Electrical and Computer Engineering Archana Rengaraj ABC Logic Synthesis basics ECE 667 Synthesis and Verification of Digital Systems Spring 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Electrical and Computer Engineering Archana Rengaraj ABC Logic Synthesis basics ECE 667 Synthesis and Verification of Digital Systems Spring 2011

2 Electrical and Computer Engineering Overview  Introduction Previous synthesis methods  ABC synthesis  And-Inverter Graphs (AIG) representation AIG canonicity and redundancy AIG construction  NPN equivalence  AIG transformations Rewriting ABC commands  Summary

3 Electrical and Computer Engineering Introduction  Synthesis of a design Conversion of abstract form of desired circuit behavior into a form of logic gates  Processing combinational logic before technology mapping technology independent optimization  Technology dependent optimization Synthesis targeting ASICs and FPGAs

4 Electrical and Computer Engineering SIS Synthesis  Previous systems for logic synthesis and optimization: SIS, VIS – Verification Interacting with Synthesis, MVSIS - Multi valued SIS  Drawbacks of these systems Cannot integrate technology mapping and retiming Inefficient for large circuits Areas of improvement quality and runtime of synthesis and verification

5 Electrical and Computer Engineering SIS Synthesis algorithm  Traditional combinational synthesis steps sweep – removing redundant nodes eliminate, resubstitute - finding better logic boundaries fast_extract – detect shared logic simplify, full_simplify – optimization of nodes

6 Electrical and Computer Engineering ABC synthesis  Representing logic in terms of And Inverter Graphs (AIG)  Difference from SIS systems simple data structure: Two-input ANDs and Inverters Transformation of network done by rewriting AIGs  Advantages: scalable, faster, uniformity in computation, better quality after technology mapping

7 Electrical and Computer Engineering ABC applications  synthesis and verification  combinational and sequential synthesis  combinational and sequential equivalence checking

8 Electrical and Computer Engineering And-Inverter Graphs representation Boolean network converted to AIG using De Morgan law AIG NAND – Inv representation f = (x1’.x3’)’. x2 f = [(x1.x2)’.(x2.x3)’]’ f = x1*x2 + x2*x3

9 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG canonicity  AIGs are not canonical same function represented by two functionally equivalent AIGs with different structures BDDs – canonical for same variable ordering

10 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG redundancy  function represented by a redundant graph with nodes A and B representing the same function Perfectly valid AIG BDDs – no redundancy

11 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG attributes  AIG size is number of AND nodes in it.  Number of logic levels is number of AND-gates on the longest path from a primary input to a primary output The inverters are ignored when counting nodes and logic levels

12 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG construction  SOP representation of a function - it can be factored which can then be converted into AIGs f=x1.x2 + x2.x3 => f = [(x1.x2)’.(x2.x3)’]’  Circuit representation of a multi-output Boolean function - the multi-output AIG is constructed for each Primary Output of the circuit

13 Electrical and Computer Engineering Definitions  Cut set of nodes of network, called leaves each path from PIs to n passes through at least one leaf  K-feasible cut if the number of leaves does not exceed K  Cut function of an AIG node n, f n (x) A boolean function of the logic cone rooted in node n and expressed in terms of the cut leaves of the AIG.  Structural hashing (command: strash) during AIG construction, no two AND gates should have identical pairs of incoming edges to detect and merge isomorphic circuit structures AIG not canonical, it contains sub-graphs, which are canonical

14 Electrical and Computer Engineering NPN equivalence  F and G are NPN equivalent if F can be derived from G by selectively complementing the inputs (N), permuting the inputs (P), and optionally complementing the output (N) eg1: F1 = (a.b).c’ F2 = (a.c’).b NPN equivalent

15 Electrical and Computer Engineering NPN equivalence contd. eg2: f1 = x1x2’x3 + x2x3’ + x4 f2 = x1’x2’x3 + x2’x3 + x4 f3 = x1x2x3 + x2’x3’ + x4’ NPN equivalent f1 and f2 not N-equivalent f1 and f3 are N-equivalent - f1 and f3 can be transformed into each other by complementing x2, x4  Representatives of each class can be transformed into each other by complementing their inputs  But no transformation between representatives of different classes

16 Electrical and Computer Engineering NPN equivalence - applications  Applications Balanced form (delay) to long form (area) AIG reduction removal of redundant nodes and equivalent cones ASIC standard cell mapping FRAIGING: Functionally Reduced AIGs

17 Electrical and Computer Engineering Overview  Introduction Previous synthesis methods  ABC synthesis  And-Inverter Graphs (AIG) representation AIG canonicity and redundancy AIG construction  NPN equivalence  AIG transformations Rewriting ABC commands  Summary

18 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG transformation - Rewriting  Rewriting- technique to reduce AIG size by choosing AIG sub graphs rooted at a node and replacing with pre-computed smaller subgraphs, preserving functionality at root node

19 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG rewriting basics  Selectively collapse, refactor and balance  Collapse – elimination f = (g).c’ g = a.b => f = (a.b). c’ Refactor iterative collapsing and refactoring of logic cones in the AIG to reduce the number of AIG nodes and number of logic levels  Balance creates a second AIG from an input AIG, having minimum delay (number of logic levels)  Synthesis based on AIGs Alternating DAG aware AIG rewriting and algebraic AIG balancing

20 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG rewriting algorithm

21 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG rewriting variation Refactoring  compute one large cut for each AIG node  replace AIG structure of the cut by a factored form of the cut function  Accept change if there is a decrease or no change in number of nodes Cost function  AIG rewriting - total number of AIG nodes and the maximum number of AIG levels  SIS methods - total number of literals in the factored forms

22 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG rewriting - advantages  Not much hand-tuning and trial and error  Complexity of logic given by AIG nodes or levels  An implementation of synthesis flow takes person- weeks Orders of magnitude faster  AIG rewriting leads to better quality than those offered by MVSIS and SIS AIG rewriting is local, fast, can be applied many times No longer local rewriting – better quality  Scalability - applicable to large examples

23 Electrical and Computer Engineering AIG rewriting - applications  Applications formal verification design complexity estimation equivalence checking hardware emulation

24 Electrical and Computer Engineering ABC rewriting script  resyn2 - rewriting script  Performs ten passes on the network b – Balance rw – rewrite rf – refactor b rw rwz – rewrite with switch enabling zero-cost replacements b rfz - refactor with switch enabling zero-cost replacements rwz b

25 Electrical and Computer Engineering ABC commands – logic synthesis  resyn, resyn2, and resyn2rs – logic synthesis scripts  strash Structural hashing - standard alias st  renode recreates node boundaries in AIG by using command renode standard alias ren

26 Electrical and Computer Engineering ABC commands contd.  share and sharedsd scripts for logic sharing extraction  rr Performs redundancy removal for AIGs

27 Electrical and Computer Engineering Summary  Synthesis done using ABC represents network in terms of a simpler data structure - AIGs  Performs combinational synthesis, mapping, and verification  faster  Better quality of results after technology mapping  Scalable for large designs

28 Electrical and Computer Engineering References [1] Alan Mishchenko, Satrajit Chatterjee, Robert Brayton, “DAG-Aware AIG Rewriting”, DAC 2006, July 24–28, 2006, San Francisco, California, USA. [2] Alan Mishchenko, “A New Enhanced Approach to Technology Mapping”. [3] Alan Mishchenko, Satrajit Chatterjee, Roland Jiang, Robert Brayton, “FRAIGs: A Unifying Representation for Logic Synthesis and Verification”.

29 Electrical and Computer Engineering Thank you