JACoW Team Meeting Summary of Meeting Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger2 SPMS Conferences PAC 2001Chicago, Illinois, USA PAC 2003Portland, Oregon, USA BIW 2004Knoxville, Tennessee, USA EPAC 2004Lucerne, Switzerland LINAC 2004Lübeck, Germany FEL 2004Trieste, Italy Cyclotrons 2004Tokyo, Japan Aspen 2005Aspen, Colorado, USA PAC 2005Knoxville, Tennessee, USA DIPAC 2005Lyon, France FEL 2005Stanford, California, USA COOL 2005Galena, Illinois, USA EPAC 2006Edinburgh, Scotland BIW 2006Batavia, Illinois, USA LINAC 2006Knoxville, Tennessee, USA PAC 2007Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger3 SPMS and Repository History Objectives Features added recently Implementation Main features Architecture Administrative roles How to start implementing SPMS How does SPMS work? Profiles and accounts The Agreement SPMS requirements Browser requirements facility Conference utility Repository utility archives
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger4 Setting up a New Conference Web site at FNAL with zip files containing SPMS files at www- esh.fnal.gov/spms/ Zip files include list of files you need and readme file with step- by-step instructions Hardware requirements File server and db server should be separate Also presented information on JACoW repository, background jobs, SPMS User setup, facility, data dictionary, and additions
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger5 Classifications and Sub-classifications Description of classifications Main Classifications screen – fields (PAC and EPAC styles are merging) Sub-classifications screen (entered by Administrator) Combine Main and Sub- classifications screens Presentation types for Contributions (e.g., invited oral, contributed oral, poster, etc.) Presentation types for Sessions (places a type of presentation in a physical space) Conclusion: There is a certain confusion about the way these two screens are labeled and used
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger6 Abstracts, Their Submission and QA – Charlie Horak How to set up SPMS to accept abstracts What constitutes abstract QA How to reclassify abstracts
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger7 Program Codes – Charlie Horak How to create program codes How to number the papers and reassign IDs manually
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger8 Invitation-Only Conferences – Michaela Marx Description of an invitation-only conference How LINAC04 handled abstract submission: full-service for invitees Administrator duties
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger9 SPMS Functionality and Data Flows Description of the authors interface Adding a new author Abstracts list and main screen for authors What’s behind a new profile What happens after submitting an abstract Paper uploading When and why to resubmit a paper QA Conference setup From abstract to contributions Paper reviewing Paper editing Quality assurance Proceedings production
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger10 Registration Modules General Functionality Data Flow--General Data Flow--Payments How to set up a registration form: defining fields, building web pages The Administrator’s role Overview Payment form Follow-up sent Taking payments [discussion on various methods of taking credit card payments]
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger11 Processing Workflow Review Processing –The LOC perspective –The author perspective –Security issues –Paper submission framework Editing Module –Get Next Paper button –Active papers –Other links –SPMS Editor Workflow graphic Refereeing Module (New!) –History –Proposed workflow for adding a refereeing module –Actual workflow (JACoW editing took place before the refereeing) –Clear and confusing needs for next time –Suggested system parameters –Wish list for next time Poster Police –Policy –Role of poster session managers (a/k/a poster police) –Poster police interface –Search for nonconforming posters – application QA –Purpose –OK for publication –Editor’s page / Paper final QA –QA editor actions –Result of actions
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger12 Pre-Press & Publication (Mon & Thu) List of steps necessary to prepare preliminary proceedings (formerly known as preliminary proceedings), i.e., no page numbers, indexes, wrapper material List and description of scripts to run to create the final proceedings –(Thu) A number of script issues were discussed –(Thu) Use WGET instead of browser for various tasks Publishing on JACoW –Technical requirements of papers –Second stage: edit JACoW home page to add links to new proceedings –Revised JACoW home page with new drop-down lists of proceedings by conference –Code listing of search engine interface (Thu) Open Archive and SPIRES citation data –SPMS URLs will generate data –Common set of keywords among all conferences. Library data package needs writing!
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger13 Post-Conference Feedback to the JACoW Repository – Christine PJG Aims Data to repatriate Search/Edit screen Question for Matt: Would the data be repatriated postconference to the JACoW central repository and be available in the future in the profiles repository for new conferences, or would it be synchronized to conferences already using copies of the repository? Answer: Need to query central repository through that conference to obtain this information. Information is there, a page needs to be written to access it.
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger14 SPMS Development Number of modules possible –Registration, Receipts, Badges (attached code, e.g. Jeff Patton’s PAC code?) –Schedule export –Mailing label generation –Repository search Modularisation of SPMS Programming effort needed!
