Who is NPCK? The NPCK is a multi-stakeholder and a PPP organization, with the responsibility of planning, organizing and coordinating activities of the value chains in potato industry It aims at working with all the actors and SHDs to develop potato subsector into a robust, competitive and self-regulating industry draws synergies from a wide membership Farmers, Researchers, Extension, Traders, Processors, Regulatory bodies & Devt partners
Strategic aims/ Objectives Help develop potato value chains in ways that will result in a self-regulating potato industry in Kenya Encourage collaboration & cooperation among SHDs for the growth & prosperity of PPP in the industry Promote best practices to standardize potato quality, improve yields, and enhance commercial value in local, regional & global mkts Collect, manage & disseminate info relevant to SHDs in industry. Mobilize and managing resources for structural development and financial sustainability of NPCK Help address cross-cutting and emerging issues
Staple and cash crop; Second after maize in importance Currently supports more than 800,000 farm households; rich in micronutrients Provides employment along value chain (2.5m- farmers, transporters, traders, processors and handlers) Short cycle crop; Matures in less than 4 months can be grow up to 3 times High productivity per unit of land & time Currently producing at less than 10tons/ha but with a potential of up to tons/ha How important is the Potato?
Food security: Increased productivity would imply adequate supply (Both for food and for sale) High supply would also imply low consumer prices Foreign exchange earnings; Adequate supply means consistency in processing and foreign market supply Saving in foreign exchange- import substitution Employment creation High production & introduction of processing varieties would attract investors to establish processing firms thus create employment Prospects of the Potato subsector
Limited production of quality seed > 95% use “farmers seed” and <2% use certified Limited use of rapid seed multiplication technologies- aeroponics Low adoption of low cost seed production methods- Seedplots, clean seed, positive selection Limited use of quality seed Low access and lack of information Limited availability of quality seed Lack of processing and lowland varieties - lead to: inadequate supply of quality potatoes for processing Imported potato products Low agribusiness (< 20% ) So, what is the problem? Where are the opportunities?
Use of low quality seed
Limited area under production Production limited to high altitude areas; above 1500m which is less than 20%- whereas Kenyan ASAL is underutilized Reliance on rainfall in both seed and ware production This leads to uncertainty; shortages and sometimes glut Poor Crop management practices Most farmers are ignorant on how to produce good quality seed and ware potatoes cont’….
Complimentallity & Synergy based on visions NIB “To develop, promote and improve irrigated agriculture through sustainable exploitation of available irrigation and drainage potential in Kenya in order to ensure food security, create wealth and employment, therefore improving the living standards of Kenyans” NPCK “To have Potato industry emerge as a leading contributor to stable incomes, food security and improved welfare in Kenya” Proposed Partnership between NIB & NPCK
Expansion of area under potato production to include lowlands; Validation of potential lowland varieties table and processing varieties Production of certified seed for lowland Using aeroponics technology Production of table and processing potatoes Training and technical support Providing technical advice & support to farmers Production, pre- & post harvest mgt practices Laboratory tests & advice Linkage to the market potato marketers and processors inputs and financial institutions Activities under Partnership
aeroponics system improve seed production to ratio of 1:35-60 as opposed to 1:8 of conventional means Use of aeroponics systems Aeroponics facility-greenhouse
Tissue culture plantlets Plant the plantlets on aeroponics boxes
The roots will grow and tubers will form Inspection and harvesting is done by opening the boxes
Tubers hanging from suspended roots Three sizes of minitubers
Seed plots –used to produce quality seeds
Increased water productivity Offer alternative rotation crop for improved irrigated land management Improve incomes and food security for communities in ASALs Create employment for the in ASALs Provide high quality seeds to farming households in ASALs Benefits from the partnerships
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