Safe removal of Africanized honey bee colonies Developed by: Dr. Philip Koehler Adapted by: Michael K. O’Malley Dr. Jamie Ellis Dept. of Entomology & Nematology University of Florida Gainesville, FL
Part 1 1. General Information 2. Differences between AHB and EHB 3. AHB Response and Control 4. Swarms: Trapping and Removal 5. Beeproofing
Florida Counties to confirm AHB presence as of December 2007 USDA / FDACS-DPI
Hybridization of European & African Honey Bees AfricansEuropeans Shorter queen development times More eggs fertilized with African sperm African Honeybees (AHB) Hybridization HBREL
Differences between AHB and EHB Aggressive Hive Defense and Stinging AHB responds quicker and in larger numbers when colony is threatened. AHB remains agitated longer than EHB Disturbing an AHB colony results in 6-10 times more stings than EHB Nests are dangerous if not removed Improper removal is dangerous for neighbors and bystanders
AHBs swarm more frequently than the EHBs – EHB colonies swarm 1-2 times/year – AHB colonies can swarm 10+ times/yr AHB swarm is smaller than EHB swarm – Some aren't much larger than a coffee cup. 300 AHB swarms per square mile – in Central America Professionals need to – Trap swarms as they move into area – Remove swarms Willie The Bee Man, Inc. Differences between AHB and EHB Excessive Swarming
Differences between AHB and EHB Selection of Nesting Site EHBs are particular in selecting nest sites. – Hollow trees – Wall voids – Cavities (about 10 gallons in size) – Above ground, clean, and dry voids AHBs nest in any protected place – Smaller, closer to the ground Difficult to detect AHB in varied nesting locations until too late
Subduing Bee Attacks A wide spray of water and chemical wetting agent subdues Africanized honey bees
Saving Animals and People from Bee Attack Put on protective equipment Remove victim from area as fast as possible Spray victim with soapy water Medical or veterinary attention for victim
AHB Response/Control NON-EMERGENCY honey bee calls… WHO can respond? PCOs GHP L&O – unless inside house Registered Florida Beekeepers (non-pesticidal methods) Land Managers (on property they are responsible for) - limited certification if pesticidal methods used.
EMERCENCY honey bee calls…. WHO can respond? First responders Fire Departments Police Departments Animal Control Officers Responders MUST be trained! AHB Response/Control
Survey of Florida Pest Management Companies Do YOU remove bees?!? No: 95%Yes: 5% Africanized honey bee control is a major revenue source for companies in TX, AZ, CA HBREL
Types of Bee Services for Pest Management Professionals Bee swarm trap service Bee swarm control/removal Property survey & bee proofing Help for bee attack (people and animals) Eradication of colonies Remove bee combs and repair damage
Swarms: Trapping and Removal Swarm trapping—catching a swarm before it settles on an object – Involves use of a trap and pheromone – Swarms are killed while inside trap Swarm removal—removing a swarm that has already settled on an object – Eradicate before it establishes a colony
Bee swarm trapping Swarms should be trapped to prevent them from… – Stinging people and animals – Establishing a colony – Becoming defensive
Swarm traps swarm trap costs ~$15 swarm lure costs ~$2.50 Lures are used to attract bees to the trap Cone-style swarm traps are made from recycled wood pulp HBREL
Setting Swarm Traps Refer to ‘Swarm Trapping’ Edis document for assembly and pheromone information Should be placed yards apart along edges of property Place in high, shady area Away from houses or buildings frequented by people
Examples of Trapping Service Plan Trapping Station Installation – Property analyzed by specially-trained personnel – Number and location of trapping stations determined Each station with two pheromone-baited swarm traps Premium Service Plan – Personnel inspect stations once each week – Trapped swarms neutralized and removed Self-Monitoring Service Plan – Clients inspect stations regularly – Client contacts company when see swarms – Personnel neutralize and remove each swarm
Swarm Removal Swarms should be removed…. That have settled on an object – Tree, building, vehicle, anywhere! That are in close proximity to people Before they find a colony location Before they become defensive
W.H.Kern, Jr.
The Buzzkillers
W.H.Kern, Jr.