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger15 SPMS Documentation (Christine) SPMS User Manual uses DTree layout – /Manual/defaultnew.htmlhttp://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/jacow/SPMS /Manual/defaultnew.html –Naomi and Dan should write up the registration module documentation –Links to this week’s seminars on the SPMS documentation site –Should be a manual of the present state of the website –(also Refereeing module documentation)
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger16 SPMS Character Problems (John) Character sets are implemented as best as possible in the production repository Unsolved (unsolvable?) problem with user data entry –Errors must be amended manually –Volker’s XML scripts can search for unusual characters, and will display in ISO-LATIN1
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger17 Brainstorming- Presentation Types Lots of discussion about the reclassification of presentations –Automatic conversion of oral->poster –Generation of programme codes Comments –Need to be able to split a session across rooms –Need to be able to split a classification/sub-classification to allow them to be split across sessions or days Demo of issues was done Action Christine to liaise with Matt to sort out table names
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger18 Poster Numbering/Village System Numbering works to group posters by same institute –Sort by affiliation & presenter/primary name Can manually adjust, but be careful afterwards! There is a general problem with disjointed authors – group by subject or group by person –Main hierarchies should be preserved, e.g. major topics (main sub), affiliation –Then manual fix of disjoints across room
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger19 InDiCo Related product to SPMS –Powerful system for running a conference For CERN-sponsored conferences –Has different focus to SPMS (presentation vs. publication), but has many of the same functions as SPMS Registration Scheduling Contribution upload Contribution download Offline website creation
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger20 Tue Afternoon – New SPMS Functionality Proposed Method for Invited Talks –Submit Proposal Proposer, Title, Speaker(s) (primary & alternative), Comments, Classification –Comment Proposal –Add Proposed Speakers –Merge of duplicate proposals –Report/Review – data extraction –Accept/Reject – done by Session Chair/Conf. Admin. (green/red dot?) –Select Speaker – done by Session Chair/Conf Admin. (green/red dot?) –(Log) Need new roles –Programme Committee Member, who can submit & comment –Proposed Speaker When needed –PAC07 (needed March 06?); build on experience from Linac06 (PAC07 meets March/April next year)
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger21 Credit Card Data/Processing Who gets access to the credit card data? –DB Admin can always change roles – trust him! –Special role for only finance people? – policy needs deciding Registration people do not necessarily need to see data Forwarding of billing request and transaction ID stamp to a 3 rd - party payment provider is much better –Essentially store transaction ID instead of credit card number; payment provider takes on risk of storing/using credit card numbers –Previous setup of data ‘bounce-back’ (e.g. via URL) between payment provider and e.g. SPMS –CCLRC Lab policy did not allow this for EPAC06 Various payment options explored – fees were quite high >2% per transaction Would have required a major change to CCLRC financial operating system
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger22 Cloning of Conference Data Suggestion: –Store ‘template’ data to start off the structure of a conference Keywords Registration Data (fields and layouts) Invitee list? Extract data such as what year/conference a speaker made a presentation (repatriation) Accommodation templates –Keep only last conference? –Mix&match templates from several conferences
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger23 Flagging of Prize Entries Identification (flag) for papers/presentations to be entered into a prize competition Suggestion: –Radio buttons for submission of abstract into competition Flag by submitting authors Flag by expert Report Dump of Data – extract PDFs by judges; green/yellow dotted can be viewed. Why not red dot/unprocessed viewable too? (in case of no edit) Flag_description, Flag1, Flag2 – process them first so that they can be judged during the conference. Late papers do not get entered. Need to summarise competition entries for judge –When they were entered –Whether they have been processed, so that no entries are missed
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger24 Customised Mailing Lists Suggestion: Customise list by –Classification –Status –Presentation –Presentation Option/Type –Profile/Contribution/Expert/Role driven – need to take care to appropriately use lists Some technical issue with ing attachments Attachment of CVs?
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger25 JACOW Status Rapid growth of proceedings – up to 50 conferences soon –Copyright agreement needed for some conferences Schools publications is in discussion Various formalisations in progress –Attendance –Budget allocations –Data security Indexing –Some papers don’t get indexed Some issues with DNS/Serving that have caused small outages CERN has signed the Berlin declaration Next year’s team meeting at CAT Indore?
