EXPLORE & PLAN 2014 TRAINING OF SCHOOL TEST SUPERVISORS Canyons School District Research and Assessment September 2014
TOPICS Duties of the School Test Supervisor Testing Ethics Pretest Activities During Testing Post-test Activities
Check and SECURE test materials. Inventory all supplies. Contact ACT if you need more student booklets. Contact Research and Assessment for other supplies. Develop testing schedule and rooms (work with Administration). Read EXPLORE Test Supervisor’s Manual or PLAN Test Supervisor’s Manual. Read Room Supervisor’s Manual Develop a process testing students who have special needs. Train Room Supervisors Background information Testing schedule & Timing each test exactly Test Security—materials and testing process Room set-up Role is to actively proctor students and facilitate test Organize and return completed test and booklets to ACT for scoring. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES
APPROPRIATE TESTING PRACTICES In preparation for testing: Appropriate environment is set. Personnel who will administer test must be trained and employed by the district. All information in the Room Supervisor Manual is reviewed. Test material is secure at all times. 6
APPROPRIATE TESTING PRACTICES During testing: All students who are eligible for testing are tested. Information from the Room Supervisor Manual is followed exactly. Accommodations are provided to eligible students. Appropriate Proctoring Includes: The importance of the test. The good faith efforts of all students is not undermined! 7
UNETHICAL PRACTICES It is unethical for educators to jeopardize the integrity of an assessment or the validity of student responses. Some examples: Providing students with questions from the test to review before taking the test. Rewording or clarifying. Allowing students to use unauthorized resources to find answers, including having materials on wall which provide answers to questions on the test. 8
POTENTIAL ETHICS VIOLATIONS Ethical violations are to be reported to the supervisor of the person who may be investigated, the school administrator. Protocol Follow district policies and procedures. Canyons School District ’ s procedure is to follow the steps described in the “ Investigation of Violation ” described in USOE ’ s ethics training. An initial investigation will be conducted at the school level and needs to be well documented (interviews, written statements, etc). The Research & Assessment director along with the deputy superintendent will review the initial investigation and determine findings and possible next steps. 9
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Standardized Procedures Room supervisors should not be a relative or guardian of the examinee. All testing personnel are required to read materials provided by ACT. (Test Supervisor’s Manual or Room Supervisor’s Manual) Adherence to specified standardized procedures is mandatory. Test Security EXPLORE/PLAN materials cannot be copied or modified in any way. Testing personnel MUST protect the security of testing materials as described in the above noted manuals. Investigations In cases of suspected or documented irregularities, all testing personnel are obligated to cooperate completely with ACT in a timely manner. Equal Treatment EXPLORE/PLAN is to be administered in a non-discriminatory manner in accordance to all applicable laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
THE EXPLORE/PLAN COMPONENTS Career and Education Planning (non-cognitive) Course Taking Interest Inventory Needs Assessment Objective Assessments (cognitive) English Mathematics Reading Science
NON-COGNITIVE COMPONENTS (GIVEN BEFORE THE COGNITIVE SECTION) Student Information Section Name, Student ID number, Birthdate, Gender, Grade, Race/Ethnicity Needs Assessment (Students indicate if they need help…) Exploring education, career, and job options Improving writing skills Improving reading speed or comprehension Improving study skills Improving computer skills Improving public speaking skills Plans and Background Language the student knows best Types of courses planned in high school High school coursework plans in five subject areas Participation in accelerated, honors, and outreach programs Parent’s highest level of education Educational and career plans after high school UNIACT Interest Inventory Provides regions of the world of work that students may want to explore
TIME TESTING BY SUBJECT SESSIONEXPLOREPLAN Non-Cognitive40-50 min60-75 min English30 min Mathematics30 min40 min break5 min Reading30 min25 min Science30 min25 min General Admin10 min15 min 140 min
EXPLORE/PLAN DISTRICT TESTING WINDOW EXPLORE Window: September 23rd – October 10th Main Window & Makeups Box and mail EXPLORE materials for scoring to ACT on or before – October 15 th PLAN Window: October 8 th – 22 nd Main Window & Makeups Box and mail PLAN materials for scoring to ACT on or before – October 24 th
ARRIVAL OF MATERIALS EXPLORE AND PLAN SCHEDULED DELIVERY DATES Student booklets, Answer sheets, Admin manuals, etc. – should arrive the week of SEPT 8 th. We ordered 10% over first week’s enrollment Student pre-id labels – should arrive the week of SEPT 15 th.
PRE-ID LABELS ACT only allowed for a sort code of three digits! We therefore could not use course and section. EXPLORE labels will be sorted by US History you will have it by section (001 to 014 sections) and sorted by student last name. PLAN labels will be in alphabetical order by school.
