6th Grade Language Arts with Mrs. Heckman Room 146 Springer Middle School
Sixth Grade Team Springer phone: 479-1621 laura. heckman@bsd. k12. de Sixth Grade Team Springer phone: 479-1621 laura.heckman@bsd.k12.de.us Mrs. Heckman: 479-1621 ext.146
Brandywine School District Grading Scale, grades 4-12
Grading Grading Policy Reading: Class work = 5-20 points Homework = 3-20 points Quizzes = 2-10 points Tests = 20-75 points Projects/Research = 25-100 points Writing: Drafts = 10-25 points Essays/Writing Prompts = 50-100 points Grading Scale 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 or lower = F
The Sixth Grade Language Arts Curriculum will focus on the DE State and National Core Curriculum Standards. First Marking Period Fiction Author’s Purpose Narrative writing Organization Capitalization and end marks Nouns/Pronouns Second Marking Period Non-Fiction Informative writing Sufficient details Topic Sentences Complete sentences Nouns
Curriculum continued Third Marking Period Figurative Language Persuasive writing Conclusions Variety of word choice Appropriate transitions Verbs Fourth Marking Period Drama Poetry Adjective and Adverbs
Homework Examples are: Homework is: Expected to be completed for the next class, unless stated otherwise. Posted on the board Written into the students Agenda/Planner Examples are: vocabulary book Stories with questions unfinished class work a worksheet Credit will be given for homework assignments completed on time. No homework = no credit After the third missed homework assignment, parents/guardians will be contacted. Students are responsible for the material assigned as homework. Over time, assignments not completed tend to have a serious impact on a students learning and grade. Homework assignments will vary but are assigned for a reason and are expected to be completed for class the next day. No credit will be given for homework assignments not completed the next day. Homework will be part of your final grade, so if you miss more than three homework assignments, a note will be sent home alerting your parents.
Late Work Policy Student assignments (book reports, projects) must be turned in when designated – the due date. Assignments turned in after the determined date will be considered late and will receive partial credit, Book reports and projects that are not turned in on the due date, will receive partial credit. You have one week to turn in the book report , project, or assignment for a late grade, after which time the work will not be accepted, and a grade of zero will be assigned. This is your “make-up” opportunity. Assignments missed due to absence must be completed and submitted within the determined timeframe, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Absences From school due to illness: From class: Assignments missed due to absence from school must be completed and submitted within the determined timeframe, as outlined in the Student Handbook. From class: Students absent from class are responsible for requesting and completing missed class assignments. Examples might include: Lateness to school Early dismissals Appointments Behavior – work to be completed in the Intervention Room School/team activities
Expectations and Supplies Classroom Expectations All students should: 1. Respect others and their things. 2. Keep feet and hands to yourself. 3. Bring all required materials to class. 4. Have fun learning. Required Materials Notebook 1 inch binder (can be shared with other classes) Paper Highlighter Pencils or pens Flashdrive