Issue Mapping And Interventions Chris Rose
Issue mapping Shares thinking Gets ideas onto paper Quick and dirty connections flows power problems and solutions
Origins – Hans Rittel Questions Ideas Arguments (pros and cons) Ideas respond to questions, offering possible solutions to the question. The arguments argue for and against the various ideas. Questions can then be expanded on or challenge other questions, ideas, or arguments
Example of causal map (why we have seasons) from
‘the issue’ map
What is the action ? Who controls them ? Who does it ? Why ? Why not ? Who influences them ? Who opposes it ? Obstacles ? Interests ? Consequences ? Winners ? Losers ? Slient beneficiaries ? Perceptions ? Visibility ? Who is opposed ? Precedents ? Legal ? Cultural ? Spiritual ? Institutional stakeholders ? Media ? Actors and players ? Of winning ? Of losing ? Competitors? Detection ? A point of intervention Some starting points for testing Corporates ? Local, national, regional govt ? Problems Solutions Benefits Responsibilities Allies ? What is needed to make that happen ? Arts ? Entertainment ? Science? Families ? Homes ?
What is the action ? Who controls them ? Who does it ? Why ? Why not ? Who influences them ? Who opposes it ? Obstacles ? Interests ? Consequences ? Winners ? Losers ? Slient beneficiaries ? Perceptions ? Visibility ? Who is opposed ? Precedents ? Legal ? Cultural ? Spiritual ? Institutional stakeholders ? Media ? Actors and players ? Of winning ? Of losing ? Competitors? Detection ? A point of intervention Some starting points for testing Corporates ? Local, national, regional govt ? Problems Solutions Benefits Responsibilities Allies ? What is needed to make that happen ? Arts ? Entertainment ? Science? Families ? Homes ?
The final action = objective A point of intervention 4 th action objective 3 rd action objective 2 nd action objective 1 st action objective The light bulb campaign Critical path
For a point of intervention-proposition: Zoom in to black and white/ either-or question One side is right, the other wrong Irreducible – passes the ‘dinner party test’
Examples of campaign development – working documents
Land Use Campaign History Chris Rose and Tim De-Keyzer
? Campaign Design Task From something not understood To somewhere not understood While ‘championing’ ‘good’ ‘farming’
? Fundamentals For Design Who cares ? Find a or create constituency Who or what will add impact ? While being visible - profile’
Making visible – an intervention Benefits – a NE starting point Constituencies Scandal - interest NE initiatives Feasibility and evidence - successes
Actors, land mngrs Policy drivers CAP processes End objective P1>2 Possible intervention – manifest public understanding of benefits
Engagement – who is engaged and could be and how ? Perception – of good/bad Education/schools Access users research Possible intervention – id benefits locally Policy metrics of public interest
Food users & certification – possible intervention Woodlands & certification Benefits and practices Floods/water Obstacles Piggy back to climate change Show costs/ benefits ?
Issue mapping Select intervention Concept Critical PathProposition Communications Strategy Activities & Resourcing Plan Launch and run campaign Monitor, revise Next cycle Sign off Feb 2007 Sustainable Farming Concept
Problem driving - awareness Alignment -problem + solution engagement NE call to action New relationships project ‘conference(s) how to fund the valued‘country side’ alliance Brand/product devt research with managers, owners, farmers etc MEPs CAP budget reform EAC NGOs + Stat agencies Like minded member states Desk research Evidence package Forward Look Public perception of benefits Economic benefits Survey eg parish by parish Elective public survey Quality appreciation audit What we value – landscape, places, people, features etc Gazeteers, ‘new Domesday Book’, parish maps, photos, myspace, seminars, conferences ? Breathing Places ? Sieve against axis 2 P2 ? Specificisation – what it means for you, local, regional, sectoral P2 axis 1 funding withdrawn assumption Consequences scenario studies Scientific/ academic reports Water quality, biodiv, habitats, access, landscape, incl JCAs, jobs etc Public understanding research – input: NE’s idea of benefits – output language, intelligence Id victimsbiodivlandscapesplacesactivitieseconomies National and regional media promotion stakeholders action 7 Feb 2007 Sustainable Farming Concept Benefits Consequences of loss What it means to you Messenger chain
Land mnt critical path Map agri- environment schemes by parish (CSC, HLS, ELS) (1) Build web GIS map of schemes for online (17) Profile each parish with GIS data (schemes) (6) Issue profiles to parishes, with guidance (9) Brief parish networks (8) Brief landowners networks, NFU, CLA, woodland owners, LAs (5) Brief conservation & access stakeholder networks eg W Trust, NT, RA, CPRE, RSPB (10) Define Countryside Improvement Competition terms, start judge recruitment (2) Prepare guidance for parishes re schemes (11) Recruit conservation advisers for visits (13) Announce/ launch Countryside Improvement Competition [Royal Ag Show ?] (12) Networking to encourage entries (16) Distribute entry forms and promote in media esp regional press (15) Identify exemplar Countryside Improvemers and recruit to help (4) Visits by advisers and exemplars to help identify potential