DETAILED LIST OF MATERIALS Test Supervisor Manual Room Supervisor Manual - 1 per 20 students Instructions for Completing Your Answer Folder - 1 per student Answer Folders - 1 per student Return envelopes - preaddressed to ACT for scoring School Header Sheet Class/Group Headers
ADMINISTRATION OPTIONS One-Day or Multi-Day Administration One-Day: The student non-cognitive components must be administered first, followed by the academic tests. Multi-Day: Do the non-cognitive components before the academic tests.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES According to the PLAN and EXPLORE Test Supervisor Manual. “Students with physical or learning disabilities who cannot complete the EXPLORE/PLAN tests in the standard time limits, using standard test materials, may be tested under accommodated conditions and/or using accommodated test materials available from ACT. All non-test portions of the EXPLORE/PLAN program can be completed with the assistance of a reader or marker in an untimed setting.
PLANNING THE TESTING OF STUDENTS WITH ACCOMMODATIONS Students need an IEP or 504 to be eligible. Administration of accommodated tests should be, on the day, or as close to the day(s) as possible. ACT recommends small group administration for students receiving similar accommodations. Work with Special Ed. Department to develop room schedule. Start the discussions as soon as possible.
GUIDELINES FOR TESTING ELL STUDENTS We are inclusive in our testing! We are applying inclusive guidelines for testing ELL student for the EXPLORE and PLAN (Based on state summative testing).
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES HOME SCHOOL STUDENTS Home School Students Home school students need to be registered for at least one of the core subjects tested by the Explore/Plan to participate. In these few instances the student needs to test on the same schedule as the school.
COMMUNICATION TO PARENTS This is important and needs to occur early. Parents need to be informed about the upcoming EXPLORE/PLAN tests. Refer to the letter developed by our Communications Department Additional methods to communicate the importance of the EXPLORE/PLAN – Newsletter, Newspaper, Website, Blog, , etc.
SELECTION AND TRAINING OF ROOM SUPERVISORS A room supervisor (test proctor) is needed in each testing room to read directions and to closely monitor students. If room has over 25 students, an additional person should be assigned to assist the room supervisor All personnel who assist with testing must be trained and review the Room Supervisor Manual.
ROOM SUPERVISORS, CONTINUED A few days before testing all testing personnel should read the instructions carefully. Do not wait to do this an hour before testing! you must have a brief training for all room supervisors
SELECTING THE TESTING ROOM Pick good rooms - lighting, etc. You know what works best for student testing. Avoid auditoriums or cafeterias! Lap boards are also strongly discouraged. As we know, a poor testing environment does affect student performance in many instances.
SCHOOL TEST SUPERVISOR TASKS PRIOR TO TESTING Check ALL materials shipped by ACT. We have ordered 10% overage of first week’s enrollment Lock up all materials Be an expert of both School Supervisor Manual and Room Supervisor Manuals Train Room Supervisors (Test Proctor) Schedule and reserve testing rooms
SCHOOL TEST SUPERVISOR TASKS PRIOR TO TESTING, CONTINUED Plan seating arrangements Assemble the following student materials in each test room: Pencil Sharpener, No. 2 Pencils, Supply of Calculators for the Math Test Place student answer documents and test booklets in each room Provide roster of students for each room
KEY ACTIVITIES Verify testing facilities are ready Distribute test materials Reminders for staff: Instructions read verbatim Timing of tests At first session, students fill in name and test code Students must get their own test materials back each day, but they’ll be returned and stored securely between test sessions. Monitor Rooms Troubleshoot Record any Issue on Testing Irregularity Reports or on the Test Supervisor’s Comment Form
Check Answer Documents for… FORM CODE! Make sure it is completed. This will assure test is scored against the correct key. CLARITY OF MARKING. Verify with Room Supervisor that students answered ovals with dark pencil markings.
CHECK ANSWER DOCUMENTS FOR ACCOMMODATION CODES 1 = Standard print materials with extended time limits (no other assistance) 2 = Large Print test booklet with standard time. 3 = Large Print with extended time. You can mark up to 10
RECORDING ACCOMMODATION CODES The only status codes you need to worry about are the Special Ed, Accommodation Codes and Home/Hospital (Homebound). Test results will be uploaded into Skyward
VOID SCORING CODE The Room Supervisor may recommend that some or all of the tests not be scored. This is very rare! E to Void English M to Void Math R to Void Reading S to Void Science Student must be notified!
SCHOOL HEADER SHEET Be sure to follow all directions listed in your School Supervisor Manual. The codes are critical to the correct scoring of the test!
PACKING THE BOXES FOR RETURN Follow the directions listed in the school supervisor’s manual for EXPLORE and PLAN.
ACT MAILING ADDRESS FOR EXPLORE EXPLORE Scoring Service 2727 Scott Blvd. P.O. Box 4026 Iowa City, IA
ACT MAILING ADDRESS FOR PLAN PLAN Scoring Service 2727 Scott Blvd. P.O. Box 4026 Iowa City, IA