Shelving Library Books


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Presentation transcript:

Shelving Library Books By Call Numbers LBMS Library

The book collection is divided into: Fiction and Non-Fiction

Fiction books can be found in the following collections: General Fiction Short Stories (Story Collection) In the LBMS library, the call number for Short Stories is SC followed by the first three letters of the author’s last name SC SC CRU

. What is a CALL NUMBER? A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together to tell you where in the library you can find a book. Think of the call number as the ADDRESS of the book. It lets you easily find a single item out of thousands in the library! A call number is located at the bottom of the book on the spine.

Fiction and Nonfiction Call Numbers Nonfiction call numbers begin with a Dewey classification number, and then the first three letters of the author’s last name on the 2nd line. In our library, Fiction call numbers begin with FIC, and then the first three letters of the author’s last name on the 2nd line. It’s still a call number even though there are no numbers in it! 599 GIB FIC PAU PAW


MORE FICTION CALL NUMBER EXAMPLES This is what the Burneson Library uses Fiction Books are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name using the call number as a guide. First 3 letters of author’s last name

Fiction Books If one author has more than one book, his books are grouped together & then arranged alphabetically according to title. Articles A, AN, and THE are ignored when arranging titles alphabetically ONLY WHEN THEY COME AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TITLE. See examples below: Author Title of Book Shan, Darren Hunters of the dusk Shan Darren The Lake of Souls Shan, Darren Lord of the Shadows Trials of Death Vampire Mountain The Vampire Prince

Brooks, Bruce comes before Brooks, Kevin, and Brooks, Terry is last Fiction Books Fiction Books are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. If two or more authors have the same last name, books are grouped together & arranged alphabetically according to the first name of the authors, and then alphabetically by title (ignore A, An, and The at the beginning of the title). See examples below: Brooke, Lauren After the Storm Brooks, Bruce The Moves Make the Man What Heart Brooks, Kevin Martyn Pig Brooks, Terry The Scions of Shannara The Sword of Shannara The Talismans at Shannara Brooks, Bruce comes before Brooks, Kevin, and Brooks, Terry is last

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Mostly Harmless Anthony, Piers Same Author Book Title --H comes before M Adams, Douglas The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Mostly Harmless Anthony, Piers Realty Check Armstrong, Jennifer The Kindling Asimov, Isaac Fantastic Voyage Barron, T.A. Heartlight The Lost Years of Merlin The Merlin Effect Bechard, Margaret Spacer and Rat Author’s last names are in strict alphabetical order Same Author—Titles in Order by First Letter

Now you try it. Arrange these books in the correct order for shelving fiction. Write your answers on your worksheet. MacLachlan, Patricia Baby MacHale, D.J. Black Water Mahy, Margaret The Magician of Hoad Mackey, Mary The Widow’s War The Lost City of Faar Mack, Tracy Drawing lessons McKay, Robert The Running Back Martins, Albert Pinned

Check Your Answers MacHale, D.J. Black Water The Lost City of Faar Mack, Tracy Drawing lessons Mackey, Mary The Widow’s War MacLachlan, Patricia Baby Mahy, Margaret The Magician of Hoad Martino, Albert Pinned McKay, Robert The Running Back

Have a 92 call number in this library 000’s – 900’s Biographies Have a 92 call number in this library

Not all books in the Dewey Decimal System are Nonfiction

Dewey Decimal 1st 3 letters of author’s last name

Series books Books that are series are marked with a red dot and dots below so you know what series that book goes with. These are 3 series by the same author. The first series has numbers and one dot (or can have no dot); the second series has two dots below the number, and the third series has three dots. Shelve the series together.

000’s – 900’s Non-fiction books are arranged numerically on the shelf by the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Books in the Dewey Decimal system are filed digit by digit, not by whole number. When you shelve non-fiction books, the Dewey Decimal System puts together in a group all books with the exact same whole number. Next arrange these books by the last name of the author. If two or more authors have the same last name, then use the first name to arrange the books. 973 Allen, Thomas Baker, Jeffery Douglas, Donald Douglas, Frederick Douglas, John



Dewey and Decimals Think of a Dewey number as if it were dollars and cents! For example: 595.23 Comes Before 595.30 When in doubt, add one 0 (zero) or more if needed to even out the digits after the decimal.

The number in black is the Dewey Decimal number; add the red zeros to even out the numbers so you can see smallest to largest. 917.2000 917.2904 917.3000 917.3040 917.5604 917.5704 917.5800 Don’t forget below the decimal numbers come the first three letters of the author’s last name. When two books have the same number, then they go in alphabetical order by the letters

Here is an example of the correct shelving for these Dewey Decimal numbers. Author’s last name 917.2 Olawsky 917.2904 Hamlyn 917.3 Cobb 917.304 MacNeice 917.5604 Turnage 917.5704 Leifermann 917.58 Edge

Here is an example of Dewey order with decimal numbers and letters Here is an example of Dewey order with decimal numbers and letters. The zeros have been added in the second column to show you what the number looks like if all the numbers were the same length, and to show you lowest to highest.. ACTUAL CALL # 917.2 OLA 917.2904 HAM 917.3 COB 917.304 MAC 917.5604 TUR 917.5704 LEI 917.58 EDG Zeros Added 917.2000 OLA 917.2904 HAM 917.3000 COB 917.3040 MAC 917.5604 TUR 917.5704 LEI 917.5800 EDG

Play This Short Decimal Game Did you get them all right the first time? Second time? Are you totally confused? On your worksheet, write down how many you got correct the first time, and any other times you tried.

BIOGRAPHIES 92 Cleopatra A biography is a book about a person’s life. Biographies are filed alphabetically by the person the book is about. Call numbers for biographies in the Burneson library begin with a 92 on the top line. The second line is the last name of the person the book is about. 92 Cleopatra Biography Call Number

Locating a Book on the Shelf Remember this rule for how books are usually shelved! You start at the left on the top shelf, and move to the right until the shelf ends. Then you go to the next shelf beneath that, and do the same-left to right, top to bottom.

Congratulations. You made it through the slide show Congratulations! You made it through the slide show! Hopefully you learned a little about shelving books in a library. Ask Mrs. Kosik for a For your last mission, go to the next slide to see what to do.

Now let’s see what you have learned…. There are two carts, each with a shelf of books (one fiction; one non-fiction) for you to practice putting the books in order.