Citizen-Patient Participation in Safety a citizen-patient’s perspective from British Columbia, Canada ALIVE AND CLICKING…
Working definition of “citizen-patient” a person who may or may not have used health services AND who has an interest in supporting practice improvement options efficiency access cost availability safety participation self-management professional training end-of-life nutrition well-being risk accountability fitness sexual-health polypharmacy
Establishing a pediatric family-initiated safety reporting program Experience #1
The problem… More than 9% of children in hospitals in Canada experience an adverse event The risk of having an adverse event was nearly 3-fold higher in academic pediatric centers than in community hospitals Adverse Events Among Children in Canadian Hospitals: The Canadian Paediatric Adverse Events Study Matlow AG, Baker R, et al (2012)
Volunteers engage families Families report safety concerns at the bedside using a laptop and a tested, validated web-based tool Quality Leader reviews reports Staff and leaders use feedback for action planning and quality improvement
Next steps? Spread to other units Utilize tablets/iPads/apps Engage families from all ethnicities and cultures Make “Patient’s View” application available on the Internet Close the loop with families; results on a web site Engage families in improvement projects
Patients, residents, and families will experience culturally safe, socially just, person and family centered care across our systeccm. Experience #2 Providence Health Care
Code Help: the basics
Dispelling the Myths: [ it’s not about the food ] Its not about the food!
What the data tells us
What it means to Patients and Families disclaimer Experience #3
Thank you! Carolyn Canfield citizen-patient m