E-commerce & E-marketing
英语班级: 08 级 1B6 专 业:电子商务 小组成员:陶婷婷、徐琼洁、陈旸、 王宏、王懿韵、杨佳妮
Traditional Definition of E-commerce Business activities conducted using electronic commerce and eletronic business interchangeably. 利用因特网和万维网等技术实现电子数据传 输所进行的商业活动。
The New Definition E-commerce=EC+TERM+SCM EC: electronic commerce TERM: technology enabled relationship management SCM: supply chain management
Characteristics of E-commerce Business-to-Business(B2B) Business-to-Consumer(B2C) Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C) Non-business EC 非商业机构间的电子商务 Intra-organizational EC 机构内部的电子商务
The Advantages of E-commerce Lower transaction Larger purchases per transaction Intergration into the business cycle People can shop in different ways Larger catalogs AdvantagesAdvantages Improved customer interactions
Shopping on the Internet
What can we buy online? Here are some good bets: Books and CDs Airplane tickets and other travel arrangements Computers Groceries Medicine Stocks and mutual funds Anything you’d buy from a mail-order catalog
Here are some Websites china.alibaba.com china.alibaba.com
E-marketing Shopping on the Internet(online shop,Inter -net shop,wetshop or online store) is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet.In conlusion,who wants to make businesses sucessfully on the Internet,he needs E-mar -keting.
E-marketing E-marketing,commonly known as an Internet marketing tool,refer to “how” businesses mar -ket their services and products online. 网络营销,一般认为是互联网上销售工具,指的是 商家如何在网上来推销他们的产品和服务。
Electronic Market Strategy Making decisions on sales and inventories. 1 Making decisions on consumption.2 Making decisions on price. 3 4 Promotion strategy.
The principles of E-marketing 1.Know your customer 了解你的客户 2.Use multiple channels to interactive customers 要利用多种渠道与客户互相交流 3.Personalize the customer experience 要使客户的经验成为个人专利 4.Optimize the value of every experience 要优化每个客户的价值
The principles of E-marketing 5.Develop and maintain a global,customer -centric e-business relationship 要开拓并保持全球的和以客户为中心的电子商务关系 6.Leverage and extend the ecosystem 要有效地调控和拓展生态系统 7.Cultivate an organizational culture based on e-business excellence and innovation 要培育基于电子商务的优点和创新上的企业文化
The End 谢谢观赏!