Governor’s Action Group for Safe Children Recommendations from The Final Report
Action Group Charge For children who cannot remain safely at home, the Governor’s Action Group for Safe Children will develop: a full and seamless continuum of placements, services, and support that are safe, appropriate, community-based, and community supported.
Focus of 3 Work Groups 1.First placement is the right placement 2.Seamless system of placement options 3.Statewide access to safe and appropriate placements
Work Group # 1: First Placement Is the Right Placement Inventory existing assessment instruments and methodologies. Recommend a comprehensive assessment methodology for all children who cannot remain at home Apply assessment findings to future placement decisions
Work Group # 2: Statewide Access to Safe & Appropriate Placements Inventory existing placement options Use existing data and best practice to define gaps in continuum of placements Consider existing child profile data to prioritize highest system need for placement options
Work Group # 3: Seamless System of Placement Options Develop strategies to recruit, train and retain providers along the continuum Develop community partnerships to create more placement options Create a system of data and information sharing among agencies, providers, advocacy groups and courts Develop innovative financing
Selected Recommendations from the Final Report
Vision The Action Group’s vision of the child’s involvement with the State includes compassion, collaboration, cooperation, common sense and communication to demonstrate that children are cherished.
Vision While we recognize that children suffer pain and tragedy daily that burdens the hearts of all Georgians, we seek to design a system to provide appropriate, adequate care of children; to encourage retention, dedication and professionalism of those who serve our children; and to galvanize citizen action and support for the success of all children and families in Georgia.
Final Report Issue Areas (11) 1) Staff & Work Force 2) Assessment & Screening 3) Family-Based Placements 4) Non-Family-Based Placements 5) Support Services 6) Coordinated Case Management
Final Report Issue Areas 7) Cross-Agency Collaboration, Organizational Structure & Evaluation 8) Data Systems & Information Sharing 9) Community Collaboration 10) Legal Issues 11) Innovative Financing
Staff & Work Force Reduce caseloads Knowledgeable case managers Culturally competent case managers Incentives to attract right staff
Assessment & Screening Shared assessments Common assessment components Time frames for data collection Required acceptance of assessments across agencies Cross-training First staff is right staff Early assessments to prevent out-of- home placements
Family-Based Placements Increase availability of foster care Single system for foster care recruitment, training, retention Privatization of recruitment Statewide marketing campaign Positive agency response & support
Non- Family-Based Placements Increase availability of therapeutic services, independent living, emergency placements Monitor implementation of Level of Care system Consistent licensing rules for public & private foster homes
Support services Make educational services a priority Active participation of local schools Develop comprehensive system of mental health services for children
Case Management Implement new case management system: accessible, accountable, measurable outcomes, best practices Community- or school-based case management Agencies held responsible: Stop the competition not to serve
Cross-Agency Collaboration Explore organizational structures focused on children’s issues; e.g., program budgeting, children’s cabinet Joint planning among child-serving agencies Involve Dept of Education Evaluate effectiveness of programs
Data Systems & Information Sharing Effective data systems Availability of needed information Shared access Statutory authority to share information HIPAA compliance SACWIS project accountability Continue Juvenile Tracking System efforts
Community Collaboration Investigate national models of collaboration Develop faith-based strategy Bottom-up/Top-down communication Add out-of-home placement benchmark to Family Connection indicator set
Legal Standard definition of “child” Competent legal representation for children in court CHINS, PINS, & FINS Children’s right to MH services
Innovative Financing Level of Care system Funding follows the child Maximize federal funding Outcomes & accountability
Governor’s Action Group for Safe Children Recommendations from The Final Report