FRAME, FIGURE, FORM Historical Places & Periods: Their Defining Idea, Prominent Person, & Representative Art & Architecture
FIVE MAJOR PERIODS & PLACES RenaissancePersiaModernism Mediæval Europe Classical Greece
RENAISSANCE FRAME: “h umanism ” FIGURE: Leonardo da Vinci FORM: Renaissance
CLASSICAL GREECE FRAME: “Geometric Perfection” FIGURE: Pythagoras FORM: Classical Greece
PERSIA FRAME: “Symbolic Geometry” FIGURE: Omar Khayyám FORM: Persia
MEDIÆVAL EUROPE FRAME: “teleology” FIGURE: Aquinas FORM: Mediæval Europe
MODERNISM FRAME: “Situation & Appropriation” FIGURE: Le Corbusier FORM: Modernism
SUMMARY A Course structured in modules, each looking at the art, architecture, & idea of a unique place and time. Together, the five modules form a structure that represents the shape and association of world images and shapes. Setting each module on one defining idea and one dominant figure gives good focus and energy: making the satellite of ideas in each place & period comprehensible to the students. RenaissancePersiaModernism Mediæval Europe Classical Greece