Killing Bees in Swarms Soapy water works best – Do not use for established colonies—only swarms Method using 5% soapy water – Mix 1 cup of liquid dishwashing detergent with 1 gal water in a sprayer 1. Place an open garbage bag under swarm to catch bees as they fall 2. Wet surface of swarm with soapy water 3. Continue wetting as outer layers of soaked bees fall
Out of reach swarms Use a cardboard box or swarm trap Wrap the box in plastic and tape Cut hole in side Place swarm lure in box Wait for bees to move into box Spray foam pesticide into box
Bee proofing Locate potential nest sites Prevent nesting by eliminating access to or removing potential sites Conduct regular inspections to maintain sites and detect swarms
Nest locations AHBs can nest almost anywhere They favor a site with a small opening that accesses an open, shaded area Examples: – water meters – manholes – Holes in utility poles – gutter down-spouts Bee proofing
Restricting Access Once potential sites are located, restrict access to them Cover holes with 1/8” hardware cloth or screen Fill cracks with caulking, expanding foam, or wood/concrete filler
Equipment for Bee Proofing Equipment list: silicone and latex caulking, caulking gun, roll of screen mesh, clippers to cut screen, staple gun, staples, wood filler, concrete filler, putty knife, duct tape, expanding foam, and carrying container HBREL
Inspecting It will be impossible to eliminate ALL potential nesting sites Regular inspections are required – To maintain bee-proofed property – To check for swarms that may have settled in the area
Some sites are difficult to bee-proof…. HBREL
Safe removal of Africanized honey bee colonies: Part II Established Colony Removal
Tools for Established Nest Removal Generator Flashlight/150 watt halogen light Hive tool Shovel Duct tape Sting suit, veil, hat Leather gloves Foot/ankle protection Respirator Garbage bags Stakes and colored tape Drywall saw Drill and 1/16’ bit Ladder Stethoscope Staple gun Dustpan Vacuum Extension hose
Locating Nests Use principles from bee-proofing inspections Look for bees entering/exiting a location Single bees flying or visiting flowers are not an indication of a nest Listen for the hum of insect activity Inspect for low colonies at ground level Inspect for high colonies in tree branches, eaves, or attics
Locating Nests in Walls It is difficult to locate comb within walls – May be some distance from entrance used by bees Methods for locating comb in wall – Feel sheet rock for warmth – Tap sheet rock for solid sound vs. hollow sound – Use stethoscope to listen for buzzing when tapping Confirming location of comb – Drill a hole (1/16") close to the top of the wall They hang combs from top of voids – Insert a stiff wire Honey or wax should be on wire
Insecticides Foam – Quickly blocks exits so bees cannot attack – Insecticide can be added for kill Dust – Can be blown into nest after exit is blocked – Slower acting, but bee movement distributes through colony Liquid sprays – Cannot just treat entrance to kill nest – Residual treatments to area of nest removal Aerosols – Fastest knockdown and kill – No residual action – Directed into nest openings
Procedure for Controlling Nests Clear the area so onlookers will not be attacked – notify neighbors, nearby business, or onlookers to stay in-doors Apply initial foam in nest entrances to block attack Wait for bees to die; then remove nest/dead bees – Comb must be cut out and removed! Residual spray application to area of nest removal Bee-proof area and advise client to have area structurally repaired
Insect IQ, Inc.
Specific Treatment Procedures 1. Clear area so onlookers will not get attacked 2. Run extension cord to nest 3. Night removal recommended to reduce number of bee-stragleres Place light and insecticides 10 ft from nest 4. Put on sting suit, respirator, hat, veil & gloves 5. Duct tape gloves to suit, suit to shoes 6. Locate entrance/exits and comb in nest 7. Inject foam into entrances/exits to block attack You have 3 to 5 seconds to get the nest under control 8. Insert additional pesticides to eradicate majority of colony 9. Once bees are dead, remove nest and comb 10. Spray nest area with residual insecticides 11. Bee-proof area and advise client to have area structurally repaired, if needed
Insect IQ, Inc.
Necessity for Bee Nest Removal Simply killing the bees results in more problems Problems – an unattended beeswax, honey, brood, and pollen will attract other insects and animals. – Wax moths will enter to consume the wax. – cockroaches and ants will find the brood and honey. – Decaying brood and fermenting honey will cause undesirable odors. – Melting wax and honey soaks into walls making them impossible to paint or wallpaper. – Walls will also remain moist to the touch for a considerable period of time.
Clean-up and disposal Remove the nest Place the nest in a garbage bag Do not show nest to client Remove bag from premises Apply residual pesticides Insect IQ, Inc.
Examples of Removal Service Plans Property Survey – Determine bee activity and locate nests – Identify potential nesting sites or problems – Bee proof susceptible areas Nest Elimination – Fast acting methods and professionally trained staff – Eliminates the colony and prevents dangerous bee situations Comb Removal – Removal of the combs and dead bees from established nest sites – Destruction and re-building of walls
Controlling Bees = Safer Areas for People, Pets, and Domestic Animals Professional monitoring prevents establishment of dangerous colonies Professional bee removal with proper equipment and procedures provides safe areas for – Work – Play Eliminates bees without hazard of bees attacking neighbors and bystanders Protects at-risk animals and people from stings
Developed by: Dr. Philip Koehler UF Dept. of Entomology & Nematology Adapted by: Michael K. O’Malley Dr. Jamie Ellis Dept. of Entomology & Nematology © 2007 University of Florida All Photos Used by Permission: Insect IQ, Inc The Buzzkillers USDA HBREL William H. Kern, Jr. Willie the Bee Man, Inc.