Reading Math Sci/SS Writing Morning Work 10:45-11:30 PE10:45-11:30 Art/Guidance10:45-11:30 C. Lab 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 1:00-1:20 Recess 8:15-9:45 9:45-10:45 12:40-1:00 1:20-2:10 7:55-8:15 April 8-12 Journal Entry For the day. Continue to underline words unsure of spelling. Cursive and DOL Opinion Writing: Finish draft Edit, type, add text features (pictures), create stamp Small group area And perimeter practice making a dream house Supply & Demand Story: The Babe and I C/C past & present Area of Compound Shapes *tiles/counters *graph paper- divide Into different areas, Use markers Area of Compound Shapes using Distributive Property *graph paper And markers Mini Lesson: Cause and Effect; Anchor Chart, A Dragon’s Tale B: beetles story G: camel hump story P: John Henry story *All- student response sheets Activate Prior Knowledge w/ Venn Diagram about Realistic/Fantasy Stories on Anchor Chart C/E flapbook in RNB as read B: compare two tales m.l.- metaphor G:compare two tales P: compare legends Mini Lesson: word Endings (-ing, base words) Story: Story of Icarus Begin Picture dictionary in RNB B: Porquoi tales- turtle shell G:Porquoi- chipmunk P:Legend- Mulan *All- student response sheets Area review worksheet Read Aloud Owls Non-fiction book on Barn Owls KWL Chart on Owls Jigsaw Activity -students research An owl -Create a fact poster To share 2.6 Writing paragraph Students individually write a paragraph and add a text feature about What they learned about the owl.
10:45-11:30 Music10:45-11:30 Library 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 1:00-1:20 Recess W.3.1 Opinion Writing EQ: What words are needed for me to correctly voice my opinion on a topic? L.3.1- conventions Earth Day- April 22 Cursive and DOL Free write in journal CCSS: RL.3.2 EQ: What is a myth, and how is it different from other stories I have read? *close reading packs Students will compare from past to present: Goods, services, consumers and producers Next week continue w/ compound shapes, Using distributive property to find area. Find area of irregular shapes, and with tiles Left out too. Also, illus. math letter area. CCSS :3.MD.7 & 3.MD.8 EQ: How is area different from perimeter? How are area and perimeter connected? Measurement Test Constructed Response Geometry Pre-Test Review Centers: - Illustrated Mathematics Lesson on Area of Letters - Area/Perimeter Sort and Match *Area of Shapes with tiles left out Continue C/E flapbook with “Wings” B: connect text- Salty Sea G: connect text- Salty Sea P: connect text- Davy Crockett -Test on Cause and Effect -Wings Constructed Response -Vocabulary Test L.3.4 use root words to learn meaning Of new and unfamiliar words Food Chain brain pop Food chain on ecokids website Food chain foldable Owl Pellet dissection Kidwings website on Pellet information Owl hunting Read aloud
Supplemental Math Common Core Monday Tuesday Friday Thursday Wednesday Notes April 8-12 FASTT Math Graphing brain pop video and quiz Introduce tally chart and pictographs with CCSS packet From K-Prep book Gather class data as a group and make a pictograph Based on ice cream flavors Gather data with a survey as a group and make a bar Model based on buttons 3.MD.3 Graphing mini formative assessment from K-Prep book 3.MD.3
Supplemental Reading Common Core Monday Tuesday Friday Thursday Wednesday Notes April 8-12 Intro books for book clubs to choose from and their Literature circle books, review roles, and give students For their skill roles Mini Lesson: Questioning- Thick vs Thin Questions All students create a question prior to reading their book, During and after reading and answer when possible. Students will continue reading first three chapters. If done early students will make a prediction of what Will happen next with the predictor role. Mini lesson: Important words- ways we know. Students will Read next three chapters and find three words to take Notes on for wordsmith role. Students will finish reading and taking notes on their Three chosen words. 3.RL.1 3.RL.10 3.RL.4