Switch to Shaklee Products and use at least 100 a month (1 Vitalizer and 1 Vivix! Find 19 others that use 100 a month each (Find 6 a month). ( x3 ) Thats all. Now you are a Director.
Another 100 point option: Shaklee Incredivites (one month) Vita Lea (one month for 2) Omegaguard (one month for 2) Cholesterol Reduction Complex (one month) Find 19 others that use 100 a month each (Find 6 a month). ( x3 ) Thats all. Now you are a Director.
Another 100 point option: Cleansing Lotion (one month for 2) Toner (one month for 2) Time Repair AM (one month for 2) C+E Repair PM (one month for 2) Find 19 others that use 100 a month each (any products). ( x3 ) Thats all. Now you are a Director.
Do you think you can find someone who wants to earn $500 - $700 extra per month working VERY Part-Time? They switch to Shaklee Products and use at least 100 a month (Example: 1 Vitalizer and 1 Vivix!) They find 19 others that use 100 a month each. ( x3 ) They are now a Director.
Find a total of 10 of these Directors in your first year. You are now an Executive Coordinator. If you find about one a month you will reach every milestone of FastTRACK and earn every benefit offered: 2 Global Conference Registrations AND $1000 Check AND $3000 Check AND $5000 Check AND $25000 Check AND Trip for 2 to San Francisco (Home Office – New Directors Conference) AND Trip for 2 to San Francisco (Future Masters Retreat) AND Trip for 2-4 to Atlantis Resort in Bahamas AND Trip for 2 to Bora Bora AND Car payment of $325 a month ($375 if Hybrid) AND Income of about $60k And you dont even need to find all 10. Just find 3 yourself and have each of them find 3 each. It still works the same.
And you dont even need to find all 10. Just find 3 yourself and have each of them find 3... It still works the same. And pays you exactly the same.
So… Do you think you can find someone who wants to earn $500 - $700 extra per month working very Part-Time?... How many can you find?