CARS 2020: anticipating and managing change ETUC Conference, 7 th May 2013 Wolf Jäcklein, industriAll Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

CARS 2020: anticipating and managing change ETUC Conference, 7 th May 2013 Wolf Jäcklein, industriAll Europe

CARS 2020 Follow-up of CARS 21, consultation process ongoing since 2005 as an initiative of DG ENTR Meant to be the implementation phase of the conclusions adopted in June 2012 Grouping industry (OEMs and suppliers), industriAll Europe, NGOs, consumers and Member States Discussing the regulatory framework

Topics under discussion Four pillars: 1.Investing in advanced technologies and financing innovation 2.A stronger internal market and smart regulation 3.Global markets and the international harmonisation of vehicle regulations 4.Anticipating adaptation and softening the social impacts of industrial adjustments

So, how is that useful? 1.Makes the trade-union position visible 2.Offers a forum for alliances with other stake- holders 3.Occasion for debate and confrontation of our approach with the positions of others 4.Influences the European Commission’s understanding and helps us press for policy making respecting the workers’ needs

Workers’ view Automotive sector is the one most impacted by new models of mobility – a sector already in crisis Production capacity reductions are a daily business occurence Social dumping has become a real threat Both volume and premium manufacturers are impacted (& their respective suppliers)

Our demands Transformation of the sector as the key approach to the current problems Placing of the decent work agenda into the Cars 2020 work group discussions And: Embed these debates into a global industrial policy for the sector

Regulatory pressure as essential to drive this transformation of the sector (CO 2 limits) Non-competitive cooperation by all stakeholders to strengthen the European industrial base because: Blind restructuring means shooting oneself in the foot

New product policy (new business models?) – Disconnect mobility from property (of vehicle) – Development of e-mobility Infrastructure supporting new technologies But also: further improvement of ICE Maintenance of the industrial base in Europe Investment in battery technologies

Tackle the social consequences Ensure training for workers (new skill requirements emerge, technologies change) Find employment opportunities for disappearing activities – Regionally close – In nearby sectors Adapt working conditions for an ageing workforce

Use the current crisis as an opportunity – Train workers for future skills – Prepare the transformation of the sector Increase investments in R&D (Europe lags behind globally) Tackle the issue of contractual relations between OEMs and their suppliers (which have social consequences)

Manufacturing base in Europe Obviously, you can transform mobility by purchasing equipment from the cheapest source but: we need to support the industrial base in Europe – That is the basis for domestic demand, and drives both R&D and all the other sectors of the economy – Its contribution to employment is of considerable importance

industriAll Europe: Transport sectors: Wolf Jäcklein Founding organizations: Ex-EMB: Ex-EMCEF: Ex-EGV-TKL: Questions? Comments?