Early 15 th Century Renaissance In the early 15th century, the spirit of the Italian Renaissance was strongest in Florence. In the early 15th century, the spirit of the Italian Renaissance was strongest in Florence. One Italian family, the Medici, bankers to all Europe, were such generous patrons of the arts that it has been said they "financed" the Renaissance. One Italian family, the Medici, bankers to all Europe, were such generous patrons of the arts that it has been said they "financed" the Renaissance.
Early 15 th Century Renaissance Innovation: Perspective
Late Middle Ages Treatment of Space: It Encompasses Viewer Artists have always portrayed space in ways that suit their worldview. Artists have always portrayed space in ways that suit their worldview. In the religious painting of the late Middle Ages, space seems to open out from the picture plane. It encompasses the viewer to make him part of the sacred events taking place. In the religious painting of the late Middle Ages, space seems to open out from the picture plane. It encompasses the viewer to make him part of the sacred events taking place.
Early Renaissance Treatment of Space: It Recedes from Viewer During the early Renaissance, as humanism focused attention on man, the viewer assumes the active role. During the early Renaissance, as humanism focused attention on man, the viewer assumes the active role. Space recedes from the viewer's eye into the picture plane. Space recedes from the viewer's eye into the picture plane. The viewer himself is the point of reference. The viewer himself is the point of reference.
Late Middle Ages Early Renaissance
Early 15 th Century Renaissance Architecture: Brunelleschi Filippo Brunelleschi (1421 to 1440) was the first architect to employ mathematical perspective to redefine Gothic and Romanesque space and to establish new rules of proportion and symmetry. Filippo Brunelleschi (1421 to 1440) was the first architect to employ mathematical perspective to redefine Gothic and Romanesque space and to establish new rules of proportion and symmetry.
Romanesque GothicEarly 15 th Century
Early 15 th Century Renaissance Sculpture: Donatallo Donatello ( ) created the first free-standing statues of the Renaissance, independent of architecture or decoration. Donatello ( ) created the first free-standing statues of the Renaissance, independent of architecture or decoration.
Early 15 th Century Renaissance Artist: Masaccio Masaccio ( ) took up the inheritance of Giotto, developing his art according to the new techniques and methods of perspective. Masaccio ( ) took up the inheritance of Giotto, developing his art according to the new techniques and methods of perspective.