improvements (17) Collate entries and judge regional (18) Make regional awards, publicise (19) Make national awards, publicise (20) Publish entries online (map) and publicise (22) Publish map online (14) Take winners (etc) to Brussels (21) Set up /commission awards admin (3) Brussels briefing events for MEPs, Commission officials, NGOs, media (23) CAP budget reform (34) EAC (31) NGOs + Stat agencies (29) Like minded member states (30) NE Evidence package (27) Forward Look (35) Public perception of benefits (parishes) Commissioner Fischer Boel Legacy agenda (33) LUPG (28) Public understanding research – input: NE’s idea of benefits – output language, intelligence (24) Consequences study – scenarios of results of stopping P2 Axis 1 funding; social, access, environmental (commission) (25) Specify results regionally and in popular terms (NE) (26) May 2007 Ver 2
Map agri- environment schemes by parish (CSC, HLS, ELS) (1) Build web GIS map of schemes for online (17) Profile each parish with GIS data (schemes) (6) Issue profiles to parishes, with guidance (9) Brief parish networks (8) Brief landowners networks, NFU, CLA, woodland owners, LAs (5) Brief conservation & access stakeholder networks eg W Trust, NT, RA, CPRE, RSPB (10) Define Countryside Improvement Competition terms, start judge recruitment (2) Prepare guidance for parishes re schemes (11) Recruit conservation advisers for visits (13) Announce/ launch Countryside Improvement Competition [Royal Ag Show ?] (12) Networking to encourage entries (16) Distribute entry forms and promote in media esp regional press (15) Identify exemplar Countryside Improvemers and recruit to help (4) Visits by advisers and exemplars to help identify potential improvements (17) Collate entries and judge regional (18) Make regional awards, publicise (19) Make national awards, publicise (20) Publish entries online (map) and publicise (22) Publish map online (14) Take winners (etc) to Brussels (21) Set up /commission awards admin (3) Brussels briefing events for MEPs, Commission officials, NGOs, media (23) CAP budget reform (34) EAC (31) NGOs + Stat agencies (29) Like minded member states (30) NE Evidence package (27) Forward Look (35) Public perception of benefits (parishes) Commissioner Fischer Boel Legacy agenda (33) LUPG (28) Public understanding research – input: NE’s idea of benefits – output language, intelligence (24) Consequences study – scenarios of results of stopping P2 Axis 1 funding; social, access, environmental (commission) (25) Specify results regionally and in popular terms (NE) (26) Set up and run awards promote Collect winners Lobby Brussels Technical studies Land mnt critical path
May – June 07 – projects being specified
MEPs (26b) CAP budget reform (17) Forward Look (16) New Commissioner agenda (18) Publish entries online (map) and publicise (6) Publish map online, call for early interest Sept 07(35) Map agri- environment schemes by parish (CS, HLS, ELS) (32) Build web GIS map of schemes for online (41) Develop tool for ag-env parish profiles- GIS data Jul-Aug (43) Issue parishes, with general guidance Aug 07 (38) Prepare guidance for parishes July 07 (37) Launch Countryside Improvement Competition [Dec 07] (5) Distribute entry forms and promote in media esp regional press (39) Networking to encourage entries (40) Brief parish networks (30) Brief NE staff (28) Brief conservation & access stakeholder networks (29) Recruit cons advisers for visits by Oct 07 (31) Define Competition terms, recruit judges (2) NE integr LU comp> Identify exemplar Countryside Improvers and recruit to help (19) Trail new map at RAS July 07 (34) Build ag-env exemplar database July 07 (20) Make regional awards, publicise autumn 08 (8) Make national awards, publicise autumn – winter 08 (9) Collate entries and judge regional (7) Design and produce awards materials (4) Visits by conservation advisers for visits [targeted + reactive] (22) Identify targeted entrants (21) Design /commission awards admin (3) Brussels briefing events for MEPs, EC officials, NGOs, media spring 09 (10) EAC (13) NGOs + Stat agencies (14) Like minded member states (11) LUPG (12) Consult oracles – expert views on implications re. end P1 - report for media and policy cty (NE) summer 07 (23) Consequences study – scenarios of results of stopping P2 Axis 1 funding; social, access, environmental (+ DEFRA) winter 07 (24) Popular version: specify results regionally (?) in popular terms (NE)> media spri ng 08 (25) Lobbying up to 2013 (15) Add expressions of int> database Sept> (36) Brief landowners networks, NFU, CLA, woodland owners, LAs (27) Public understanding research – input: NE’s idea of benefits – output language, intelligence, and awards content guidance June-July 07 (1) MEPs (26a) Land Management Campaign rev Critical Path Version 3 Pink for Publicity
Awareness Generating Actions Brainstorm – NE Marine Campaign Chris Rose
Post-issue mapping Issue mapping identified two points of intervention (A) with fishing industry to build a robust alliance/voice of progressive minded (B) with the public to create a constituency for undersea conservation
Current situation: polarised debate VS European Commission Conservationists Scientists Fishers
Good Fishers versus Bad Fishers Replace with LUNDY: Shaun Davison, a lobster and crab fisherman from Ilfracombe, said he welcomed the initial results of the scheme. VS
What place ? Protect what ?
