Please take great notes or make flashcards for all of these! Prefixes Please take great notes or make flashcards for all of these!
Ante Meaning: Before Example: anteroom noun 1. a room that admits to a larger room. 2. a waiting room.
counter Meaning: against, opposite Example: counteract Verb to act in opposition to; frustrate by contrary action.
Dys Meaning: away, not, negative Example: dysfunction Noun any malfunctioning part or element: the dysfunctions of the country's economy.
Hyper Meaning: over, above Example: hyperactive Adjective unusually or abnormally active Elliott is hyperactive at all times.
Inter Meaning: between Example: interstate Adjective: connecting or involving different states Noun: a highway serving two or more states
Intra Meaning: within, into Example: Intranet Noun a computer network with restricted access, as within a company, that uses software and protocols developed for the Internet.
Intro Meaning: between, before Example: introduction Noun a preliminary part, as of a book, musical composition, or the like, leading up to the main part.
Micro Meaning: small Example: microscope Noun an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye
Pseudo Meaning: fake Example: Pseudonym Noun a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name
Trans Meaning: across Example: transatlantic Adjective crossing or reaching across the Atlantic
Hood Meaning: order, quality Example: neighborhood Noun nearness; proximity
ic Meaning: having to do with Example: Dramatic Adjective of or pertaining to the drama
ify Meaning: to make into Example: purify Verb to make pure
logy Meaning: the study of Example: theology Noun study of divine things or religious truth
ure Meaning: result of Example: composure Noun self-controlled state of mind; calmness; tranquility
phobia Meaning: fear of Example: arachnophobia Adjective an abnormal fear of spiders
Roots Please take great notes on your note cards! These are state assessed items you will NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anthrop Meaning: human, man Example: misanthrope Noun hating mankind
bell Meaning: war Example: belligerent Adjective Meaning: warlike, engaged in war
brev Meaning: short Example: abbreviate Verb Meaning: to shorten by omitting letters
cred Meaning: believe Example: credible Adjective Meaning: capable of being believed, believable
culpa Meaning: guilty Example: culpable Adjective Meaning: deserving blame or censure
derm Meaning: skin Example: dermatology Noun Meaning: a branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases
duct Meaning: lead Example: conduct Noun direction or management Verb To lead or guide
ego Meaning: self Example: egomania obsessive love for oneself and regard to one’s own needs
fac Meaning: make, do Example: factory Noun a building or a group of buildings with facilities to make and manufacture goods
Jud/jur/jus Meaning: judge Example: jurisdiction Noun The authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies
Luc/lum Meaning: light Example: luminous Adjective radiating or reflecting light
mega Meaning: large Example: megalopolis Noun a very large city
ocu Meaning: eye Example: binoculars Noun an optical device providing good depth effect
ortho Meaning: straight, correct Example: orthodontist Noun a branch of dentistry dealing with the correction of irregular teeth
poly Meaning: many Example: polygamy Noun: The practice of having more than one spouse
rect Meaning: straight Example: direct Adjective proceeding in a straight line or by the shortest course
The/theo Meaning: God, deity Example: Theology Noun study of divine things or religious truth
urb Meaning: city Example: suburb Noun A district lying immediately outside a city or a town
vac Meaning: empty Example: Vacuum Noun A space entirely devoid of matter
vir Meaning: man, manly Example: virile Adjective Having or exhibiting masculine energy or strength