Science, Technology and Innovation … Improving PH competitiveness.


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Presentation transcript:

Science, Technology and Innovation … Improving PH competitiveness

Harnessing Science, Technology and Innovation to improve productivity and enhance PH competitiveness in: Agriculture Coconut Rice and corn Aquaculture Coffee and cacao Livestock Industry MSMEs Strategic Industries Services IT-BPO Next Wave Cities Connectivity Science–based weather information and climate change scenarios with associated impact assessments enabling concerned agencies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for a disaster- and climate change-resilient Philippines. Highly skilled and globally competitive S&T human resources in support of the national S&T programs DOST PRIORITY PROGRAMS

DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IMPROVING PHILIPPINE COMPETITIVENESS OUTCOME A.1: Science-based know-how and tools that will enable the agriculture sector to raise productivity to world –class standards. OUTCOME A.2: Innovative, cost-effective and appropriate technologies that enable MSMEs to develop and produce competitive products that meet world-class standards OUTCOME A.3: PH a world leader in Contact Centers & 4 other segments (Fin/Acct, HR, Healthcare, Anim/Gaming) OUTCOME A.4:ICT-based transformation of governance and the delivery of government services and information. OUTCOME A.5: Science –based weather information and climate change scenarios with associated impact assessments that shall enable concerned agencies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for a disaster and climate change resilient Philippines. OUTCOME A.6: Highly skilled and globally competitive S&T human resources in support of the national S&T programs (PSHS to be the leading science high school in ASEAN by 2015 and every town to have at least one DOST scholar by 2016)

AGRICULTURE OUTCOME: Science-based know-how and tools that will enable the agriculture sector to raise productivity to world –class standards. Strategy: 1)Harness cutting edge technologies 2)Adapt best practices and proven technologies 3)Localize mechanization Actions: 1) Address S&T gaps in major stages of production of: Agriculture/aquaculture/livestock a) Planting materials/broodstock b) Crop management/grow-out management c) Harvest and post harvest d) Processing and value adding.

COCONUT PRODUCTIVITY PROGRAM (Increase yield from ~46 nuts/palm/yr to at least 150 nuts/palm/yr, and increased income of farmers through product diversification and high value-adding other than copra) Strategies/Actions Targets Resources required Supporting Agency Improve planting materials Use Genomics to identify biomarkers for desired traits like high- nut/oil yield, early- fruiting, pest resistant, drought-resistant, etc Get from Mexico cutting-edge technologies for mass propagation of planting materials Mass propagate 500,000 seedlings for transfer to nurseries ✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔ P350MDA-PCA, DTI, SUCs, UP- Phil Genome Center, 2.Enhance crop management Apply best fertilizer practices and low-cost efficient drip irrigation system in dry areas Promote best practices in pest management ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔ ✔ 3.Improve harvest/post-harvest technologies Provide S&T-based info on harvesting time depending on desired final product like copra, coco meat, coco water, coco sugar, etc. Develop mobile UHT equipment for coco water sterilization ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ 4. Diversify product and value-adding Introduce integrated small-scale processing for utilizing all coconut parts like coco water, coco sugar, skim milk, charcoal, geo textile, etc, in areas identified by NAPC Develop new high-value products like nutraceuticals Introduce intercropping with that synergizes coconut production ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔

TILAPIA PRODUCTIVITY PROGRAM Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Increased unit production in pond systems from 4.0 to 6.0 mt/yr Improved feed conversion in commercial farms from 2.0 to 1.5 Production of large fish with higher fillet yield (from 35 to 42%) Development of predictive model for occurrence of fishkill ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ P M ( ) DA, BFAR, NFRDI SUCs: NVSU PUC: DLSU Private Sector

