Ch Moving to the City Mrs. Manley
The US was changing from a rural (farming/ranch) to an urban (city) area!- moved looking for JOBS! Cities had large immigrant populations New farm machines made work on farms easier and men & women left farms to work in factories African Americans left South to move North for jobs. RRs helped people move to cities
City Life Tenements- crowded sub-standard apartments in crowded cities; most immigrants lived in these; shared by several families; small dimly lit rooms Slums- poor run-down urban neighborhoods Filthy- crowded- spread diseases easily Middle class moves to suburbs- areas outside of cities thanks to transportation improvements; houses w/ plumbing,electricity
Gilded Age – Gilded- covered w/ a thin layer of gold – The Gilded Age- it’s a time of extreme wealth (JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt)---- however under that was EXTREME poverty!
Problems in Cities Overcrowding Sanitation & health problems Garbage & horse manure in streets; overflowing sewers- spread diseases in overcrowded cities! Jacob Riis- How the Other Half Lives; goes into tenements, photographs & writes about life/problems Crime big problem!
Solutions YMCA/YWCA recreation centers for youth Settlement houses- provided assistance to poor, provide medical care, playgrounds, nurseries, libraries, educational opps. Jane Addams- Hull House, Chicago- Settlement House.
Cities built up not out! 10-story office bldg. in Chicago William LeBaron Jenney, iron and steel frame = WORLD’s 1 st skyscraper!!! Woolworth Bldg. – New York Frederik Law Olmstead- designed Central Park(NYC) and other parks
New Transportation: – Streetcars/trolleys – Boston- 1 st subway, NYC follows – Paved streets – Bridges- Eads Bridge crosses Mississippi (MS) River Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhattan & Brooklyn