Welcome Mrs. Corrow Room 211
Agenda Create a Card Write Agenda in notebooks (I supply) English 11 Essential Materials/Course Overview –course disclosure –vocab lists –Goal Setting Worksheet Native American Literature –homework- finish Type Three, print materials for tickets.
Mrs. Carisa Corrow Live in Loudon 28 years old Two children BA English/Literature Notre Dame College Six years in education- 4 at MV Favorite Author –Willa Cather
Every day is a new day. Grades don’t measure intelligence. The purpose of reading literature is to reflect on life. My Philosophy
This is a literature class. We READ. –We will read fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry. We THINK. –We will analyze the literature and think about how we can apply it to our lives. We will also think about literary techniques and how those techniques shape messages to the reader. We COMMUNICATE. –We communicate what we think in clear, organized fashions.
Why are you here?
Attribution Theory Why do we succeed? Why do we fail?
Ability Based Belief Intelligence is fixed. A person is good at something or not. Period. There is no way to gain intelligence. Basically, you are stuck in the mud.
Effort Based Belief Ability, effort and strategies are the way to success. Possibilities are endless.
What is effort? Time Focus Resourcefulness Use of Feedback Commitment Persistence Use of Learning Strategies
Time Willingness to spend the hours needed to finish the job well. Prioritize. Recognize and avoid procrastination.
Focus Eliminate distractions. Siblings, TV, CD players all distract from learning. Concentrate only on the work at hand.
Resourcefulness Knowing who to ask for help when really stuck. Willingness to stay after school to use computers, library or to get extra help from the teacher.
Use Feedback Looking carefully at responses to your work so you can know exactly what to fix. Ask for clarification on feedback if you don’t understand.
Commitment Be determined to finish and do your very best work. Follow through on your goals.
Persistence If one strategy doesn’t work, try another one until you find one that does work. Always look for strategies that will work for you.
Use Learning Strategies Learning strategies are the knowledge and skills I use to complete tasks successfully and “get smarter.”
Make sure you have the following at the beginning of every class. Something to write with- Thank you for not using colored pens or pencils on assignments passed in to me. Paper I have paper if you don’t. Thank you for using college ruled filler paper on assignments passed in to me. Homework Please have your assignment completed and ready to be passed in or discussed.
Class Rules Respect your right to a free education Respect other’s rights to a free education Respect the teacher No Self-deprecation Clean up
Need to go? You can leave my classroom once per week. You need to use your daily planner as a pass. No planner- no pass. You may not use anyone else’s planner. Only 2 students may leave a class each day- one at a time. (nurse included)
Late? I shut the door at the bell. Three tardies=30 minutes with me –three break detentions –after school until 3 If you are late please get what you need and take your seat. We can take care of all the “paperwork” after class. IMPORTANT VOC STUDENTS: You need to be in class ASAP- you are late if you arrive after 9:40 for Concord Voc and 10 for Winnisquam. You are responsible for creating vocab cards and filling out agenda quietly when you get a spare moment.
Homework Homework comes often. You may have to read from your text, complete a chart or answer some questions. Homework is NOT punishment. It helps you practice or retain knowledge or skills we gained in class.
My dog ate it!!! Graded assignments are due on the date assigned. I’ll take it the next day. I’ll also take 7 points off. If you don’t have it expect to stay after school to complete it. You will stay everyday until it is done.
Missing an assignment? –You will be assigned academic support for missing assignments. If you fail to attend the support center, you will receive an office detention. –If you are sick, you have 2 days to make up work.
Those MADDENING school rules Dress Code Skip teacher detention CD players
Dress Code Follow the dress code. I will make you change into something appropriate. If you refuse to change you will not remain in class.
Why would you skip time with me? Pros You don’t have to spend 30 minutes with me. Cons You get a detention that is 90 minutes long. You can’t get help from me on assignments in detention.
Grading 25% Content Tests 25% Writing Assignments 25% Discussions & Oral Presentations 25% Reading Tests
Help Wanted? I am available most days after school. Please make an appointment. I can also be available before school by appointment. If you have a question, you can me. I try to check my at 7 each night to answer last minute questions.
My website My website is a portal to MOODLE and our BLOG as well as other important websites we may use throughout the year. fc.mv.k12.nh.us/~ccorrow