OUTCOME : Innovative, cost-effective and appropriate technologies that enable MSMEs to develop and produce competitive products that meet world-class standards Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agencies Benchmark processing technologies available in countries considered leaders in specific industries (e.g. food processing) DTI, SCUs, LGUs, DA and DENR 2. Develop and implement necessary technology catch-up programs to be at par with benchmarked countries by 2015 Develop innovative, cost-effective and appropriate technologies Establish innovation centers nationwide to make developed technologies available to majority of MSMEs for product development Enhance/upgrade testing, calibration and quality assurance facilities and services Expand the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) Sustainable jobs created 14 centers 18,000 clients served 1,400 MSMEs 11,460 persons employed 2 centers 20,000 clients served 1,700 MSMEs 12,700 persons employed _ 23,000 clients Served 2,000 MSMEs 14,200 Persons employed DTI, SCUs, LGUs, DA and DENR

Serve as the hub in the different regions of the country for innovations, R&D, and support services for enhanced competitiveness of processed foods for local and export markets. A collaborative undertaking of the DOST Regional Offices, DOST agencies, SUCs, LGUs, other governmental agencies, R&D centers and the private sector. Regional Food Innovation Centers  Product and Process Development  Research and Development  Information Resource Center  Technology Trainings/Lectures  Food Testing and Nutritional Facts  Shelf-Life and Sensory Evaluation  Consultancy  Packaging and Labeling  Short-Run Production  Common Service Facilities  Incubator Facilities  Brokering Critical S&T Services for Food MSMEs:

Eastern Visayas State University Tacloban City UP Diliman, Quezon City Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City Cagayan State University, Tuguegarao City Bulacan State University, Bulacan UP Los Baños, Laguna Marinduque State University, Boac, MIMAROPA Bicol University, Legazpi City DOST VI, Iloilo City Cebu Technological University, Cebu City Municipality of Sindangan, Zamboanga Del Norte Mindanao University of Science and Technology, Cagayan De Oro City Philippine Women's College of Davao University, Davao City Caraga State University Main Campus, Ampayon, Butuan City Locations of the 16 Regional Food Innovation Centers

OUTCOME: State-of-the-art facilities and capabilities that enable local industries to move up the value chain and attain global competitiveness Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Enhance innovative capacity of the local Semiconductor electronics industry Build and operate the Advanced Materials Testing Laboratory (ADMATEL) Build and operate the PH Electronic Product Development Center Build and operate the Philippine IC Design Center ✔ ✔✔✔✔ P 53.6 M P 40 M P 89 M DTI, CHEd, SEIPI DTI, CHEd, EIAPI, SUCs DTI, CHEd, SUCs 2. Build technological capacity for mass transport industry Develop AC drives for motor control and application in: Automated guideway transit (AGT) Centrally powered Road Train Railway train ✔ ✔ ✔ P 73 M P 100 M DOTC, MMDA, DPWH

OUTCOME: PH a world leader in Contact Centers & 4 other segments (Fin/Acct, HR, Healthcare, Animation/Gaming) Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Jobs created Revenues 885,500 $15.48B 1,009,000 $18.19B 1,150,000 $21.37B Countryside job growth via Next Wave Cities Program— 393,000 jobs, Inclusive countryside dev’t via Smart Cities Program 30 cities ready for IT-BPM opns by 2016 Program budgetary support Intensified talent development & research programs Market expansion to ASPAC, Europe ICT & BPM Industry

OUTCOME: ICT-based transformation of governance and the delivery of government services and information, including for health and education, especially in the countryside, towards inclusive growth (PH in the top 50 global ranking of e-government by 2016) Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Implement the e-gov masterplan (EO 47) Continue the MITHI program jointly led by DBM, DOST, NEDA and NCC Continue to implement the iGov project to provide the needed ICT infrastructure and shared services, standards and interoperability for MITHI-funded systems. Implement the TV White Space initiative to provide connectivity to government facilities especially in rural/remote communities ✔ budgetary support for full implementation of DOST-ICTO rationalization plan DBM, GSIS, and CSC for rationalized staff DBM and NEDA in the planning, prioritization and implementation of sector-specific ICT systems NTC regulatory support for TV White Space initiative