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger26 JACOW Development and Relationships 11 conferences already have agreements Some smaller conferences/workshops have been discussed Discussion of Part.Accel. scanning is ongoing CAS/USPAS lecture notes? –Problems with old documents since they have varying source and format –Much of CAS is presentation material – hard to index –Input and resources required from schools JACOW/IEEE relationship –conflicting requirements –But they’re not hard constraints (e.g. JACOW compresses more to limit file size) –Paper size variation was a surprise to them –Future is to have multi-media content – watch this Subsetted fonts is no longer a problem in Acrobat 7 Data security of repository information – addresses especially – these will not be published, but will be in OAI –Local repository copies are destroyed after conference (Thu) GPL Link
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger27 Conference Summaries HB2006 –first ICFA workshop on JACOW –Is it legitimate to harvest addresses from conference? ICFA BD Workshop on Future Light Sources –No abstract booklet –Plenaries in standard JACOW format –Presentations and WG summaries will be searchable and printable – new presentation type for transparencies? (Keynote, OO Impress, Word, ppt, ps, PDF, portrait/landscape) – publish to PDF. PDF source will be allowed. Define to delegates what source file formats are allowed –Naming convention for presentations? –A workshop option in the conference configuration APAC2007 –In Indore –Have learned from KEK experience –Will learn SPMS by getting involved with EPAC Cyclotrons 2007 –In Taormina –Again, experience will be gained
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger28 Conference Summaries DIPAC2005 –First to follow JACOW –Full SPMS, supported by J.Poole and M.Arena –Big advantage in using SPMS for affiliations etc. –Formatting problems reduced cf. LINAC04, but is still the largest error in a paper –A number of script issues were discussed Missing contributions in LINAC04 were marked explicitly FEL Conference Series –Yearly, medium size – published in NIMA –50 Acrobat licenses available simultaneously ICALEPCS - –Uses a different paper and submission engine –Only accepts PDF –Problem with printing – fonts problem? –Jewel box for CDs tend to break in the mail. Used card covers –Discussion of move to publish on DVD – wait until everyone has require drives (next year or so)
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger29 Conference Summaries ICAP – International Computational Accelerator Physics conference –Variety of publishing methods; a bit of a mess –adopt JACOW –Chamonix October – –Suggestion (J.Poole) for better vector plots Screen grabs done right now – depends on form of data plot (e.g. decimation of data) Maybe Comp. Phys. community can help with a methodology. Need instructions/hints in the submission instructions –Probable problem with copyright forms LINAC04 –Invitation only meant manual SPMS profile editing –‘Traditional’ numbering meant manual numbering of papers –Problem with using Macs and Projector/Beamers (also see problem with Dells with ATI Rage cards) LINAC06 –Some editing help is to be requested
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger30 Conference Summaries PAC 2005 –All papers processed but none QA’d at conference –13 green but no IEEE copyright –Maybe update Mac instructions? –Some authors had problem uploading PS files –Shared network with the Internet Café was a problem –First use of registration module (have now developed better spec for EPAC) –Badges and payments was a problem PAC 2007 –Website is already live, but skeletal –Usual assistance needed from JACOW LINAC08, PAC09 –Conference venues booked already! RuPAC – –170 out of 209 met JACOW requirements and were published –Contact with authors was primarily by , which was a difficulty – Would like to use local SPMS for next conference
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger31 Conference Summaries EPAC –New accelerator prize for young scientists – nominated by (young) peers –Continuity is key –Plone is used for EPAC06 website; editing demonstration given
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger32 Conference Summary Summary Statistics are constant across conferences –Breakdown between Word/LaTeX –Cross-reference authors! 35 papers per editor per day is a good guide Networking –Need to make absolutely sure that the network requirements will be met Be clear with the IT staff And with the conference centre
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger33 JACOW Scanning Project PAC scanning is finished! EPAC in progress JACOW website automated statistics gathering –But need careful criteria to get meaningful data –Alternatives may be possible using a Log analyser, or using a Perl script that handles the downloading and does the download counting (no caching). This would not work on static files though. Some reworking of the file system would be needed (index file would be corrupted). Copyright issues to deal with
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger34 Schedule Builder Extend My Schedule and add iCal (.ics) export and subscription GPS coordinates are easy to add – why not?
