Literacy Centers Literacy Centers are stations or areas in the classroom where literacy activities are set up for use By Michelle S. Gates
Within my classroom, I plan to have seven literacy centers Mad for Music Books & Baskets Wild and Wacky Science Fun Numbers Yesteryears! Letters from You! Look, Think, Write
Centers will take place daily during small group time
Centers will be arranged around the perimeter of the room but in view of the small groups table
Each center will have a unique sign Wild & Wacky Science Books & Baskets Mad for Music
“Rules for Fun Centers” will be posted in the classroom Rules for all “Fun Centers” Place contract in left side of center folder Take turns Work quietly Stay in your center If you do not understand something, ask 3 classmates before asking the teacher Carefully complete all assigned projects Fill out your contract Clean up the center Return folder in holder
Student’s names will rotate on a pocket chart on the wall Books & Baskets Pictures on the chart will match center signs Children will be grouped according to levels
Each student will have a “Center Folder” kept in a central location Tasha’s Center Folder
Louis Armstrong lesson designed for “Mad for Music” Literacy Center
Objectives of “Louis Armstrong” Mad for Music Literacy Centers The student will study & observe a topic they are unfamiliar with and apply new knowledge through responding & writing The student will read fiction and nonfiction with fluency and accuracy Use context to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words Use context to identify semantics and syntax
The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction & non-fiction Identify major events and supporting details Make simple inferences, using information from texts Draw conclusions, using information from texts Identify new information gained from reading The student will write effective explanations Focus on one aspect of a topic Develop a plan for writing Organize writing to convey a central idea The student will practice spelling through identifying proper order of alphabet in words
Each center will have individual rules Mad for Music Center Rules Place contract in left side of center folder Take turns reading pages in the book(s) Plug in headsets before watching or listening to videos or music Carefully complete all assigned projects Fill out your contract Clean up the center
Each center will have a contract Notes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student ____________________ Grade ____
Each center will have a “things to do” list In order Read the book “Who Was Louis Armstrong?” Open the Louis Armstrong folder on desktop and watch “When the Saints Come Marching In” video…you may dance or march “nicely” in your center Complete Reading and Responding packet Complete “Louis Armstrong semantics” worksheet Watch and listen to “What a Wonderful World” video on desktop and check answers to semantics worksheet Complete “Louis Armstrong” word search Student ________________________________
Read the book “Who Was Louis Armstrong” Louis Armstrong is one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time, and this book tells his amazing story. Armstrong grew up in a tough section of New Orleans. At a young age, he got into trouble and was sent to a boy’s home. There, he discovered his love for music. From then on, Louis worked to make a name for himself as both a musician and a songwriter. With his talent and music, he was able to break down color barriers and bring joy to millions. John O’Brien’s illustrations give the reader visuals to accompany the story. The book also includes interesting facts that help explain some of the topics that the narrator discusses, such as details on the history of jazz, the Great Migration, and some basic jazz terminology.
Open the Louis Armstrong folder on desktop and watch “When the Saints Come Marching In” video Louis Armstrong Children are instructed that they may march or dance nicely in their center area
Complete Reading and Responding packet The Reading and Responding packet includes: A short article with comprehension questions Choosing the main purpose Vocabulary Written response to a prompt Example “Armstrong played jazz on the trumpet and sang in his unique gruff voice.” The definition of unique is A. unpleasant B. soft C. boring D. unusual
Complete Louis Armstrong semantics worksheet
Open the Louis Armstrong folder on desktop and watch “What a Wonderful World” video on desktop and check your answers on the semantics worksheet Louis Armstrong
Complete the “Louis Armstrong” word search “Louis Armstrong” Name __________________________ I D O D N A B P S W Z A R C C J Y E R S O L A T B G E H S A A I I V B Y M E N G C I T Z M U E T N T B P E N O C N Z O R G N A I A M W O R A E L T S R E I R S U S R D G M Y R K U W C B S R P T I O U L D E F O I E A T A S N P R A N E F R S L D W P M G N T O A H B L U E O F E R S S S C B C I E M C R F R A I X N H J G R A M M Y U S V I D I G R E G N I S C O R N E T S W I N G S O M H C T A S Q Coal New Orleans Ambassador Cornet Newspapers Armstrong Grammy Poverty Band Gruff Recordings instrument Satchmo Celebrity Jazz Singer Cheeks Louis Swing Chicago Musician Trumpet
A Assessment Students will self-assess by circling blocks on rubric and making notes on back of rubric if desired The teacher will collect contracts, lists and work from folders and place in a student collection folder. Teacher will return with input in notes area and a grade reflective of rubric guidelines and self assessment within three days One weekly grade will be given based on an average of the weeks literacy center grades
Reflection After completing my presentation, I reflected and realized I needed to add more information about assessment. I decided to include student self-assessment because I feel that if they have some input on their grading, they will be more diligent in their work. I also added a time frame of when work would be returned. I feel it is important to quickly return work to students with input so that they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses I wanted to add an activity that made music but could not find a free website. I could not include actual musical instruments in the center because of noisiness and/or sanitary issues I feel that students will enjoy & learn from the centers which I will change if I feel it is necessary