Mr. Tanaka
Engineers are the people who: Design solutions to technical problems. Work in both governmental agencies and private companies Diverse fields with many different career paths Very rewarding because you know you are working to make the world a better place for people to live!
Designs machines that fly. Two types: Aeronautical: Aircraft such as, helicopters, commercial passenger jets, military fighter jets Astronautical: Spacecraft such as, Space transportation, space stations, missiles
Designs and supervises the construction of public works projects. Preserve the environment by controlling flooding and designing less polluting power plants. The work strengthens the economy and improves the quality of life Can you think of any examples? Highways, bridges, sanitation facilities, and water treatment plants, etc.
Designs and develop electronic systems and products. Examples? GPS technology, electrical power generating stations, Televisions, Computers, iPhones, TV broadcasting system, electronic thermostat for heating and AC systems, etc.
Designs solutions to protect and maintain the environment. Guess what they do… Protecting and maintaining our environment Controlling air and water pollution, waste disposal, and public health issues.
Design the most efficient means of manufacturing products. Look at how people and machines interact. Would investing millions of dollars in new robotic equipment improve productivity??
Deals with a wide variety of problems involving energy, materials, tools, and machines, such as…?? Simple toys to very large and complex machines. Internal combustion engineers, elevators, escalators, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.
Works in fields closely related to engineering More practical than the work of engineers Works with engineers and scientists and decide the best method.
Engineers are more concerned with designing solutions. Engineering technologists are more often involved with taking the engineer’s design and making the final product.
Take related classes in high school. Do well in Science and Math classes. Get Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in two years college; or Get Bachelor’s degree in engineering.
Aerospace Engineering Technology Air Conditioning Engineering Technology Architectural Engineering Technology Automotive Engineering Technology Bioengineering Technology Ceramic Engineering Technology Chemical Engineering Technology Civil Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Technology Construction Engineering Technology Drafting and Design Electrical Engineering Technology Electromechanical Engineering Technology Environmental Engineering Technology Industrial Engineering Technology Instrumentation Engineering Technology Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology Naval Architecture and Marine Nuclear Engineering Technology Plastics Engineering Technology Surveying Engineering Technology Telecommunications Engineering Technology
Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Engineering Architectural Engineering Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Nuclear Engineering Petroleum Engineering Software Engineering
Research one of the engineering fields. Pick one, research it, and answer questions!
Slides 60% Submit on time (10%) Organization (50%) Have all 8 items: name of field, job description, working condition, education, salary, outlook, possible employers, and sources. Clear and short (details on notes) Interesting to look at. Make sure to site data, facts, and/ or examples
Presentation 40% Knowledge Use of slides Show your full knowledge! Delivery Tone of voice – Nice and clear Eye contactMake eye contact with your audience Enthusiasm Be excited to present what you have!
Slide #DescriptionNote 1 Engineering/ engineering technologist field did you search Why did you choose it? 2Job description What do they do? List at least four activities this person would do on the job. 3 Working Condition What physical conditions would you work under? (e.g., would you work in a manufacturing plant/ factory, sit behind a desk in a office, or work outside at a job site? 4Education What level of education is needed? (e.g., high school, community college, or university, etc.) 5Average Income What would the hourly wage/ or annual salary be for a typical person in this field? 6Outlook for this fieldIs it increasing/ decreasing over the next 5-10 years? 7Possible employersWhat type of company would hire this type of engineers? 8SourcesNames and addresses of websites, etc.
Think about how to attract your audience. Keep it simple. Don’t put too much words in one slide. Explain details verbally. Make it fun. Humor helps audience focus.
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