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger35 Documentation and Template Review Make ‘recommended software’ into ‘required software’ A few other modifications suggested –Times New Roman (Times New RomanPSMT) is mentioned as being allowed (as well as Times) to avoid confusion –General Postscript drivers are often available, but not always –It’s now hard to put the wrong fonts into Word – Times is not in MS Word ‘out of the box’. Metrics of different fonts are slightly different Old template versions to be discontinued Some British/US English usage differences – doesn’t matter? MathType is useful for editors to have – makes editing easier –JACOW purchase? Some templates don’t use the defined Styles in areas they should – these should be made consistent No break of Figures across half columns (word-wrapping)
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger36 KEK Mirror Site A good fraction of the traffic is generated by search engines (~35%) Using an unusual HTTP server (Russian code) lessens the chance of security breaches Mirroring is done by downloading site and replicating –Now only changed sections are downloaded Issues –Use of same search engines –Additions to keyword list –Change logs –Use absolute links carefully –Would like log list of conference files delivered, to gain complete picture of downloads
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger37 Acrobat 7 and Distiller Acrobat 7 Developments –V4: Tagged PDF for document text flow (and accessibility). Multicolumn a problem. –V6: Retain layers (professional) –V6: Active multimedia embedding –V6: PDF Optimiser –V6/V7: Invasive installation (toolsets in other applications) –V7: New functionality focuses on review (and security), editing and prepress – different split between Prof. & Reader –V7: Support for layers for engineering use –V7: PDF/X and PDF/A support, e.g. and –V7: Bug fixes of v6.0. –V7: Some OCR features of Acrobat Capture now available in v7. (but Capture was a free plugin before) –V7: Different availability on different OSes. OS Requirements for Reader are strict (modern PCs) and limited
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger38 Distiller 7 Developments Distiller 7 Developments: –Watched folders (powerful but licensing restrictions – need Distiller Server) Distiller 7 Settings: –V7 Needs further research – use PAC’05 final.ps files to look at viewing speed and file size –V7 ‘Standard’ gives bad print output. Also other default profiles. –Possible problem with embedding OpenType fonts.
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger39 Edit, Versioning & CD Standards PitStop Server: –The server can automate many tasks we need for JACOW Needs some configuration Still needs manual editing at the end –Was used for PAC05 Very useful for reducing file sizes for CD Different file sizes on JACOW and CD Version to be Used: –Move to Acrobat/Distiller 7 –Move compatibility to Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4) – driven by support level across platforms ISO9660 Joliet is the most compatible standard for CD production, and should continue to be used. –Should also use ‘Hybrid’ extension to allow double-clicking of files on MacOS. JACOW CDs are usually tight on space, but this extension is lightweight. –Other formats (e.g. DVD) are extra at the discretion of the conference
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger40 Fonts Embedding of fonts is an ongoing problem –Often get subset (but don’t worry) –Old Type 1 fonts get substituted (e.g. Times!) –A big problem with font licensing and permissions – need to start from the ground up. Don’t bother with a license –OpenType will make things worse Type 3 no longer a problem When editing text, use the source document
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger41 Security – Hardware/Software/Data Hardware usually no problem Software carefully patched and configured –Close all the holes, Oracle is well-known Firewall + ports Passwords Patches Authentication (use SSL) SPMS Passwords –Readable by admin so that delegates could be told –Better changeable (reset) but not readable –Get rid of passphrase –New password process: Method 1: Request sends with clickable link to reset profile password (authentication is via predefined address) Method 2: administrator can reset and user enters new password at administrator seat (authentication is via face-to-face). Confirmation (without password) is sent. Data Security Laws have to be followed –Might have to delete a profile, but probably not the paper – perhaps the name and affiliation alone can be kept (this may not be personal data) –Opt-in information must be given to all – could be done at the JACOW repository
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger42 Next SPMS Release Install script ports Payment failed functionality Search on Referee Status Search on Profiles -> Export (CSV/Excel) Keywords DB Multi-currency registration headers in ASCII Turn off auto poster numbering Village system numbering parameter Proposed speakers; roles; functions Cloning registration, invitees Dynamic attributes for the abstracts (abstract flags) – PRSTAB, students, and sorting of them Current edit (dot) status on the abstract search report Language pack compatibility for Oracle – release notes –FAQ/Wiki in documentation Expand session chair utility to cover all experts Create a role-driven utility Remove the passphrase and replace with new methods Registration receipt and invoice printing function, badge printing Personal scheduler download to PDA Mailing label generation Repository archive search and report on repatriated data User print of PDF Author submit of PDF as source file (for workshop transparencies) – turn on/off ability by session Refereeing module: upload marked-up PDF (for refereeing) –Dot masking when refereeing –Search ref/edit status of papers, and stats –Master status report – sort order on ref status report
Presentation Summary, November 2005, INFN Frascati, Italy, Hywel Owen and Cathy Eyberger43 SPMS Dev. Schedule Conference/DB Dev Schedule: –2xICFA Workshops (May) 1. PDF upload 1. Install script ports 1. Payment failed 1. Registration receipts –EPAC (June) 2. Proposed speakers (needed March) 2. Abstract flags 2. PDA Download 2. Role-driven 3. Auto poster numbering turn off 3. Village system num. params –LINAC 2. Mailing labels (needed soon) 4. Keywords DB –FEL (August) 4. Refereeing Status 4. Refereeing module changes 4. headers in ASCII 4. User print PDF 4. Other refereeing items 4. Session chair –ICAP (October) –PAC Multi-currency