7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments Due March 17 Trimester 3 Week 2 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk
Schedule 8:30-9-PE 9-9:45-Science 9:45-10:15-History 10:15-RR Break 10:15-11-Math 11-11:30-Language Arts 11:30-Testing/Conference 12-2-Study Hall
Science Main Objectives This Week: (Language Objective) Be able to discuss questions and responses related the age of the Earth Understand how fossils and rock formations help scientists develop theories regarding the age of the earth Review all standards/objectives in Ch. 10/11/12
History of the Earth PPT 12.1 and 12.2 Hike Friday
World History Main Objectives This Week: -(Language Objective) Discuss what “perspective” is in renaissance paintings -Review objectives for Ch. 9/10/13 -Know the significance of the invention of the printing press -Know who the Medici family was
Ch. 13-The Renaisssance RE-NAISSANCE RE-Birth Birth of: Ideas Art architecture
Art Who: Da Vinci, Michelangelo What: Perspective How did it change things: Advanced Art
Research of the Artists
Perspective Try it!
Architecture Who:Brunelleschi
Ideas Humanism When: Renaissance What: Focus on potential of humans to achieve
Printing Press Made copies so that wide distribution of literature could be done Bible??? Video
Benchmark Review 1. Who was… Pope Gregory King Henry IV Medici Family Johann Gutenberg Leonardo Da Vinci 2. Define: A. Magna Carta B. feudalism C. investiture D. habeas corpus E. Crusades F. Bubonic Plague G. Perspective H. Humanism I. Serfs J. Monastery K. excommunication
Humanism Bubble Middle-”Humanism” Other bubbles…..facts and details about what humanism is
History-T3 Week 2 Assignments: _____Read Ch Take Cornell Notes. _____Ch Questions Pg. 441 _____Read Ch Take Cornell Notes. _____Ch Questions Pg. 450 _____Renaissance Advances Tree Map Project _____Workbook 13.2 _____Benchmark Study Guide Study for Benchmark Test Grade_____ TW______
Housekeeping! PE Assignment PE Field Credits due June 1 Grade/Packet History Language Arts Science Math PE Assignment Sheet
Math Objectives (Lang. Objective) Use geometric vocabulary in lessons 8.5 to describe different figures Use graphs to tell if lines are parallel/perpendicular Use knowledge of slope to tell if figures are congruent or not Write congruence statements for different geometrical figures
Slope of a Skate/Snowboard Ramp “abc new video shaun white crash” What kind of graph is this….linear, quadratic, or cubic???
Building a Skate Ramp Research: www. Starting Next Week!
7.7….7.8 Review
New Geometry 8.5 PPT 8.6 PPT
7 th Grade Independent Study T3 Week 2 Due: March 17 TW=_______% Name____________ P.E. _____PE Log 5 PE Credits Due June 1 Grade______ TW________ Math ____Ch. 8 Lesson 5-All Questions ____Ch. 8 Lesson 6-All Questions ____Math Vocab Matrix of terms ____Quiz Pg. 404 ____www.go.hrw.com Lessons 8.5 and 8.6 Parents MUST SIGN!! Parent Sign.____________ ____Skate Ramp Project Due Study for Quiz over lessons 1-5 Grade__________ TW____________
Language Arts Objectives This Week: (Language Objective) Pick out clues (foreshadowing) in a story that hint at an outcome Be able to identify clauses (especially adjective clauses) in a sentence Review Direct Objects
CST…it’s coming! Your Scores… What are your goals? Signed by parent Packet Application
Old Story…”A Stolen Day” Pg. 492 Standards: Point of view 1 st 3 rd 3 rd limited 3 rd Omniscient Theme
Benchmark Review Adjective Clause Direct Object Third-Person Point of View Third-Person Omniscient Bias Conflict Resolution
New Story…”After 20 Years” Video Standards: Foreshadowing Clauses
Foreshadowing Foreshadowing…Use of clues to “hint” at what will happen After you read “After 20 Years” go back through the story and list 4 clues that were a foreshadowing of the surprise ending
Language Arts-T3 Week 2 ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read “After 20 Years” Pg Do questions Pg ______Review and Assess Questions 433 ______Integrated Language Pg. 434 ______Foreshadow List ______Selection Support Pgs. 149, 121 ______Benchmark Review Budget Vocabulary Matrix ______CST Questions ___to ____ Grade_______ TW_________
Testing Conferencing Math Ch. 7 LA Selection Test Turn in work
New Spelling Pg. 12 Gu=“gw” Anguish languish