Bell Work First go to work station one, and borrow a textbook Imagine that you were hired by a company to design and build a prototype of new toy or game to sell to children. You are given $1000 to use for this effort, but you only have one week to complete the prototype and test it. Brainstorm: Make a list of three different toys or games that you would like to design and build. Prototype Illustration: Chose one of your product ideas and draw a picture of it. SPI 0807.T/E. 1 Design a Prototype SPI 0807.T/E. 2 Eng Design Process May 17, 2013
(1) (3) (2) (4) (5) Quick Review 1 SPI 0807.T/E. 1 Design a Prototype SPI 0807.T/E. 2 Eng Design Process
Engineering Project (Day 1) Mission: In five days as part of a group, you will design, build, and test a prototype at school during science class in order to better understand the engineering design process. SPI 0807.T/E. 1 Design a Prototype SPI 0807.T/E. 2 Eng Design Process Lesson Timeline: Day 1: Friday, EDP Step 1 and 2 (Identify a need, make a plan) Day 2: Monday, EDP Step 1 and 2 (Identify a need, make a plan) Day 3: Tuesday, EDP Step 3 (Design and build a prototype) Day 4: Wednesday, EDP Step 3 and 4 (Build and test a prototype) Day 5: Thursday, EDP Step 4 (Build and test a prototype) Resources: Duct tape, cardboard, paper, cloth, scissors, glue, staples, string, wire, rulers, measuring tape, science classroom, and the grassy area outside our classroom.
( A) First we will watch a few video clips about duct tape projects to stimulate your thinking (B) Next Mr. Elliott will show you some projects made by former students. (C) Mr. Elliott will assign you to groups, and he will send you to a work station. No more that 4 to a group! You will use this same work station each day (D) In your group talk about what you want to design and build. (Keep it simple and realistic). (E) Talk about how you will build it, who will pay for items (if any), and start drawing models of your ideas. SPI 0807.T/E. 1 Design a Prototype SPI 0807.T/E. 2 Eng Design Process EDP Project Day 1