Prescription for FastTRACK Director
OR You sponsor with Rx For a Healthier Life GOLD PAK or Super Gold PAK
Start 4 New this month Plus YOU order 250 PV First Full Month
You earn $552
Month Two Repeat Start 4 New this month Plus YOU order 250 PV And everyone else re-orders
You earn $765 Repeat NEW
Month Three Repeat Start 4 New this month Plus YOU order 250 PV And everyone else re-orders
Repeat NEW You earn $1102 And you are now a New Director
Month Four Repeat Start 4 New this month Plus YOU order 250 PV And everyone else re-orders
You earn $1326 Now keep doing this each month… Repeat NEW
Repeat NEW NEW DIRECTOR TRIP Global Headquarters – Pleasanton, California Within 6 months you will earn a trip to the New Directors Conference…
Find someone else who wants the same and is willing to do what you just did… They become a Director just like you, and you now earn a Car
And you also earn the Atlantis Trip …
CARS, CASH, TRIPS, AND DREAMS! All this happens when you get into ACTION…
How this all works (the numbers)….
PV = Purchase Volume (Product Points) PGV = Personal Group Volume (Group total Product Points)
Director (minimum) = 100 PV (Your Own Purchases) 2000 PGV (Your total Group)
OR Rx For a Healthier Life GOLD PAK = 250 Points (PV) No Price Differential / $50 Bonus
OR You sponsor with Rx For a Healthier Life GOLD PAK or Super Gold PAK You Get $10 or $ % = $10 / 500 = $40
Repeat Orders = PURPLE New Orders = RED You order = BLUE Income = GREEN
Start 4 New this month = 1000 PGV (250 x 4) Plus YOU order 250 PV = 1250 PGV First Full Month
You earn $200 Gold Bonus $50) + $200 PowerBonus $50) + $150 Volume Bonus (1250 PGV x 12%) + $42 Price Differential on 250 PGV (17%) - Less $40 Shaklee pays to the 4 New GOLDS = $552
152 PV x 4 (Repeat) = 608 PGV You start 4 New at 250 PV each = 1000 PGV = 1608 PGV + You order 250 PV = 1858 PGV Month Two Repeat
$200 Gold Bonuses (4 $50) + $200 PowerBonuses (4 $50) + $260 Volume Bonus (14% x 1858 PGV) + $145 Price Differential (17% x 858 Repeat PGV) - Less $40 Shaklee pays to the 4 New GOLDS = $765 Repeat NEW
Month Three 152 PV x 8 (Repeat) = 1216 PGV You start 4 New at 250 PV each = 1000 PGV = 2216 PGV + You order 250 PV = 2466 PGV Repeat
You are a New Director Repeat
$200 Gold Bonuses + $200 PowerBonuses + $493 Volume Bonus (2466 PGV) + $249 Price Differential (1466 Repeat PGV) - Less $40 Shaklee pays to the 4 New GOLDS = $1102 Repeat NEW
152 PV x 12 (Repeat) = 1824 PGV You start 4 New at 250 PV each = 1000 PGV You order 250 PV = 3074 PGV Month Four Repeat
$200 Gold Bonuses + (You promote Position = 3 more months PowerBonus = $200) $614 Volume Bonus (3074 PGV) + $352 Price Differential (2074 Repeat PGV) - Less $40 Shaklee pays to the 4 New GOLDS = $1326 Repeat NEW
Total $$$ Earned in 4 months = $3745 $552 (month 1 - Associate) $765 (month 2) $1102 (month 3 - Director) $1326 (month 4 – 3000 PGV) 5 more 3000 PGV = Trip to San Francisco (NDC) + 2 Registrations for Global Conference
40 people (using Rx for Healthier Life) = $ People (using Rx for Healthier Life) = $3374* *Would an extra $40k a year help you? Predict your Income Repeat Orders Every Month
Find someone else who wants the same and is willing to do what you just did… They become a Director just like you, and you now earn a Car
And you also earn the Atlantis Trip …
CARS, CASH, TRIPS, AND DREAMS! All this happens when you get into ACTION…
What other 150 PV packages can you put together??? ? Heart Health Rx for A Healthier Life Inch Loss