Final project by : Mohamed Soliman Ostalab Robotic Arm
Introduction to robotics History of robotics Aim of the project Tools required in building steps of building writing the code ( Programming ). Wiring when using Final picture and video Content :
It is the science of designing or building an applications of robots,simply “ it is the study of robots” Why is robotics needed ????? Speed Can work in hazardous tempreture Can work repetitive tasks Can do work with high accuracy What is the rebotics :
First use of the word robotics by the writer “Karel Capek” (1890_1938 ) in his play R.U.R (rossum’s universal robots.published in The play begins in a factory that make artificial people called robots ….Capek was reportedly several times a candidate for the nobel prize for his work HISTORY :
AIM OF THE PROJECT I have to use all the experience that i had gained in three months to build my project ( CAD - Circuit design - 3D printing - Programming - Molding & Casting ). Most robotic arms are very expensive but if you make it by yourself it will be very cheap with little budget about 1000 L.E.
2 Acrylic sheets. 6 Servo motors. 6 Potentiometers. Arduino UNO. Breadboard Power supply. Power switch. Capacitors 10uF. Some screws as your design needs. Some wires. TOOLS
I used Autodesk Inventor to make my design, first i made single parts, i tried as i can to make the same design. These parts i made on Laser Cutter MachineThen make.DWG file and put these parts on your sheet as shown : Then export.DXF file and insert it to Laser Cutter Machine..And the parts after cutting on acrylic sheet...
I saw it was hard to fix servo motors so i made some supports to hold them with the arm, and i designed them on Inventor, then i extracted real objects from 3D printer. I made the parts of gripper on Laser Cutter Machine as shown
First thing mount servo motors to the first disk and join them to the base
Then join the first disk to the base Now we finished prepairing the parts required to make the robotic arm.
Then join supports to the servo motor and join it to the second disk..
Then assemble the fan of the servo to the second disk and join it above the servo motor by screw..
Then let's construct the first arm, assemble the arm as shown in next picture it's very easy and connect the arm to the servo motor.
Then let's make the second arm, assemble the arm as shown and connect a servo motor to the arm, then connect the arm2 with arm1 by the servo motor as shown..
Then you will use supports to attach two servo motors one is small which will hold the gripper (end effector) and another is bigger which is connected to the second arm.
Now we have to construct the gripper to make its require mechanism, we assemble every part with each other as shown in the next pictures..
And now connect the gripper with small servo motor..
So i added these 3D printed parts to the back side of servos and go through to the next plate and support the two sides. And the final shape of the robotic arm is completed but it still missing the end effector and the other sides of servos are free as shown in next picture that can make the system unstable.
Connect potentiometers to analog pins in arduino and the side legs with 5V & GND. Servo motor has three wires ( yellow - red - brown ). Connect yellow wires of servos to PWM pins in arduino ( 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 ). Connect red wires with the red wire of the power supply which gives 5V & 30A that can run all servo motors Connect brown wires to the GND. Make common GND for arduino and power supply. Put 3 capacitors 10uF in parallel with servo motors to make less noise. Now let's test the code and run the robotic arm.. Have fun :)))))))) Now let’s make wiring
And this is a nice picture of the robotic arm..
And this is a vedio of the robotic arm..