Fisher strand Public strand
First create a sense of place – “there is an undersea landscape” … “our region has one”
Then later we can show threats: problems and solutions (not now)
Outcomes for NE
Where we are at AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction here
Communications objective AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction “We have regional undersea landscapes”
Communications objective AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction We have regional undersea landscapes About 99% can’t name any real specific feature
What will follow AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction We have regional undersea landscapes Our regional undersea landscapes are under threat & the solution is … Now is the time (because) and here’s the way … The way is happening Show problems and solutions Provide mechanisms Implement
But not yet AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction We have regional undersea landscapes Our regional undersea landscapes are under threat & the solution is … Now is the time (because) and here’s the way … The way is happening Show problems and solutions Provide mechanisms Implement
What works for all Maslow Groups AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction We have regional undersea landscapes Dramatic topography Living communities Kids enjoy it People recognize/ celebrate it
Avoiding AwarenessAlignment EngagementAction We have regional undersea landscapes Dramatic topography Living communities Kids enjoy it People recognize/ celebrate it Problems (eg over fishing) Solutions (eg MPAs) Policies Politics Issues “Environmental” Complexity Science
So what we need are Awareness We have regional undersea landscapes Dramatic topography Living communities Kids enjoy it People recognize/ celebrate it Communications eg Activities Events Which lead people to conclude this Show don’t tell
We’ve started with Awareness We have regional undersea landscapes Dramatic topography Living communities Kids enjoy it People recognize/ celebrate it Landscapes in a box Sea creature makes (location-related) + Landscape panoramas Undersea landscape maps (regional and national)
Landscapes (in a box)
Panoramas and creatures
We will add
What’s Needed Repetition Amplification Magnification More Channels Messengers Partners Contexts Eg Adopting Twinning Celebrating Exploring Signposting Connecting MANCHESTER Twinned with THE LUNE DEEP
Eg network pf viewpoint ‘landscape boxes’ view here corals dragons sea bream nurseries reef
never “too whacky” Too dullToo whacky Organisational current – “let’s be realistic” – rational thinking drags this way undiscovered right idea
Greenpeace Apple Campaign draft critical path
Core strategy – a seduction/ jilted lovers Product is the pollution Dissonance with Apple values Direct appeal to Steve Jobs Customers the victims and messengers
Flagship Issue Point of Intervention Critical Path Proposition Map Issue What will make this happen ? What do we need to do ? CAMPCAT RASPB Problems Solutions Dynamics Allies Obstacles Policies PEST Culture Events Resources Assets
What is the action ? Who controls them ? Who does it ? Why ? Why not ? Who influences them ? Who opposes it ? Obstacles ? Interests ? Consequences ? Winners ? Losers ? Slient beneficiaries ? Perceptions ? Visibility ? Who is opposed ? Precedents ? Legal ? Cultural ? Spiritual ? Institutional stakeholders ? Media ? Actors and players ? Of winning ? Of losing ? Competitors? Detection ? A point of intervention Some starting points for testing Corporates ? Local, national, regional govt ? Problems Solutions Benefits Responsibilities Allies ? What is needed to make that happen ? Arts ? Entertainment ? Science? Families ? Homes ? FLAGSHIP