English Language Arts Level 7 #49 Ms. Walker
Today’s Objectives Academic Vocabulary Words The Final Draft (Publishing Your Human Disease Essay) Compare and Contrast Essay Write a Persuasive Letter Using the Five-step Writing Process
Academic Vocabulary Words Developing a good vocabulary is essential to mastering good writing skills. The following vocabulary words should be added to your writing skills checklist.
Academic Vocabulary Words assumption (noun) the act of assuming or taking for granted characteristic (noun) a quality that makes something recognizable
Academic Vocabulary Words chronological (adj.) arranged in the order in which events occur conflict (noun) opposition between or among different forces, clash critique (noun) an assessment, usually of a creative work
Academic Vocabulary Words focus (verb) look closely at involvement (noun) participation reaction (noun) an opposing action or response
Academic Vocabulary Words sequence (noun) one thing after another in logical or chronological order summarize (verb) briefly state the most important events in a story.
Assignment Follow the directions and complete Academic Vocabulary Worksheet 5.
Assignments At the end of this lesson, you will have completed three essays: 1.Human Diseases 2.Compare and Contrast 3.Persuasive Letter
Part 2 – The Final Draft 9:23
Human Disease Essay Take out your revised and edited expository essay on “Human Diseases.” Write or type the final draft of your essay. Here are some guidelines:
Final Draft Guidelines 1.Write your name, date and course title in the upper right- hand corner of the paper. 2.Write a title that briefly informs the reader what the essay is about.
Final Draft Guidelines 3. Put two spaces between each line of text. 4. Use the 12 point Times New Roman font.
Publish Submit your completed essay as the Facilitator instructs you. You will be graded on the essay format:
How to Get a Good Grade 1. Have you written a good introductory paragraph that includes the details you will write about in your supporting paragraphs? 2. Does each supporting paragraph contain just one idea?
How to Get a Good Grade 3. Did you write at least three supporting paragraphs? 4.Does your concluding paragraph review the key points presented in your introductory paragraph without repeating the same words?
Compare and Contrast Essay Type and publish your compare and contrast essay that compares where you live now with where you would like to live.
Assignment During this lesson we will write a complete persuasive letter using all the steps of the writing process.
Writing Assignment Think of an item that you need and do not own. It could be a bicycle, a new pair of shoes, or anything else that you feel you need. Write a letter to convince your parents or guardians why you need this item.
First – Brainstorm You might need several things. List all the items you think you need. Now stop the video and write as many reasons as you can to justify why you need each item. Select the item that has the most reasons.
Second – Plan & Organize Review all the information you have written. Think about the order you want to put the information in. (Do you want to put the most convincing arguments first?) Stop the video and put your information in a logical order.
Second – Plan & Organize After you have decided on how to order your information, write your introductory paragraph using your reasons. Stop the video and write your introductory paragraph.
Third - Write a Rough Draft Use your reasons to write your supporting details. Stop the video and write. Do not pay too much attention to your mistakes at this time. Just put the information into some type of logical order. (This order may change later.)
Fourth – Revise Reread your letter and ask yourself, “Is this what I really want to say?” If not, rewrite your letter so that it makes sense to you. Make all of your sentences relate back to your introductory paragraph.
Fifth – Edit and Proofread After you have rewritten your letter to your satisfaction, it is now time to edit it using editing symbols. Did you capitalize the first words of each sentence? Did you use proper punctuation at the ends of your sentences?
Fifth – Edit and Proofread Did you correct sentence fragments and run-ons? Did you use proper punctuation inside your sentences, (i.e., commas, apostrophes, hyphens, etc.)? Did you make a new paragraph for each new reason?
Finally - Publish After you have made all of the changes to grammar and punctuation, do a final rewrite and publish (submit for reading) your final draft.
Part 2 –
Synonyms and Antonyms Synonyms are words that are spelled differently, but have the same meaning. Example: story and tale; Both words mean story and can be used interchangeably to avoid repetition.
Synonyms and Antonyms Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. We usually use antonyms to compare two unlike things. Example: good and bad; Susie thought the food was good, but Jeff thought the food was bad.
Synonyms and Antonyms Let’s look at a video that gives us an overview of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and Antonyms 8:36
When you write, you can make the mistake of repeating the same word twice in a sentence. Example: The mood in the story was a dark mood. This is an error. The atmosphere in the story presented a dark mood.
The second sentence presents a better balance. The use of atmosphere and mood as synonyms avoids repetition and makes the sentence clearer. Use synonyms to give variety to your sentences. The following video provides a look at synonyms.
22 Synonyms 12:26
Antonyms Let’s look at a video that discusses 21 common antonyms.
21 Antonyms (Opposite Words) 12:10
Part 3 - The Idiom Idioms are spoken phrases that cannot be found in the dictionary. An idiom is an expression that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words.
red tape Red tape is the rules and regulations that prevent you from achieving something easily. Mark’s visa application was held up for six months because of red tape.
Lesson Review In today’s lesson we completed the final drafts of two essays. We wrote a complete persuasive letter using the five-step writing process.
Next Lesson Our next lesson will focus on reading and understanding different types of non-fiction informational text.