Advanced Instructor Course
Where are we trying to go? Why? and Are we going the right way? Presented By:
Learning Objectives: The student will be able to define need assessment. The student will be able to list six steps in a need assessment. The student will be able to use the Mager and Pipe’s chart to determine the amount and type of training.
Have you ever heard this? “They are not doing it the way they are supposed to!” “We’ve got a training problem!” Often, these statements are only symptoms of a problem. The performance problem must be understood before a solution can be found.
Too often training is considered the first solution to performance problems rather than the last. Yet training is time consuming and costly and should be considered only after analyzing the performance problem.
A need assessment is a planning process focusing on identifying and solving a skill or task performance deficiency or problem.
A need assessment is a way of identifying the causes of differences between the desired performance and the actual performance, and may help determine the best method to address the issue.
If there is a difference between “what is” and “what ought to be”, there is a training gap that needs to be closed.
A need is the difference between a “desired” level of performance and the “actual” level of performance.
In other words: A need is the difference between how things should be and how they are!
Unfortunately, Trainers and their agencies often measure performance on; how many programs how many students how many training hours instead of effectiveness of the training
Training should be performance-based, designed to help solve on-the-job performance problems.
Training should address a task or skill that has shown a training need due to a performance problem or deficiency.
Performance problems happen when the student or employee lacks knowledge and skill needed to: Improve current performance Advance to next level Perform a new skill or task
To ensure that training is making a measurable performance difference for the task, skill or job; Trainers should evaluate their training programs!
A need assessment is often overlooked as the first step in the process of improving training to reach the desired performance level of a skill or task.
Sources for identifying training needs Supervisors Citizen complaints Report reviews Court cases Civil suits
New equipment Large staff turnover Changes in work force
6 Steps in Need Assessment: 1. What training is needed? 2. Why is it needed? 3. Who needs to be trained? 4. What will the training content be? 5. What are the timing issues? 6. Where will the training be given?
Performance Deficiency Important? NO IgnoreYES Skill deficiency? NO PERFORMANCE PUNISHING? YESRemove punishment Nonperformance rewarding? YES Arrange positive consequence Performance matters? NO Arrange consequence Obstacles? YES Remove obstacles YES Used to do it? NO Arrange formal training YES Used often?NOArrange practice YES Arrange feedback Simpler way?YES Change jobArrange on- job training Has potential?NO Transfer or terminate Select best solution(s) Implement solution(s) Analyzing Performance Problems: Or you Really Oughta Wanna, 2 nd. ed. by Robert Mager and Peter Pipe
Jumping into training without conducting a need assessment can cause unwanted or un-needed training.
A need assessment helps the trainer find out if the student CAN’T DO the required performance or simply WON’T DO it. If the student can’t do it, training becomes an option. If the student won’t do it, training is a waste of time.
Conducting training without a need assessment may keep the trainer from addressing the real need or performance problem.
Bibliography Instructor Development Course, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, April 1999 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Mission in Kosovo, Kosovo police Service School, Instructor Development
Training for Staff Trainers, Correctional Services Corporation, Youth Services International, Larry Flanagan Conducting a Training Needs Assessment; Jeannette Swist, CMC, SPHR Analyzing Performance Problems: Or You Really Oughta Wanna, Robert Mager and Peter Pipes, Lake Publishing Company, Belmont, CA, 1984