Revision: 1 、我不知道该穿什么。 2 、我想在床上再多呆 10 分钟。 3 、我花了一个星期读这本书。 4 、你能把你的自行车借给我吗? 5 、这件外套对我来说太小了。 6 、请把你的照片给我看看。 7 、在这十个学生中有 3 个女孩。 8 、他们两个都来自中国。 9 、公共汽车来了。


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Presentation transcript:

Revision: 1 、我不知道该穿什么。 2 、我想在床上再多呆 10 分钟。 3 、我花了一个星期读这本书。 4 、你能把你的自行车借给我吗? 5 、这件外套对我来说太小了。 6 、请把你的照片给我看看。 7 、在这十个学生中有 3 个女孩。 8 、他们两个都来自中国。 9 、公共汽车来了。 10 、今天的会议到此结束。 11 、他的红色领带很配他的衬衫。 12 、感谢你写信给我。 13 、你穿着白衬衫看起来很精神。 14 、我的裙子是由丝绸制成的。 15 、我不得不步行回家。 16 、你觉得我的靴子怎么样? 17 、这件毛衣穿在你身上看起来很好。 18 、长裙不适合于上体育课。 19 、 你的围巾是由什么制成的? 20 、我想要参加那场足球比赛。 21 、你在干什么? 我正在吃一个苹果。 22 、他们正在聊天么? 不,他们在读英语。

7A Unit 8 Main Task Main Task Designing clothes

Task1. Revise clothes T-shirttrousers tie sweater jacket shirt dress hat

jeans trainers boots shoes scarves scarf gloves blouse skirt

What colour are they? Task2. Revise colours dark blue pink purple

What are they made of ? leather wool silk cotton material 材料,材质 Task3. be made of.. 由 … 制成的(成品看出原材料)

model He looks cool. She looks modern and beautiful.

What is he wearing? a white shirt: a pair of black trousers look clean White matches black. White matches/goes well with any other colour. Black matches/goes well with any other colour,too.

Can you design clothes? They are very comfortable. They look beautiful on girls Girls look beautiful in them. 设计,构思

Clothes&shoes description shirt jacketjeans trainers Features Colour Material clean white cotton not long not large dark blue cotton comfortable blue cotton light and comfortable grey leather What does Sandy’s design include? Her design includes a shirt, a jacket, a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers. Task4. learn about Sandy’s design 特征 包括,包含

Sandy’s design Clothes&shoes description shirt jacketjeans trainers Features Colour Material clean white cotton not long not large dark blue cotton comfortable blue cotton light and comfortable grey leather 1.How does it look? 2.What colour is the shirt? 3. What is it made of? It’s white It looks clean. It’s made of cotton.

Sandy’s design Clothes&shoes description shirt jacketjeans trainers Features Colour Material clean white cotton not long not large dark blue cotton comfortable blue cotton light and comfortable grey leather 1.What colour is the jacket? 2.Do students look smart in dark blue? 3. What is it made of?

Sandy’s design Clothes&shoes description shirt jacketjeans trainers Features Colour Material clean white cotton not long not large dark blue cotton comfortable blue cotton light and comfortable grey leather 1.What colour are the jeans? 2.Are jeans very popular among students? 3. What are they made of?

Sandy’s design Clothes&shoes description shirt jacketjeans trainers Features Colour Material clean white cotton not long not large dark blue cotton comfortable blue cotton light and comfortable grey leather 1.What colour are the trainers? 2.Are they light and comfortable? Do you like trainers? 3. What are they made of?

My fashion design Look at the model. Here is for a shirt, a______, jeans and a ____of trainers The shirt is white. I think white shirts look_____, and white _______ any other colour. The jacket is not too long or too large, and it is ____blue. Students look _____in dark blue. Jeans are very _______among students,so my design ________a pair of blue jeans. The shirt,the jacket and the jeans are all ______of cotton and are very comfortable. There is also a pair of trainers. They are grey. Trainers are _____ and comfortable, and all the students like them.. Task5 Learn jacket matches clean dark smart popular includes made light pair

My fashion design Look at the model. Here is for a shirt, a jacket, jeans and a pair of trainers The shirt is white. I think white shirts look clean, and white matches any other colour. The jacket is not too long or too large, and it is dark blue. Students look smart in dark blue. Para. 1 General introduction Para. About the jacket Para. 2 About the shirt

Jeans are very popular among students,so my design includes a pair of blue jeans. The shirt,the jacket and the jeans are made of cotton and are very comfortable. There is also a pair of trainers. They are grey. Trainers are light and comfortable, and all the students like them Para. 6 About the trainers Para. 5 About the material of the shirt,the jacket and the jeans Para.4 About the jeans

Key points. 1.a pair of trainers / a pair of blue jeans 2.look clean 3.match any other colour 4.Students look smart in dark blue =Dark blue looks smart on students. made of… 6. light and comfortable

Task 6 Writing——designing clothes breakfast reason lunch reason supper reason A Make a plan Clothes&shoes description Features Colour Material

Make a poster.(girls)

For boys

For boys

Task 6 Writing——designing clothes breakfast reason lunch reason supper reason A Make a plan Clothes&shoes description Features Colour Material

Writing Structure ( 结构) Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Task 6 Writing——designing clothes About….. About…. General introduction …….

Useful sentences Useful sentences ….look(s)… …match(es) /go(es) well with …is /are not too long or too large. ….is/are made of… … is/are light and comfortable Sb.look(s) smart in (colour)… …look(s)good /cool on sb. The colour of … is…. …is/are very popular among young people.

Attention 1. Remember to write it into several parts. 1. 分段写作 2. Don’t make small mistakes. 2. 尽量没有错 3.Try to use some colourful expressions. 3. 用精彩语句

Pair work Check your writing with each other. Find out the mistakes in your partner’s writing and please correct them.

What to wear 1.If you have a PE lesson, what do you wear? 2.If you go for a party, what do you wear? 3.What do we wear in summer? 4.What do we wear in winter?

1.Recite the article on P103 2.Finish off the exercises on page Make a poster about your fashion design.