The Industrial Revolution Begins I.Agricultural Revolution A.A new technique 1.Enclosures Large fields Allowed for new farming methods Forced small farmers to become tenant farmers 2.Crop rotation Changing the crop planted in a field to restore soil nutrients B.New invention 1.Jethro Tull The seed drill
Jethro Tull’s drill Modern pneumatic seed drill
Why England? I.Population A.Large work force II.Natural resources A.Water/rivers B.Coal C.Iron ore iii.Expanding economy A.Available loans and investors B.Overseas markets iv.Political stability A.Parliament passed laws to support industrailization
Inventions I.Textile changes A.John Kay’s “Flying shuttle” Made weaving faster B.James Hargraves’ “spinning jenny” Made spinning yarn faster C.Richard Arkwright’s “water frame” Steam powered spinning wheels D.James Watt “improves the steam engine” More power, more efficient, less fuel Mathew Boulton: entrepreneur E.Robert Fulton “the steamboat” F.John McAdams: improves British roads Turnpikes or toll roads
The Railway Age I.Richard Trevithick: build the 1st successful Railroad locomotive A.Sparks a rash of new inventors to improve on the design George Stephenson became the founder of Britain’s 1 st railroad line B.The Liverpool- Manchester railroad “the Rocket” C.Replaced canals as a way to transport goods
Impact of the Railways I.Spurred industrial growth Cheaper easier form of transportation for raw materials and finished products II.Created hundreds of thousands of jobs Railroad workers & miners III.Boosted agricultural & fishing industries Products to be shipped greater distances IV.Encourage country people to get city jobs People could travel greater distances easily
Essay Q: What was the most important invention mentioned in section 1 and why? Be sure to use details to support your answer. You may use your book or notes to find support details