular, instructional, and programmatic decisions that teachers are making all day everyday One important way for principals to provide thoughtful, reflective feedback that will lead to maximizing instruction, i.e., widens repertoire of strategies Allows principal to be a instructional expert & pivotal agent for maximizing student achievement

Logistics Budget: Title I & Title II Each session is planned with Ed Porter and the Educational Services Team with principal feedback Next Steps Principals will participate in a professional development needs assessment Planning next years PD will include differentiated training focused on building: Instructional leadership (school planning, climate for walkthroughs, data analysis) Technical leadership (budget development)