Fertilization Strategies For Hay Producers Glen Harris UGA-Tifton
Basics of Soil Fertility for Forages Soil Testing pH and Liming Nitrogen Management Potassium (?)
Hay Production – 2008 Cost Breakdown – C. Lacy
Dealing With High Fertilizer Prices Soil Testing Lime to Proper pH Fertilizer Placement Fertilizer Application Timing (esp. “Split” N Applications) Tissue Testing Fertilizer “Form” (e.g. organic, UAN, EE)
(34-0-0) 2000 lb x.34 = 680 lb N/ton 590(87) 250(37) 397(58)
(46-0-0) 2000 x 0.46 = 920 lb N/ton 700(76) 310(34) 403(44)
(32-0-0) 2000 x 0.32 = 640 lb N/ton 515(80) 200(31) 280 (44)
2000 x 0.46 = 920 lb P2O5/ton 2000 x 0.18 = 360 lb N/ton 1200(99) 410(25) 300(19)
(0-0-60) 2000 x 0.6 = 1200 lb K2O/ton 970(81) 225(19) 858(72)
A Fertilization Trick (by D. Hancock) Avoid the Use of Standard Blends Fertilizer StrategyPrice, $/acre -Product Usedlbs of product/acre Blended Fertilizer$ $ Mixed Fertilizer$ Urea (46-0-0)488$ DAP ( )141$ Potash (0-0-60)375$ Poultry Litter$ $ Potash110$44.00 Target Fertilizer Rate: (Assumes Medium Soil Test Level P & K)
Cultural (or Accelerated) Eutrophication
The Value of 1 Ton of Chicken Litter January 2009 Prices (Tifton) 60#N x.50 x.6 = #P2O5 x. 25 x.8 = #K2O x. 75 x.8 = »Total = $ Other Nutrients ? Organic Matter ? Liming ? Nematode Suppression ?
Soil Testing Is Key !
Source: Foth and Ellis Soil Fertility Why Lime? Nutrient Availability Nutrient Unavailability Provide Ca and Mg Nitrogen Fixation Biological Activity
Factors Affecting pH: * Weather (rainfall) * Soil Type * Organic Matter * Tillage & Depth * Nitrogen Fertilizer * Lime * Spatial Variability * Salt
Tons of Calcitic and Dolomitic Lime Sold in Georgia ( ) 63%
Deficiency Weeds Winterkill Loss of Stand
lb. N-P 2 O 5 -K 2 O per ton Exports Hay Removes A Lot of Nutrients
* calves * beef * fertilizer * manure * legumes (N) * feed Inputs Exports Nutrient Cycle Pastures Recycle Nutrients
Crop Yield N-P2O5-K2O Nutrient Removal
Nitrogen Sources Ammonium Nitrate Urea UAN Solutions Ammonium Sulfate Anhydrous Ammonia Chicken Litter
“Enhanced Efficiency (EE)” Fertilizers New Term Coined by The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) Slow/Controlled Release Absorbed Coated Occluded Reacted Stabilized/Additive Nitrification Inhibitors Urease Inhibitors Stabilizers Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) “…products that minimize the potential of nutrient loss to the environment.” CoRoN
Urease Inhibitors: Agrotain Urease Inhibitor + Nitrification Inhibitor: Agrotain Plus, Agrotain Super U (Nutrisphere-N, Excelis ?)
Current Feeling About EEs EEs not a “Silver Bullet” Some Will Play a Role Depends on the Product Depends on Nutrient and Response Many Need Further Testing Based on Research Data in Georgia Agrotain Only One Recommended at this Time
“Take Home” Points Soil Testing Is The Key Check Fertilizer Prices Don’t Forget Lime and Potassium Hay Removes A Lot Of Nutrients Chicken Litter Can Be Good Fertilizer Consider Enhanced Efficiency fertilizers