Analytics Platform Super Computer LIDAR MAPS BLUE GENE 7-Day Weather Forecast Seasonal Weather Scenarios Flood Early Warning Satellite Doppler Radars Doppler Radars Sensors Advanced Modelling Flood Simulation Modelling DISASTER MITIGATION and CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROGRAM

Global Climate Change Scenario Downscaling Modelling Downscaling Modelling Super Computer Localized Climate Change Scenario Analytics Platform Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery/Data Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery/Data Long Term Hydrological Forecast for Water Resource Management Land Use Smart Agriculture DISASTER MITIGATION and CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION PROGRAM

Weather Forecast and Climate Change Scenarios Hours Days 1-week 1-month Seasonal Decadal Climate SMART AGRICULTURE Crop condition monitoring Drought monitoring Crop production prediction

OUTCOME: Science–based weather information and climate change scenarios with associated impact assessments enabling concerned agencies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for a disaster- and climate change-resilient Philippines. Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Provide NGAs and public with timely warnings and information on weather and climate change scenarios using state of the art technologies, best practices and tools. Complete NOAH Program for the 18 major river basins. Expand NOAH coverage to other flood-prone rivers Fully deploy doppler radar system nationwide Densify real-time gathering sensors, agromet sensors and landslide sensors. Acquire advanced weather and climate change modeling software. Use high performance computing (super computer) for weather and climate change modeling. Acquire an advanced analytical platform to integrate all data and come up with critical information for water resource management, land use, and agriculture Establish science-based accounting of water supply and water demand from a macroscopic point of view for the country down to provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays. Acquire national capacity for satellite-based remote sensing Intensify and accelerate R&D on LIDAR technology for flood modeling and forecasting. Establish a nationwide a rapid and effective early warning system. Intensify communication, education and training to promote wider community resilience. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Collaborate with DA/DENR for support to the densification of sensors Collaborate with DENR/NAM RIA for expanding public access to remotely sensed data- sets Intensify collaborative arrangement s with DND- OCD, DILG, PCOO and NTC for support to

Ilog Hilabangan Agno River Basin Cagayan River Basin Pampanga River Basin Marikina River Basin Mag-asawang Tubig, Mindoro Bicol River Basin Jalaur River Basin Cagayan de Oro and Iponan Buayan Malungon Iligan and Mandulog Davao River Basin Agusan River Basin Status of LiDAR 3D Mapping Panay River Basin Tagum Libuganon Mindanao River Basin Agus River Basin Tagoloan River Basin Floodplains in 12 out of 18 major river systems have 3D and detailed flood hazard maps

OUTCOME: Science–based weather information and climate change scenarios with associated impact assessments enabling concerned agencies to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for a disaster- and climate change-resilient Philippines. Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Provide the NGA’s and the public with timely and accurate warnings on volcanic, seismic and other geologic hazards and disaster risks. Enhance the Philippine seismic network. Install intensity meters nationwide Establish tsunami early warning systems. ✔

OUTCOME: Highly skilled and globally competitive S&T human resources in support of the national S&T programs (PSHS to be the leading science high school in ASEAN by 2015 and every town to have at least one DOST scholar by 2016) Strategy/Actions Targets Resources Required Supporting Agency Offer free specialized science secondary education to talented Filipino youth for S&T careers through the Philippine Science High School System Widen availability of and access to S&T undergraduate and graduate scholarships Develop S&T culture among the youth Establish 16 (full complement) PSHS Campuses by 2016 Increase PSHS scholars to 9, 000 by 2016 from the current 4,133 and 3,532 in 2010 Fully implement a 6-year PSHS curriculum meeting global standards by 2016 Expand S&T undergraduate and graduate Scholarships from the current 11,310 scholars to 17,852 in 2016 Fully democratize DOST undergraduate scholarship program from the current 1,330 municipalities served to 1,655 in 2016 Implement S&T Capacity Building Programs including the expansion of the Balik-Scientist Program R 134A, 4B, ARMM P 5.03 BLGUs, Congress CHED, SUCs, PUCs,